Truth Be Told, I Like You

Dressing Room Fun. . . Not

I looked over to Bryce, who was almost asleep in the chair he was sitting in. We were currently sitting outside the dressing room of PacSun. Trinity was inside, trying on skinny jeans. Apparently she didn't have enough at home and they were on 'sale'. I think she just wanted to get half naked at the mall.

"What do you think?" Trinity asked walking out of the little room.

"Cute, just like the last twelve pairs you have tried on." Bryce said unenthusiastically.

Trinity glared at him and crossed her arms over her chest. Bryce sunk down in the chair he was sitting in, trying to get out of her line of sight. I laughed as he fell to the floor and yet still tried to get away. He began crawling away. He crawled behind a rack of shirts.

"I can still see you." Trinity said going over to where he was hiding.

He screamed and ran out of the store. "I'll be in the food court!" He screamed before he was gone. I held back a laugh as Trinity went back into the dressing room.

"Okay, I think I'm good with pants. Now find me cute shirts." Trinity said.

I sighed but stood anyway. Anyone who saw us at this moment, and didn't know us at all, would think I was the whipped boyfriend shopping with my girl. Anyone who did know us would know I'm the whipped best friend. Big difference and one is less whipped than the other, best friend is the less whipped one.

I went through the shirts, grabbing one of each. I wasn't really paying attention to if they were cute or not. Trinity could reject the shirt if it wasn't to her liking.

I took the pile of shirts I was holding and threw them over the door. Trinity let out a little scream as they hit her.

"You could have warned me." Trinity snapped opening the door to glare at me.

I merely smiled before sitting back in my chair.

"Stop eating my food." Bryce snapped pulling his fries away from Trinity.

She just smiled before stealing more. Bryce whined and pulled them farther away from her. Seeing that this wasn't going to end until his fries were gone, or Trinity was full I held my fries up in front of her face.

"Oh fries." She said instantly taking the container.

Bryce sat, huddled over his food eating as he watched Trinity. She watched him, waiting for him to look away for a second. It became a staring contest as I watched. Neither of them were blinking and I wasn't sure if they were even breathing. They would both occasionally take a fry and eat it.

"So, Vegas?" I asked.

Trinity instantly turned to me, mood changing into an excited happy one.

"Yup. Going gambling, partying, drinking." She said staring upwards, most likely day dreaming about it.

"The ceiling isn't that interesting." Bryce said looking up like she was.

I watched as Trinity shoved Bryce from his chair. He shouted in surprise, screaming like a little girl. Trinity instantly grabbed his food and began eating it.

"This is going to be an interesting trip." Bryce said standing back up.

"Yes it is."

"How many stores do we have to shop in?" Bryce asked as Trinity went around looking at the CD's.

After Bryce had gotten more food and eaten it in peace seeing as Trinity was full; we had followed Trinity into Best Buy. She had been running around the store finding things. She had already gotten another memory card for her camera, now she was looking at music. It wasn't a lot, but Bryce was annoyed already.

"We've been in here for eleven minutes," Trinity snapped. "Relax."

"I can't, I had no drugs." Bryce said smiling.

"You don't always need drugs to be relaxed." Trinity said before really thinking about. "Well, most people don't need drugs to relax. You are not most people. Maybe this trip will teach you that. Unless you plan on bringing a full supply of drugs."

Bryce just looked at his shoes.

"If we get pulled over and caught you are dead." Trinity threatened with a smile.

"We have we ever gotten caught?" Bryce asked with a smile.

"School bathroom." I said quietly.

Bryce just smiled remembering it. We were in the boys bathroom at school three weeks ago and one of the janitors caught us. We were out of, didn't even realize he had walked in until the principle and police were standing in front of us. Trinity had to come bail us out of jail.

We had detention every night until our graduation. It was that or not graduate. Bryce tried to get us out of it, or actually tried to get himself out of detention. When graduation was threatened, he shut up.

"That was only one time and it was your fault." Bryce said pointing at me.

I raised an eyebrow at him as he began to pout. It was funny and cute. Cute? I need a boyfriend or girlfriend. One of them would help me stop looking at Bryce in that way.

"Needing a special someone?" Trinity asked looking over at me.

I nodded.

"Bryce is turning Billy on." Trinity sang running into the next aisle.

Bryce looked over at me with a strange look. He looked kind of disgusted and kind of interested at the same time. He half smirked half smiled.

"I know I'm hot but seriously?" He asked walking away, a slight strut in his step.

"No your not!" Trinity shouted making Bryce stumbled slightly.

I couldn't help but laugh. It was too perfect. I walked past Bryce who was shocked and glaring over the shelving at Trinity. She was smiling, but trying to hide it with her hair. A small stack of CD's was growing next to her.

I picked up the stack and began looking through it. Bring Me The Horizon, Hey Monday, Death Cab For Cutie and many others.

Bryce walked over and added a CD to the stack. He was probably wondering if Trinity would notice that one was added or just buy it anyway. I was hoping she would noticed. Even if she did have a lot of money, wasting it on a Miley Cyrus CD wasn't something she needed to do.

Unfortunately Trinity picked up her stack and began walking towards the registers.

A very, very interesting trip.
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