Truth Be Told, I Like You

Faire Du Ski La Station

I knew this long winding driveway well, each side was covered in trees. Normally when I come here the trees are covered with snow, so is the ground. It was still beautiful though, the greenery had an interesting beauty to it in the summer. A tiny smirk on my face as the building ahead of us came into view.

Welcome to Faire Du Ski La Station.

A smile slowly appeared on my lips, my eyes zeroing in on the resort ahead of us. My Uncle’s resort that is, he’s been running this place for along time now. We get good discounts or sometimes we stay for free. I called in earlier to let my Uncle know and he booked us the two nicest suites there.

Can you say spoiled?

I pulled up along under the awning over the front entrance, the circular driveway kept going the way we just came. There was a fountain in the middle of the circular driveway, it’s water shooting high into the sky. There were beautiful flower gardens in front of the resort. You couldn’t see into the window but you could see out them.

A valet came running over to myself of the door, I put my Hummer in park before hopping out. I reached for my purse then stepped out of the way for the valet. Everyone else piled out with their jaws hanging open, I don’t think they’ve been to a resort like this. I have been coming here since I was a baby.

I rounded to the back of the Hummer, opening up the back. More valets came running out with those fancy golden luggage carrier things. I told my Uncle many times that gold is such an ugly color and he should go with silver instead. He said that silver wouldn’t work with his interior design.

The outside of the resort had a rock base and old dark finished wood siding. The rock my Uncle used was river rock, it took them forever to complete that. The whole resort was surrounded by trees and a huge mountain behind it. I took out my three suit cases, getting my own cart; the boys took out theirs.

I started walking in the front doors, the sliding doors opening up. I smiled walking in, stopping to observe everything. There was a huge crystal chandelier hanging when you walked in, the soaring ceilings made the place look huge. It was already huge but looked a hell of a whole lot bigger.

The flooring was hard wood floors, to your left was a huge lounge area. There was hunter green carpet and old brown rustic leather couches. One huge rock fireplace that was not lit at the moment. There were floor to ceiling windows, or half way so you could look out at ski and snowboarders. Another separate area of tables where you can play checkers, cards, or board games. Straight ahead of you was check in, off to your right were some bathrooms, a game/rec room. Arcade for young kids, a nursery.

My Uncle had it all.

“There’s my girl!”

I drew my attention from the screaming children running around in the nursery to look at my Uncle. I smirked dropping my purse and running up to him, I jumped into his arms hugging him to death. Uncle Chuck wrapped his arms around me spinning me in a circle. He was good looking for his age, late forties but he was married.

“Chuck!” I cried hugging him, he set me down ruffling my hair. I just smiled up at him.

“How was your drive? Not to bad I hope.” He said, his eyes glancing behind me. I guess Bryce, Billy, and Landon were walking up behind me.

“Fine, the boys slept a lot.” I said jabbing a thumb in their direction. Chuck laughed smiling, his eyes went back to looking at the boys.

Bryce came up on my left, handing me my purse. I took it, I gave him a smile before looking at Chuck again. “Chuck this is my boyfriend Bryce-”

“You two finally got together?” Chuck interrupted me with a smile.

How bad is it when your Uncle asks you that about one of your friends. Was it really that obvious we liked each other? Apparently.

Yes,” I hissed rolling my eyes. “you remember Billy right?” I pulled Billy into a hug, he hugged me back. Kissing the top of my head.

“Ah yes Billy. I remember him, your little friend from your younger years.” Chuck said smiling. I rolled my eyes, Billy laughed.

“And this is Landon, our new friend we met in Vegas. Billy’s little boyfriend interest.” I said smirking, I felt Billy tense. I snickered quietly pulling away, Bryce was snickering too.

I looked up at Billy, he was narrowing his eyes at me. I glanced at Landon who was as red as a tomato. Chuck was just laughing and smiling. Leave it to me to embarrass Billy, it was my job after all.

“Nice to meet you Landon.” Chuck said.

“Ni-ni-nice to me-me-meet you too sir.” Landon stuttered.

Chuck ruffled his hair before turning his attention back to me. “Now you all have the two royal suites on the fourth floor. There are only four suites on that level and I gave you four the two best.” Chuck said pulling four keys out of his pockets.

He handed me one and Billy the other. I took the extra one out, handing it to Bryce. Billy was doing the same with Landon. “Now if you need anything, you know where to find me Trin. I will catch you later.” Chuck said kissing the top of my head before hurrying away.

“Let’s go check these bitches!” I shouted pumping my fist into the air. They all laughed at me, I punched Billy and Bryce and smiled at Landon before walking to an elevator.

Chuck had an indoor swimming pool, indoor and outdoor hot tub. A separate warming house for the skiers and snowboarders. There was a deck you can go sit out on in the mornings and have breakfast in the summer. Or rest there after you are down having fun outside. There was a bar in the lounge area.

Chuck also had a fucking workout room, who the fuck would need one of those. I have no idea but Chuck put one in anyways.

We finally made it to the fourth floor. The valets sent our luggage to our rooms already, should be there when we open the door. We all walked off the elevator, turning to our left to get to our rooms.

“Okay, so we’ll unpack and relax a bit. Freshen then we will meet in the lounge in. . . two hours? Then we can go shopping for our snowboarding shit, and just go shopping in general. I need to spoil someone yet.” I said smiling at Landon.

“Sounds good.” Billy said sticking his key into the door lock, Landon was taking in everything still. The mocha colored walls and hard wood flooring, the rustic warm color lighting. It was amazing inside and out.

I rolled my eyes and opened Bryce’s and I’s door. First thing I noticed was our luggage or mine, since I had three and Bryce had one. That will change eventually.

When you walk in there is a little mud room. you continue walking into a large living room. the walls a mocha color but darker, deeper, and warmer. The lighting was warm and rustic, the couches were brown leather. A 62” plasma took up the wall space above the fire place. The flooring was heated hard wood, the bedroom had carpet. We had our own kitchen.

There were two bathrooms, the master and a regular one out in the living room. We had our own balcony with French doors. Bryce stood there like a moron on staring at everything, I laughed walking to the bedroom.

I threw open the door, a huge king size bed was waiting for me. The carpet was snow white and soft on my bare feet. The king size bed looked warm and inviting, this room looked like the rest of the room. The master bathroom was just amazing, leave it at that.

I tossed my purse aside jumping onto the bed. Burring my face into the millions of pillows on the bed. The sheets were so soft and comfortable to lay on. I heard someone chuckling from the doorway.

“Shut up Bryce.” I mumbled into the pillows.

I rolled onto my back, sitting up just a tad only to sink back down. Bryce slowly closed the door behind him, walking to the foot of the bed with his hands in his pockets. A soft smile on his gorgeous face.

My hands rubbed the bed on either side of me, it was so soft I loved doing it. Bryce slipped his shoes off then crawled onto the bed. Crawling right over me, causing me to lay down the further his body got up mine. Our eyes locking on with one another’s.

My fingers slowly wrapped around his wrists, my hands slowly moving up his arms to his neck. Stroking his cheeks with my thumbs, I pulled his face down to mine. Our lips met, it was probably the sweetest kiss ever. He pressed his lips tighter to mine, deepening the kiss.

Bryce’s tongue glided along my lower lip, I parted my lips and his tongue slipped in. I felt Bryce lowering his body onto mine, pressing himself to me. I wrapped a leg around his, I didn’t want to have sex now. I just liked this, liked doing this with him. After awhile we’ll just lay down cuddling. Not saying a word, not needing too.

Our lips parted, my eyes slowly opening to meet Bryce’s brown orbs. He smiled before kissing my forehead. His arms wrapped around me, laying on his side he pulled me into him. I buried my face into his chest, taking in his ever so intoxicating smell.

We just laid there, cuddling. Not saying a word, just enjoying each other’s company. My eyes starting getting heavy, soon they closed.

And I drifted into a peace sleep.
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Thank Jessica fer coming up with the resort name. (: