Truth Be Told, I Like You

I Spy, Not Just For Kids

I bit my lip, trying to hold back my laughter. Bryce was also holding back laughter, only he wasn't doing such a great job of it. I glanced back to find him holding his stomach. It only made me laugh harder, making Trinity look over. I quickly glanced out the window.

Trinity went back to driving, and dancing.

It was her dancing that was making us laugh. She was bouncing around in her seat and throwing her arms around wildly. I was completely surprised that we weren't swerving around on the road, the way she was moving.

"Stop laughing at me." Trinity snapped punching me in the arm.

I grunted in pain. I brought my hand up and rubbed the spot where she had punched me. She didn't hit that hard, but I wasn't prepared for it. I glared over at her only to receive a smile back in return.

Bryce's laughter got louder if possible.

"Weakling." He said leaning forward into the front seat.

I turned to hit him when he got close enough. Too bad he jumped back and I was restricted by the stupid seatbelt. I wouldn't normally wear one, but with how hyper Trinity was I wasn't risking it. I tugged on the belt trying to get it to give a little. It wouldn't. It had locked in and wouldn't loosen until I leaned back.

I sighed and leaned back into the seat. I went back to looking out the window.

The scenery that was passing by held no interest to me. I had seen it all before. The trees were the same, the ground was the same and the sky looked the same. I was sick of California, and Trinity knew it. I was pretty sure even Bryce knew it.

I hated California. For more than one reason, for many more than one reasons.

It wasn't that I had grown to hate California, I was born hating it. It had no hold on me. The only people here that I cared about sat in the car with me. I never had to go back, at least not until they did.

My parents, ha.

My dad couldn't careless if I came home. He even seemed a little happy to see me leave. He didn't say anything about it, seeing as I wasn't worth talking to. Ever since I had told him I was bisexual he refused to speak when I was in the room. Homophobic freak.

My step-mom, tried constantly to change me back. She had it drilled into her brain that being gay was a phase, a phase that someone could grow out of. She had even gone as far to give me a playboy magazine, in attempt to 'straighten' me out. When the magazine didn't work she began to think it was a disease and got me a drug prescription. The only drugs I'd never tried, they went straight down the toilet. I burned the magazine, after Trinity and Bryce had a good laugh. That was three days after I was given it, I was pretty sure Bryce had fun with it before hand.

That's when I stopped talking to most people. I figured that if my dad wouldn't talk with me, then I wasn't going to waste my time.

Another reason, the girls either treated me like crap because of how I dressed or tried to get in my pants. The last part confused the crap out of me, wasn't I supposed to try and get in theirs.

The STD and STI infected women of California. I only knew a few who weren't, and knew a few who openly admitted to it. Trinity, her mom, Bryce's mom and a few girls at school; completely clean. Everyone else I just assumed, except for Bianca and Bernice who had openly told me they had had an STI.

I shuddered slightly causing Trinity to laugh.

"What are you thinking about that grossed you out?" She asked looking over. "You can watch Saw without flinching."

"Bianca." I muttered shuddering again.

Bryce snicker from the backseat.

"Didn't you date her?" I asked smirking.

"That was in the seventh grade, before she became a whore." He defended. He said it without missing a beat. A pause and I wouldn't have believed him. "She was so innocent."

"Until you corrupted her." Trinity said smiling.

"She enjoyed it." I could hear the cockiness in his voice. I knew he was smirking, without even having to turn around.

"Gross." I gagged.

"Just because you'd rather do a guy then a girl doesn't mean it's gross." Bryce said, holding back laughter.

"I like both, so I can honestly say that it is gross."

"Can we please change the subject?" Trinity asked looking over.

I looked over to her. She was looking between Bryce and I. I smiled sweetly over at her, causing her to laugh. She looked back at Bryce and gave another giggle.

I noticed her hand begin to slide on the steering wheel, but she didn't loosen her grip.

"Trinity the road!" Bryce shouted as we started crossing over the line.

"Oh shit!" She cursed correcting her driving.

We all went silent when we heard a loud pop and felt the Hummer titled to the passenger seat. Trinity went from smiling to instantly frowning. I knew what had happened, not one hundred percent, but was too afraid to confirm my assumption.

"Flat tire?" Bryce asked from the backseat.

"Yes." Trinity said between clenched teeth.

I sunk down in my seat, afraid of being hit by Trinity. It wasn't my fault but she would take her anger out on the closest thing. I should have let Bryce claim shotgun for the first day. He would be the one getting hit.

Right on time Trinity whacked my shoulder as hard as she could.

"Ow." I muttered.

It was the same place she had hit me earlier.

She pulled over to the side of the road. We all got out to find the front passenger side tire was completely flat. I instantly reached into my back pocket and retrieved my cell. I quickly looked up the closest auto mechanics shop. I dialed the number and handed the phone to Trinity.

She seemed slightly shocked but began chatting away with the mechanic when he answered.

Bryce walked over to the tire and kicked it. I rolled me eyes as he kicked it too hard and yelped in pain. He walked over to where I was standing and looked around. He was acting like he hadn't just done something really stupid.

"Alright, the tow truck will be here soon. Fifteen to thirty minutes." Trinity said handing me my phone.

"What should we do until then?" Bryce asked kicking at a rock.

What is with him and kicking things? I thought as the rocked tumbled across the ground. He continued to cook the rock until it was too far away from his leg reach. He then found another and proceeded to do the same thing.

"I spy." I suggested with a smile.

"No, that game sucks." Bryce said sticking his tongue out.

I gave him a look that said you have a better idea?

"I spy with my little eye. . ." Bryce started turning around in circles.
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