Truth Be Told, I Like You

Teasing Is NOT Pleasing

Truth be told. . . I love my two best friends.

It wasn’t long until Billy caught Bryce and threw him into my infinity pool. Then I went up behind Billy pushing him in. then Bryce and Billy ganged up on me, throwing me into the pool as well. We ended up swimming for an hour. Drying off for an hours as well. Man we get off task a lot.

Now we were in my kitchen, I sat on my island counter top. My island was huge, everything in my house was huge. Best part of being rich I would say, filthy rich bitches.

I sat in the center, cross legged. A map spread out in front of me. I was trying to make a traveling plan, which cities we would hit. I knew fer surely we needed to spend at least two weeks in Colorado snowboarding. The guys didn’t argue with me on that one.

Bryce sat on the island count top with me, or actually he was laying on it. With a bowl of red grapes next to him. Billy was sitting on the counter top across from me, eating a bowl of cereal. I had a red pen in my hand, marking up the map in front of me. We were gonna plan everything out then leave in two days.

“I’ve never been to Vegas, it should be exciting.” Bryce said throwing a grape up, catching it with his mouth.

“I haven’t either, I am excited. Aren’t you too Billy?” I asked smiling over at him.

“Yup.” He said, popping on the ‘p’. I rolled my eyes, looking back down at the map.

My front door opened and slammed. I heard my brother drop his skateboard on the floor along with his bag. “Trinity?” he called walking toward the kitchen. Soon enough he appeared.

I looked over at my little brother smiling. “Seth!” I exclaimed jumping off the island. I yanked my brother into a tight hug. He hugged me back, I loved my little brother.

He was fourteen, so not really little but little to me. He was about the same height as me. Five four but I knew he was gonna get taller soon. My brother was a good looking boy already. Girls were already all over his nuts, oh how my brother was going to be every girls crush. He was a heart throb.

Seth had brown eyes like me but had black hair like my dad. It was the skater/emo kind of hair, he wore the skinny jeans and skater brand name shirts and skateboarding shoes. Total skater, I thought it was adorable. His ears are gauged to double zeros. I let him use my old ones, since mine are way past double zeros. Seth and Bryce skate together a lot, he taught Seth how to skate and cool tricks. Seth is getting really freakishly good.

“Hey Trinity.” He said letting me go. I continued to hug him.

“Oh I missed you Sethy!” I smothered him with a bunch of sloppy kisses.

“Ugh gross Trinity knock it off!” he said trying to push me away.

I let him run away to the other side of the kitchen, where the fridge was. “Fine, don’t show me love back.” I pouted, hopping back on the island. This time laying out, looking back at the map.

Seth grabbed a Sobe Life Water and walked over to me. He looked at the map then at me. “What’s with the map?” he asked.

“Well, Billy, Bryce and me are going on a two month road trip before going to college. Or before I go to college. Bryce’s life is already set. Right bud?” I asked patting Bryce’s stomach.

Bryce nodded while smiling, munching on a grape. I leaned over him, grabbing a couple grapes. I back down, resting my head on Bryce’s chest. I munched on grapes too. Seth hopped up on the counted, looking down at the map.

“Vegas?” he asked.

“Hell yeah! Why not, we are all old enough to gamble.” Bryce said scratching my head, I giggled.

“I wanna come!” Seth whined. Oh god, here we go. He knows I am a sucker for his whining.

“Sethy boy you aren’t old enough. You cant come sorry bud.” I said.

“Come on Trinity, I wanna come.” Seth complained again. Giving me the puppy dog eyes.

“Seth, you are too young. Besides. We will be doing stupid shit that you don’t need to see or be influenced by.” Bryce said.

“So? I get influenced by it here at the house.” He said getting off the counter.

True, this was so very true. “You are a smartass!” I said smacking my brother’s butt. He had a butt as well.

“Hey! So.” He smirked at me, I glared at him.

“Brat!” I yelled.

“Bitch!” he yelled back.

“I know.” I stated happily.

“Hey Bryce wanna skate in the driveway?” Seth asked. If there was one thing he loved besides me, it was Bryce. He thought it was so cool that Bryce was pro and I knew him. he was always asking Bryce to skate with him. How cute.

“Yeah, I gotta go get my board out of my truck.” Bryce said patting my stomach this time. Signally for me to move.

I pouted but sat up, Bryce hopped off the counter. Him and Seth started talking about skateboarding stuff. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Billy. His empty cereal bowl was sitting next to him, his legs spread open. I stood between them hugging him.

His arms tightened around me, his chin resting against the top of my head. “We’re gonna have to go shopping for things.” I mumbled into his bare chest.

Billy chuckled. “Yeah, we will have too.” He said quietly.

I backed up smirking up at Billy. He raised an eyebrow. “Well that will be an interesting time,” I said. Billy laughed. “I was thinking we could leave in two days. Maybe go shopping tomorrow, then spend the next day packing up all our shit. Loading up my Hummer. Then the day after that we will leave early in the morning. Or whenever I guess.” I shrugged.

“Whatever works.” Billy said.

I nodded and looked up at him. I stood on my tippy toes to kiss him. Billy kissed me back, we both smiled into the kiss before pulling away. I wasn’t in the mood to have sex though I am pretty sure Billy was. I smirked biting my lip. Turning to walk away, making sure my hips swayed. Oh how it always killed Billy.

“You’re killing me Trinity.” I heard Billy groan.

“You have two hands!” I yelled after him, before walking out onto my patio to have a cigarette.
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It will get better, I promise.
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