Truth Be Told, I Like You

Snowboard Designs

I sighed as I feel back onto the bed. It was soft and comfortable, way better than the backseat of Trinity's car. I felt all of my muscles relax simultaneously and couldn't help but sigh again in content. My body sank as far as possible into the bed and I heard laughter.

I lazily raised my head to see Landon leaning against the door frame looking at me. He had a small smile on his face as he stared at me. The blush from earlier almost completely gone, still a slight pink on his cheeks.

"What?" I asked letting my head drop back against the pillow.

Landon didn't say anything as he slowly walked into the room and crawled onto the bed. He made himself comfortable before turning his attention back to me.

I slowly turned to face him. He was all the way on the other side of the bed. A good foot away from me. I could just barely reach him and it was annoying. I scooted closer to him slowly, not wanting to freak him out.

To my surprised he scoot closer to me as well, closing the gap between the two of us. I couldn't help but smirk. Landon wasn't blushing as much as normal as I placed my lips against his. I slowly moved my body over his, straddling his hips lightly.

"Billy?" Landon asked I as slowly kissed down his jaw. I hummed softly against his skin as I moved down to his neck. I paused waiting for him to answer. When he didn't say anything I continued.

I kissed his neck, occasionally biting down softly. At first I wasn't getting any response from Landon but eventually soft moans left his lips. A few hickeys were on his neck when I decided I was done there. I moved back up to his lips and gave him a gently kiss. I slowly deepened the kiss. Landon began kissing back, participating fully in our activity of the moment. I licked Landon's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Which I was happily given. The kiss deepened even farther, earning moans from the both of us.

I slowly ran my hands down Landon's sides, reaching the bottom of his shirt. Gripping the end I slowly brought flimsy material up, wanting it out of my way. Sad how much the thin piece of fabric got in the way.

We broke apart the kiss momentarily to discard t-shirts. Surprisingly Landon was the one to pull mine off only seconds after his had been yanked off by me.

I smiled down at the blushing boy before attacking him with kisses again.

I stared up at the ceiling as I tried to catch my breath. I was tired and worn out but the only thing I could think of doing was jumping around in happiness. Landon laid comfortably next to me, using my chest as a pillow.

No offense to Trinity or anything but this boy was good in bed.

I'm sure she felt the same way about Bryce. The person you are with is always better, a biased opinion.

I felt Landon move beside me. I looked down at him and saw him slowly opening his eyes. He seemed more energized after the nap. I should have slept too, regaining energy for whatever we were going to do this evening with Trinity and Bryce. I couldn't though. I was too busy staring at Landon and watching him sleep. He looked so peaceful.

"Hey." He whispered looking up at me.

"Hey." I said smiling down at him.

Landon slowly, as if unsure of himself, crawled up towards me. I smiled as he towered over me much like I had earlier. He looked all serious until he could no longer hold back his smile. I laughed at him before getting cut off. Landon pressed his lips up against mine shutting me up instantly.

I was loving how each day he got more and more sure of himself.

We continued kissing soft and slow until I heard my cell buzz signaling that I had a text message. I was very tempted to ignore it. In fact I had every intention of ignoring it. Landon on the other hand didn't.

He slowly rolled off of me and turned to stare at the ceiling.

I groaned in annoyance and got up. I pulled on my boxers before wandering over to my pants which had landed a little farther away. It was in the second pocket I checked and was flashing Trinity's name.

From: Trinity
Message: Get ready, we going shopping! :)

I sighed and began pulling my pants on. Landon noticed me getting dressed and followed in suit. I was fairly sure we smelled like sex and that would be a dead giveaway to Trinity and Bryce. Just what we needed. I could handle the teasing if there was any, but Landon might end up looking like a tomato.

But then again, smelling too much like Axe body spray might give it away too.

I groaned in annoyance and began pulling my shirt off once again. A quick shower wouldn't hurt. I grabbed Landon and dragged him into the bathroom with me. We both washed the smell of ourselves and each other. It was very hard not to go at it again. Landon just look so cute with his hair dripping wet.

Someone knocked on the door as I pulled a clean shirt on. I had towel dried my hair as much as possible and was hoping it was enough to look dry. Landon's was still damp. Trinity would hopefully just think he wanted to shower. I was hoping she thought that, for his sake.

Landon went and answered the door. Trinity skipped into the room followed by Bryce. Trinity jumped onto the couch instantly and began jumping around. I sighed in relief as she bounced to a stop and smiled up at us.

Bryce looked back and forth between Landon and I before smirking. When Trinity looked over at him he dropped the smirk and smiled over at her. She smiled back and then jumped up once again.

"Time to go shopping!" She sang heading towards the door again. She grabbed Landon on the way out dragging him with her. Landon yelped out in surprise as he was forced to walk backwards.

Once Trinity was out of sight Bryce turned to me. "So how was it?"

"None of your business." I said with a smile. Bryce just rolled his eyes and laughed. We exited the room following the path Trinity had taken. I double check that I had the room key as the door locked shut.

Trinity was waiting for us in the elevator. She was smiling widely and tapping her foot impatiently. The mixture of emotions made me laugh. She was happy and annoyed and they didn't mix well. She was too happy to be annoyed yet was trying to give off that vibe.

"You guys are slow." She complained pressing the lobby button.

I just smiled grabbing Landon's hand. It was then that I realized we hadn't confirmed where we stood in our relationship. We had just had sex yet I wasn't sure if we were dating. I would have to get that cleared up ASAP. That wasn't happening anytime soon though. Trinity wouldn't leave us alone soon, not with wanting to shop. Specially when she was mainly shopping for Landon.

When the doors opened Landon was dragged away from me. I groaned in annoyance causing Bryce to laugh. We followed them as they went into the shop.

Yes, the resort had a ski supply shop right in it. Why wouldn't it? Some people rent, some people buy and they want to make money off of both type of people.

Trinity was going through a rack of shirts when we caught up. Landon was standing behind her, a good handful of shirts already in his hand. He was smiling softly as Trinity turned and handed him more.

"Beware." Bryce warned in a spooky voice before ducking behind a table. Trinity turned to hit him but he was already out of the way. She shrugged and moved onto another rack of shirts. Landon followed silently.

"I'm gonna go look around." I said noticing the wall of snowboards.

Trinity nodded stating she heard me. I wondered off happily. I loved the cool designs painted on the boards. Each one was different and unique. No board was even close to being similar to another.

Bryce had magically appeared next to me, looking through the boards with me. We had found a good number of boards we planned on begging Trinity for. A couple of the ones I really wanted were black with dragons on them. They were so pretty.

"This one." I said picking up the most tricked out one.

It was black with a bright red dragon down the entire board. The dragon was breathing fire and while going down the hill it would look like you were creating the flames the way it was painted. The dragon was painted with a great amount of detail. The scales looked real and the dragon's eyes shined.

"Mine." I said holding it closely.

"Alright. Tell that to Trinity." Bryce said still looking.

I began helping him find one. I wasn't sure what he liked in designs so I randomly pointed out ones I thought looked cool. Bryce would either reject right off the bat or say maybe.

Of course I made sure to keep an eye on Trinity and Landon the entire time.
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