Truth Be Told, I Like You

Sack Of Potatoes

I gnawed on my lip as I stared at Landon before me. He was trying on snowboarding pants, he sure did blush a lot when I was throwing clothes at him. He was currently trying on some white snow pants with black pinstripe. Honestly, they looked good on him.

“Honestly Landon darling, those look good on you.” I said nodding. Landon turned toward the mirror again, an unsure look at his face.

“Are you sure Trinity. .” he grabbed the price tagged and flinched, letting it drop. “it’s quite expensive.”

I waved him off laughing. “Prices don’t phase me honey. Nothing really does, so get those. Change back into your jeans and I will go grab the matching jacket.” I said wondering off to the jackets.

Bryce and Billy disappeared an hour ago. They were probably looking at snowboards. Bryce was good at picking out awesome boards, he knew which ones would get us air or which ones were for a good joy ride. It also took Bryce hours to pick out a damn board. He could never make up his blasted mind. I always make him pick out my boards.

I like picking out Bryce’s snowboarding pants and jacket. I knew what he liked and his size, he always ends up liking them. I picked out Billy’s too, he didn’t fancy cool designs. He liked his true black ones, with matching jacket. So it was easy getting him his things. I stood there staring at pants for Bryce.

I finger glided across my lower lip, I tilted my head to one side. “Are you okay Trinity?” Landon asked next to me. I just handed him his jacket before picking a pair of pants off the rack.

They were a bright white shadow box, they were like a checkered pattern. I smiled grabbing his size, then walking over and grabbing a matching jacket. I went and put those on the counter before walking away to find me some snowboarding pants.

Landon and I browsed them, laughing at the weird looking ones. “I think we lost our boys.” I said glancing around the store, it wasn’t that large but you could still loose someone.

Landon laughed again while smiling. “I am sure they are here somewhere.” He said, I nodded grabbing myself some snow pants and jacket.

“Trinity.” Landon said.

I looked over at him. “Yes love.” I walked over to him, assuming he wanted to chat quietly.

Landon stuttered a bit, pretending to be interested in a pair of snowboarding pants. I rolled my eyes smiling on the inside as I waited for him to speak. “Thanks. . . for letting me come with you all on your road trip.” He whispered quietly.

I looked up at him, a blush coming to his cheeks. I just smiled at him patting his cheek. “Of course hun, Billy likes you. And I like you, Bryce likes you. We all like you. Since you and Billy our together now, why’d would we leave ya behind?” I teased, elbowing him lightly in the side.

Landon smiled glancing away, rubbing the back of his head. “Er. . . I . . .” Landon stuttered, I laughed hugging him before I skipped away to find our other two boys.

They were in the back looking at snowboards. I skipped right up behind Bryce, wrapping my arms securely around his waist. Him and Billy seemed to be arguing over something.

“No! That board-” he stopped when my arms went around him. A sly smile coming to his lips. “this conversation is over.”

I laughed into his back, Billy laughed too. He slipped an arm around Landon’s shoulders, pulling him closer. “I win.” Billy smirked.

“What! You do not fucking win this one Mead!” Bryce said, a shocked look on his face. I rolled my eyes, this was going to be an ongoing argument.

“I did too Burton! And I will beat you out on the slopes!” Billy said pointing a finger at Bryce.

“HA! Bullshit! I’ve been snowboarding longer than y’all! So kiss my ass. I will kick yo ass all the way to Hong Kong! You’ll be Chinese now.” Bryce said evilly.

This really wasn’t going to end was it.

“Fine. This is a dare contest now.” Billy smirked more.

“Shut up both y’all! One of you is going to break a fucking leg or something.” I said letting Bryce go, standing in between them.

“Okay baby.” Bryce said smiling at me. He leaned down and kissed me, obviously he didn’t care what Billy thought about us anymore.

I just smiled into the kiss. There was a snicker behind me. “Why don’t you two just get a room and fuck again.” Billy said.

I whipped around to glare at him. Which slowly turned into a smirk. “Oh we will, later. It shall be fabulous. Why don’t you just bone Landon again. I could smell sex all over you and your room.” god I loved being a bitch sometimes.

Billy laughed harshly, bending down to get eye level with me. Stupid fucker for being so god damn tall. “Oh I will. Trust me. It shall be fabulous.” He mimicked me.

“I hate you Billy Mead!” I said pushing him backwards and running to hide behind Bryce.

“Trinity Conrad your cute ass is grass!” Billy said running after me.

I screamed and bolted away from Billy. Bryce and Landon were laughing their asses off. I would run by the cash register dropping my card off, pausing to sign then kept running. Told them to ship our stuff up to our rooms.

I knew our time here at the resort was going to a fun filled one. Everything we did was always fun and an adventure. Tomorrow morning we’d hit the slops bright and an early. Or as early as noon comes. We were all a bunch of later lazy sleepers. I know I sure was, Bryce might get up extra early to snowboard. He loves snowboarding.

I ran out of the shop, Billy hot on my trail. But that closed and Billy swooped me up into his arms, throwing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. My expression fell flat. “I’m not a fucking sack of potatoes!” I shouted kicking my legs.

“Love you too Trinity.” He said with his cocky smile.

“Bryce!” I shouted looking around the boyfriend. He was walking by laughing at me.

“Got a great view of your ass.” Billy said smacking it, it echoed. I cried out in pain.

“May I smack my girlfriend’s ass myself?” Bryce asked.

“Of course.” Billy smiled stopping.

My butt felt another sharp slap of pain. I yelped out again, holding my butt. Bryce and Billy were getting a kick out of this, I sure as hell wasn’t.

“Ha ha, you two are so funny I forget to laugh. Let me down now!” I whined.

Billy let me down, I crossed my arms and walked away. Smirking, luckily my back was to them.

You two are gonna get it good. I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
We're almost done!
Two more chapters and this story is complete. (;
We've started ANOTHER story together, fan fiction this time. An Oliver Sykes/ Matt Nicholls one. It is called Fallin' Apart, Fallin' Together. It is up now!
Sorry if this one is not good or if there is mistakes. I am hella tired and sick right now. :/ Jessica can go and fix my oopies. >.>
Do something.