Truth Be Told, I Like You

Nothing On TV

Truth be told. . . Vegas is boring when you can't gamble.

Sure it's pretty with all the lights and the sounds. The hotels are fucking amazing and treat guests like royalty. The shows that are preformed are awesome and leave most people speechless. But without the gambling, it doesn't stay entertaining very long.

Stupid state put up stupid rules. Seeing as the casinos serve alcohol and the waiters and waitresses rarely ask for ID you have to be twenty-one to gamble. As a precaution. They don't want to get in trouble for serving alcohol to minors.

Not that we haven't ever gotten wasted before.

I looked over at Landon. He was half asleep on the couch. We were watching a movie that was on TV. Disney's Tarzan. It was the only thing on that was interesting. Everything else was murder mystery movies that I had already seen.

I smiled as I looked back at the TV.

The movie was almost over. Tarzan was on the boat trying to get out. Jane was yelling at him that getting angry wasn't helping. Everyone else was just sitting there waiting to be rescued.

I looked back over at Landon. He was trying to stay awake, struggling to do so. It was adorable how much he really wanted to stay awake.

"You can go to bed if you want." I said with a laugh.

Landon turned his head to face me. He blinked rapidly before shaking his head slowly. To help him with his feeble attempt he sat up straight. A smile appeared on my face as he made his way closer to me.

I couldn't focus on the movie after that.

I could smell Landon's cologne and it was driving me crazy. I was trying to pinpoint the what the smell was. It was too faint to tell exactly what it was but strong enough to bug me. I was tempted to lean closer and smell him.

Would that look weird?

Yes, yes it would.

I didn't want to be a creeper. I was lucky enough to not have scared him off yet. That was the last thing I wanted to do. Scaring Landon off would be disastrous.

Okay now I'm just being overdramatic.

"Billy you okay?" Landon asked looking away from the television screen. The credits were already rolling, I must have been distracted.

"I'm fine." I whispered looking over at him.

"Alright." Landon said softly. He leaned forward and grabbed the remote. Trying to find something else on TV. "It's just that you've been a little spacey." He said the last part so softly I almost didn't hear it. But I also think I wasn't supposed to say it.

"My mind won't shut up."

"What's it thinking about?" He asked turning off the TV.

He set the remote down on the coffee table. When I didn't say anything he turned his body so that he was facing me. I adverted my eyes to my feet. The awesome design on my socks was a good distraction.


I slowly brought my eyes up to his. Damn did he have pretty grey eyes.

"Yeah?" I asked softly.

Landon didn't say anything as he leaned closer and pressed his lips against mine. I leaned into the kiss deepening it. Landon groaned into the kiss. I smiled against his lips, enjoying the feeling of his lips against mine.

We broke apart for a few seconds for air before continuing kissing. The thing that amazed me was that it was just a simple kiss. No tongue was involved yet it was one of the best kisses I had ever had.

As I leaned into the kiss more Landon leaned back. At first I thought he was trying to break the kiss until he gripped the back of my neck and dragged me down on top of him. I moaned into the kiss.

Our bodies fit together perfectly.

We should probably stop. I thought as I started to feel myself grow hard. I broke the kiss and sat up. No way was I pushing Landon too far too fast.

Landon looked up at me slightly confused. I smiled down at him softly. I leaned back down to kiss him. It was a soft slow kiss that ended after a few seconds. I stood up, bring Landon with me.

Landon stifled a yawn as we walked back into the bedroom.

A knock on the door dragged me from my wonderful dream. I groaned and glared at the bedroom door. I knew that wasn't the door that had gotten knocked on, but it was the only one I could see.

I moved Landon off of my chest before rolling onto my stomach. I waited. If it was housekeeping they would just let themselves in. Anyone else would give up.

I groaned as they person knock, again.

I slowly got up and wondered over to the main door.

I threw it open and glared at the intruder. Trinity and Bryce simple smiled up at me. I moved out of the way and allowed them into the room.

"What's up your butt?" Bryce asked.

I just glared at him.

I was woken up from my dream for this. And I didn't even know what this was. A dream filled with chocolate, sex and me being pampered. It was amazingly perfect. And now I was staring at Bryce and Trinity.

"Can I help you?" I asked as they made themselves comfortable on the couch.

"Just got bored. Thought we'd come bug you." Trinity said smiling.

I rolled my eyes and wondered over to my suitcase. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, fresh boxers and a white v-neck. I wondered into the bathroom and changed quickly. I brushed my teeth quickly, making sure that they were nice and clean.

Landon was out in the living room with Trinity and Bryce. Bryce and Landon were talking about the show on TV while Trinity just looked bored.

"Bored Trinity?" I asked sitting down beside her.

"You have no idea." She muttered leaning into me. I smiled and leaned into her. She groaned and pushed back against me. I yelled as she shoved me off the couch.

I looked up at her from the floor and just glared.

Today was going to be an interesting day.
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