Truth Be Told, I Like You


I sighed as the warm water ran down my back. After Bryce and Trinity left last night we went to bed. Just went to bed. Landon was a little hesitant after what Trinity had said, but after I reassured him that she was joking, even when I wasn't sure myself, we went to bed.

I had woke up too early.

Around five o'clock I just couldn't sleep anymore. My body was screaming at me to get up and do something. The first thing I did was take a piss. Then I watched TV for a few hours before feeling dirty and stinky.

All before Landon had even woken up.

I believe he was still out of it. I didn't blame him at all for sleeping a lot while here. The beds were comfy as fuck and from what he used to sleep on I assumed they felt like clouds of fluff. A big change from what he's used too.

I was surprised Trinity hadn't taken him out shopping yet.

I knew Trinity and I knew her well.

She was probably was resisting the urge just so she wouldn't scare him. I could be wrong. She might just want to spend time with Bryce, or not want to shop in Vegas where everything is overly priced.

Either way she hadn't yet.

I sighed and turned the water off. My skin was beginning to get pruned. I hated the feeling that it gave to my skin so I quickly got out and dried off.

I pulled on a pair of fresh boxers and tight skinny jeans before exiting the bathroom. Luckily I did, Landon was awake and I'm sure he would have turned redder than I've ever seen if I was only in a towel.

"Hey." Landon said with a smile.

I smiled back at him while grabbing a black shirt from my suitcase. Zipping it up once I was done and moving it to the hotel door. It was our last morning in Vegas. I was kind of happy about that.

I was bored and was sure Landon was several times more bored than we were. He had grown up here, he knew everything by heart most likely.

"Let's go get the others." I said exiting the room. Landon didn't say anything as he grabbed the room key. I had our luggage, not really wanting to come back to the room.

The elevator ride was quiet and comfortable. The short ride, about five minutes, would have seemed a hell of a lot longer if it had been awkward. Thankfully it wasn't and Landon beat me to their door, laughing and smiling as he did so.

It made me extremely happy that he was opening up.

"Hey Trinity open up!" I shouted pounding on the door.

I heard rustling around, a few choice cuss words and something crash before the door finally opened. I laughed when Bryce opened the door without a shirt on. His face was flushed, Trinity must have just finished done torturing him.

"What's up guys?" Bryce asked trying to act normal.

We didn't have time to answer. Trinity came skipping into the room smiling like crazy. She seemed much more relaxed and happy than last night. She skipped right up to Bryce and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

She turned to us still smiling, although I noticed it falter slightly.

Holy shit they fucked. I thought smirking.

"Ready to go?" I asked looking directly at Trinity.

The look in her eyes told me everything I needed to know. They had sex last night after they arrived back to the hotel. And something told me that Trinity thoroughly enjoyed it.

"I am, but Bryce might want a shirt." Trinity said poking Bryce's chest. He blushed lightly before making his way over to his suitcase.

Checkout was strange. Landon must have known the girl behind the desk because she smirked meanly at him. She would also phrase things in a way that was dirty and unnecessary. It annoyed me. The entire time I was glaring at the bitch.

Bryce had started pushing and dragging me away from the counter before we were even checked out completely.

I guess I was being obvious with my anger.

I huffed in anger as I watched the scenery fly by. Trinity sighed really loudly, letting me hear her completely. Bryce and Landon both laughed lightly. I kicked Bryce's seat to get him to shut up.

He turned around quickly with a glare.

"Knock it off." Trinity said with a smile. "Billy, the girl is stuck in Vegas let it be. She was a bitch and being obvious about it."

"It was unnecessary." I mumbled crossing my arms.

"Then maybe the fact that before we left I talked with the manager. I'm pretty sure she got her ass fired." Trinity seemed rather happy and it made me smile.

The rest of the ride was quiet. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep for most of the ride because when I woke up Trinity said we were close to the ski resort. The Hummer might have stopped once while we drove. Right through Utah, which was when I was fast asleep.

"What's the first thing you are going to do?" Trinity asked looking back at us over her shoulder.

"Check in." I said with a smile. Trinity rolled her eyes and threw an empty pop can at me. I just smiled up at her while rubbing the spot on my leg she had hit.
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Kind of a filler.
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