Truth Be Told, I Like You

Look Out World, We're Coming

I loved making the boys come with me on shopping trips. I always end up getting some clothes that I probably don’t need but get anyways. Like the twelve new pairs of skinny jeans I got. Yeah, prolly didn’t need them but had to have them. I could donate some of my old ones I guess.

I stood in the middle of my room, looking at the three big black suit cases in front of me. All of them were chuck full. I was deciding if I really needed all these clothes, then again I was going away for two months. “Yeah, I need them all.” I nodded.

There was a knock on my door. “Come on in!” I yelled getting on my knees, trying to zip my suit cases shut.

My door opened and in walked Seth eating some sour worms. I smiled at my little brother. “Hey buddy.” I said.

“Hey,” He said laying down on my bed, he watched me struggle. “need some help?”

“Yeah, come sit on top of this.” I patted my suit case. Seth walked over and planted his ass on top of it. Lemme me tell you, it was so much easier to zip shut.

“When are you leaving?” he asked, I could almost, almost, pick out a hint of sadness in his voice. Seth sat on the next suit case.

I zipped it shut, looking up at my brother. He got up and sat back on my bed. “Tomorrow morning, around seven I think. No way in hell I was gonna get up early.” I said sitting in front of my last suit case, sorting through it.

“Oh.” Seth nodded looking out my window. I smiled at my little brother, I walked over and sat next to him, pulling him into my arms.

Seth hugged me back tight. “Don’t worry Seth, I will be fine. Remember, Billy is overly protective of me and so is Bryce. I am in good hands.” I insured him, it was completely true.

“I know Trinity but. . . I worry about you. . . a lot.” He whispered, he was fighting back tears. I kissed the top of his head.

“Really?” I asked. I was tearing up. I knew Seth cared about me, I never knew he worried about me.

“Well. . . with all the parties you have and how much you drink. How many drugs you put into your system. . . all the drunk guys over. . . well it scares me Trinity. I am scared you are gonna get hurt, raped or worse. . . die.” Seth looked up at me. His bangs in his eyes but I could clearly see he was crying, his eyes glistened in the light.

A tear escaped my eye, sliding down my cheek. Seth wiped it away, I gave my brother a family kiss. I smiled. “Seth that is so cute, you are super special to me. I wouldn’t do anything to myself that would hurt you. . . or well that I a lie I guess.” I said looking away.

True be told, I really didn’t care about myself or what happened to me. I had the money for my expensive habits. I just didn’t care, you only live once. That was my motto, so I was gonna do anything and everything I fucking wanted to do. No one was gonna stop me. Even though it killed my brother but I just cant stop nor do I want too.

I hugged Seth tighter, kissing the top of his head. “Hey, cheer up kiddo. I will be around when you graduate and when you get married. I am not going anywhere any time soon. . . well maybe except on this road trip.” I smiled, Seth couldn’t help but smile.

“I love you Trinity.” He said.

“Love you too Seth.” I gave him another kiss on the cheek.

“Just don’t tell anyone. . . I was crying or anything. That is really embarrassing.” He said standing up.

I laughed and smacked his butt. “Of course, I wont say anything. I will come and say goodnight to you later bud.” I smiled, Seth nodded and walked out of my room. God I loved my little brother.

I turned my attention back to my packing, Bryce and Billy went home to pack their things. I stood up and walked back into my bathroom, double checking. Earlier today, when me and the boys split, I went and got my hair done. I was in need for a change. I just rebleached my whole head. Got rid of the hint of pink that was in it, now its all bleach blonde. The boys haven’t seen it yet, though they know of my sudden hair change and wont be surprised.

I admired my star tattoos on my shoulders and across my chest. Don’t ask, I wasn’t done with getting tattoos, this was only the beginning. I grabbed my Newports that were chillin on the counter. So pulled one out and lit it. My bedroom door opened again, I stuck my head out to see Billy, I flashed him a smile turning off my bathroom light.

Billy looked at all my suitcases then back at me. I just smiled walking over to my French doors, opening them and walking out. Billy followed me, standing next to me. I leaned over the railing, looking down at my lit up backyard. Tiki torches lit and our solar path lights as well. My dad was grilling some food.

“Ready to leave this place tomorrow?” I asked Billy, looking out at the night sky. The sun set hours ago, Billy and Bryce were spending the night.

“Yeah, I am. I really am ready to leave.” Billy said quietly. I knew he wanted to actually leave California. He hated it here, he only stayed because of. . . me.

I sighed, flicking my ashes over the railing. I looked down then back up at the sky. “We’ll get our chance to leave this place. Time will soon come for you. . . for me. . . for Bryce.” I whispered. My head rested against his arm, his head rested on top of mine.

“I know, I just cant wait.” He whispered back.

We both stood there in silence, looking out at the ocean. Waiting for Bryce to get here so we could get our drugs into our system. I was sober and not liking it. On cue my door opened and slammed shut. “Where you bitches at?” I heard Bryce ask.

“On the balcony!” I called after him.

Soon Bryce appeared and stood on the other side of me. Taking the cigarette out of my hand. I looked up at him, giving him the did you seriously just do that look. He winked down at me, then returned me my cigarette.

“I got drugs.” He said nodding, looking out at the ocean as well.

“Good. Let’s just pray we don’t get pulled over for anything.” I said.

“Don’t drive like a crazy person then.” Bryce smirked.

“Cant help it.” I smirked back.

Billy just shook his head. I kissed his shoulder before standing up. I was exhausted, shopping all day sucks and tires you out. Or at least tires me out like crazy. I didn’t know who was sharing a bed with me tonight. I had a California king so all three of us could sleep comfortably.

“I am tired.” I said quietly, the warm night breeze blow past us gently, tossing my hair around.

“Then go to bed babe.” Bryce whispered, pressing his back against the railing, looking down at me. Both Bryce and Billy were tall mother fuckers, six two I believe.

I looked up at Bryce, the bags under his eyes were dark and heavy looking. He was exhausted himself. He needed sleep, badly. I was going to cuddle with him tonight, so he can get some god damn sleep. I knew Billy wouldn’t care, he knew of Bryce’s sleeping problems.

“You need to sleep tonight.” I said rubbing the bags under his eyes. Billy patted my side and walked into my room. He was going to bed as well.

“You know I cant.” Bryce whispered.

“I do know and that’s why I am cuddling with you tonight. I have a big enough bed for all of us to sleep comfortably.” I grabbed Bryce’s hand.

He came with me, we all changed and crawled into my bed. It wasn’t long until we were all sound asleep.

The next morning was hectic, we all got up kind of early to pack up our shit. Bryce actually slept last night, which I was so happy about. He looked more rested and had more energy. I slept fabulous as well, Bryce was a great cuddler. . . and I felt good in his arms. . . god what is wrong with me.

I stood by my Hummer, honking the horn. Bryce and Billy went back into the house to pee and grab some other things. I sighed and checked myself out in the side mirror. I fucking looked good today. Black tights with super short mini black shorts. I wore a long white tank top with some light orange/purple palm trees on the front. It was small. I wore my black Swede pirate looking boots, they came to the middle of my calfs.

“Come on!” I yelled honking the horn again.

Bryce and Billy came out of the house followed by Seth. His hands were in his pockets, he walked over to me. I pulled my brother into a hug. “I will text you everyday bud. You can text me whenever you want too, and call me whenever as well.” I said.

“I know. Drive safe please. I love you Trinity.” Seth said.

“Love you too.” I kissed the top of his head. I got into the drive’s seat of my Hummer, I slipped on my shades.

“Peace out bud.” Bryce said high fiving Seth before getting in back.

Billy had shot gun, him and Bryce were gonna switch off and on throughout the drive. I was the only drive, only because it was my Hummer not theirs. I smiled at Seth. “Bye bud.” I revved the engine then backed out of the drive, Seth waved after us.

I tossed the CDs I brought to Bryce. All the windows were down and the air was circulating around. My left arm hung out the window, a smile on my face. This was going to be the best trip ever.

Bryce leaned forward and popped a CD in. He sat back smirking, I cocked an eyebrow. Soon the annoying high pitched voice of Miley Cyrus came on. I cringed and death glared at Bryce. He was laughing his ass off, he was so dead.

Ejected the CD and tossed it out the window. I put in my new Attack Attack CD. I bobbed my head to the beat.

Look out world, we’re coming.
♠ ♠ ♠
Now they are on the road. (:
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