Truth Be Told, I Like You

So Much For Waiting

Billy crawled up from the floor and sat next to me again. I laid down on the couch, my head resting on his lap. I was bored of my mind, Vegas was simply not as exciting as we all thought it was. Since we cant gamble or anything, which really made me mad. I could gamble back at home but not in Vegas.

Give me a fucking break and throw me a bone or something.

We all sat there in silence, neither of us not sure what to say. Everyone was looking at something or just staring at the ground. Billy stroked my back, I closed my eyes. Billy and I would lay like this for hours, except he would be comforting me. We did this when I was going through some real rough shit.

“I’m bored.” I mumbled. Adjusting my head on Billy’s lap to get comfy again.

“Psh, aren’t we all.” Bryce said from the other couch. He was sitting next to Landon, who was looking through the hotel brochure quietly.

I stuck my tongue out at Bryce, he stuck his out back at me. I glared at him and he glared back at me. I made a face, he made a face. Finally I gave up and turned my back to him, my head still on Billy’s lap.

“You two are such children sometimes,” Billy said chuckling quietly. “maybe that’s why you are perfect for each other.”

Oh hell no Billy, you did not just go there. I thought.

I knew Billy was highly ticklish on his sides, found out many times during sex and just laying around. Mmm. . . sex. Oh how I really did miss getting laid. Man, I think I need to get laid but I don’t want to have sex with Bryce. But I don’t want to with Billy because I am with Bryce and he is with Landon.

Now I am just sexually frustrated. Great.

With my frustration boiling, I bit Billy on his side. Hard. He flinched and yelped all while falling back onto the ground. “What was that for Trin!?” he demanded rubbing his side. “that’s never a good thing to do to me.” He said sheepishly.

I rolled my eyes and laid back down. My back to everyone, who were all still quiet. Sighing heavily I let my mind wonder. Where else could we go on our road trip so we don’t have to suffer boredom in Vegas anymore.

Idaho? No I don’t like potatoes. Montana? Fuck that, I like heavy population. Nebraska? Woo, Yellowstone National park; hell no.

“Colorado!” I shouted jumping up from my spot.

Everyone flinched at my sudden shouting. They all gave me very strange looks, specially Billy, I think he just did it to make me laugh or angry. I threw the remote at him, he yelped.

“Um, Colorado. . . what’s there?” Landon asked politely. I liked this boy, a lot. He was perfect for Billy.

I smiled at Landon, walking over I sat on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Colorado. My Uncle owns a ski resort out there Landon, and since we are on a road trip. Why not stop there for a little snowboarding? They make fake snow, all the time.” I said patting Landon’s cheek.

When I sat on his lap he froze like a statute. I don’t think Billy warned him that I sit on everyone’s laps. I looked down at Billy, he smiled up at him from his spot on the floor. “I forgot to tell him.” Billy said simply.

“Tell me. . . um what?” Landon asked a little unsure.

“That Trin likes to sit on everyone’s laps randomly. You looked a little freaked, not sure what she was doing.” Bryce laughed.

I kicked Bryce off the couch, Billy started laughing too. I just ran over to him and straddled him, pretending to choke him. “Gah! Crazy bitch!” he said through his laughs.

“Billy I fucking hate you!” I said through mine.

“Love you too.” He said with a smile. I smiled back patting him on the head.

If this situation was different, I would of bent down to kiss Billy. But it wasn’t so I didn’t, I wanted too. I missed fooling around with Billy. Maybe because I didn’t want to fool around with Bryce. Maybe I should because I am gonna be one cranky ass bitch soon.

Sighing in defeat I got off Billy, pulling him up to his feet. Pushing him into Landon, I walked over to where Bryce was laying on the floor. “How bout this. We will eat dinner here one last time. Then tomorrow morning we make our way to Colorado.” I said helping Bryce up.

“Sounds good, what are we gonna do throughout the day?” Bryce asked.

“Each other.” I teased sticking my tongue out.

God did I need to get laid.

I saw Bryce’s face turn bright red, I think he thought I was serious. Well I sort of was, okay! I seriously need some help. “Trin we don’t have anything to go snowboarding with.” Billy said, he was laying on the couch.

I walked behind the couch, peering down at him, I smirked. “Did you forget I am a little filthy rich bitch with daddy’s credit card? I will buy us all new shit and add it our already over flowing collection of snowboards.” I smacked his stomach and ran towards the door. Bryce gave me a weird look as he walked after me.

“Careful Bryce! Trinity is about to get very violent soon!” Billy shouted after us.

Bryce raised an eyebrow, he looked confused or scared. “Huh?”

I snorted slamming the door closed.

“What did Billy mean you are about to get violent soon?” Bryce asked as we walked into our hotel room.

“Nothing.” I said sweetly closing the door behind us.

Bryce shook his head, kicking off his shoes he walked into our bedroom. Laying down on the bed, bouncing from his movement on the bed. I stood in the doorway, biting my lip. Yes. . . no. Don’t even think about it. I thought, I gnawed on my lip more. You are a horny little girl.

I walked over to our bed, slowly crawling on it. I laid down on top of Bryce, hugging him from behind; a silly smile on my face. I kissed his shoulder blades, around his shoulder blades. Up to the back of his neck, I scooted myself up more. Kissing not very far down his neck.

He groaned into the pillow, I felt him tremble slightly. “Trinity.” He groaned again.

I snickered and hugged him tighter. I let him go and he rolled onto his back, I sat back down straddling him. He stared up at me, I think poor Bryce was in pain. “Is this how you tease Billy too?” he asked.

My bit my lower lip to keep from smiling and giggling, I nodded my head. “Yeah. Except right now Billy would be pinning me to the bed, kissing me, ripping my clothes off me, then yeah.” I traveled off.

Bryce stared at me sighing, which made me sigh myself. “You’re really frustrated aren’t ya?” he asked, his hands resting on my hips.

I slowly nodded my head. “Yeah, its bad. Like really bad.” I sighed falling over.

I laid next to Bryce, staring up at the ceiling. Maybe Trinity wasn’t going to get something after all, shucks.

Bryce laid on his side, his arm draped over my stomach. His head resting on my chest, I half heartedly wrapped an arm around him. I had to be good, I had be very good. “I’m sorry Bryce, I will behave now.” I mumbled.

“Er. . . no.” Bryce said.

I looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “What?” I asked confused.

He pushed himself up, staring at me. “No, don’t behave. . .” he whispered.

Our lips met, locking, tongues wrestling. So much for taking things slow.
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We're on a roll again. (:
My creative juices are back and working again!
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