Truth Be Told, I Like You

Lying Is Girl's Best Friend

Thirty some minutes later, we were at the mechanic shop. My Hummer was being fixed as we sat in the disgusting gross small little waiting room. It was extremely tiny and smelt funny, like something was rotting. I was ready to puke.

I sat in one of the uncomfortable chairs, the fading yellow pleather was ripping. I sighed in annoyance. “It was only a flat tire! It shouldn’t fucking take this fucking long!” I snapped sitting up, I looked out the window into the garage.

“Maybe they found another problem with your Hummer, relax doll.” Bryce said, he was relaxing in a chair as well. His feet were propped up on another chair.

“How? My dad took it in to get it checked out, they said it was good to go. Lying sacks of shit!” I said standing abruptly. I was pissed now.

I paced back and forth, my eyes kept looking out the window at my baby. Oh how I was in love with my Hummer, I took very good care of my vehicle. The service door to the shop opened and closed. I stopped to see a greasy looking mechanic walking in. He held a clip board in his hand.

“Well Trinity, it looks like you are in need of new front breaks. We checked your back ones and they are fine. Would you like us to change your front breaks?” he asked.

I looked at the blonde mechanic, his hair was shaggy. He had bright blue eyes, I looked at his name tag. “Well. . . Scott,” I began, flipping my hair over my shoulder. I heard Bryce and Billy snort behind me. “I would love for you to change my front breaks. I didn’t know they were that bad.” I was turning on my charm, I think it was working.

I could see Scott was staring at me wide eyed, his eyes looking down at my boobs. I was popping them suckers out, I had big enough ones. I could totally get a fucking discount. “I would be happy too. I will go do that now.” He stuttered before quickly disappearing out the service door.

I smirked before sitting back down in a chair, in between Billy and Bryce. I was satisfied. “God damn Trinity, you prolly gave that poor boy a boner.” Bryce said leaning back in his chair.

“I know, and prolly got us a discount as well.” I smirked resting my head on Billy’s shoulder.

“Shit, you are a fucking little tease.” Bryce said. I looked over at him, his eyes looking at me.

“I know. I didn’t get that title for nothing hun,” I winked before standing up. I was thirsty. There was a gas station next door. “I am thirsty. So I am gonna go get something to drink.”

“I will come with ya, I need to stretch my legs. I also need a cigarette.” Bryce said standing, he pulled out his pack of Marlboro Reds.

“Do you wanna come Billy?” I asked my best friend, I looked at him.

I held open the door, Bryce stopped right behind me. His arm holding the door for me, I let it go. Billy shook his head and went back to looking at the ground. I frowned. “Do you want something?” Bryce asked.

Billy looked at me. “I’m fine.” He said quietly.

I nodded before walking out, Bryce right behind me. The sun was high and it was hot. I was sweating in my black tights, shorts, and boots. Not so smart on my part, I am sure I would be fine if I lost the tights. Might have to do that later.

Bryce and I walked into the gas station. The stupid little bell above the door dinged when we walked in. the old lady behind the counter smiled at us. I smiled back before disappearing into the back. I needed something delicious to quench my thirst.

Bryce grabbed a Monster and Dr. Pepper. I grabbed myself a Monster Java drink along with some smartwater. I grabbed Billy a Coca Cola. We wondered down the snack isle. It was gonna be awhile so we needed something to eat. Or have a snack until we stop to eat somewhere. We grabbed a bag of chips, some candy bars for now.

We walked up to the cash register, setting our things down. I pulled out my credit card, handing it to the lady. She was smiling while ringing us up. “So where you folks heading too?” she asked kindly.

“Well no where to be exact. We are just going on a road trip. Driving around aimlessly for two months.” I said shrugging.

The woman gave us a confused look. “In other words, we are heading to Vegas right now.” Bryce said patting my back smiling. I rolled my eyes.

“Ah, I see. Well you kids have fun. Stay out of trouble now.” She said handing us our bag. Bryce took it, he grabbed my arm pulling me away.

“Oh we will, thank you.” Bryce said opening the door. I walked out after him, taking the bag away from him.

“I think I am dying.” I said flatly, chugging half my water.

Bryce froze and stared at me. “What?!” he asked frantically.

I stopped, looking at him strangely. “From this heat. These tights I am wearing are killing me. I am dying from heat.” I said. A smile came to my face as I noticed Bryce relaxing. I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“You scared me there for a second.” He said shaking his head.

I patted his cheek. “Silly boy.” I smiled before returning to Billy. To give him his coke, the drink kind not the drug kind. That kind was in my Hummer.

I walked into the waiting room thing and sat down next to Billy. I handed him his coke, then sat back sipping my Monster Java. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a small smile on his face. “Your welcome.” I said simply, my eyes glancing outside. Bryce got his skateboard and was skating around.

I sat there watching him. I turned my attention to Billy, who stirred next to me. He looked at me, I flashed him a smile. “Something wrong?” he asked quietly.

I was still smiling while shaking my head slightly. I looked back out at Bryce, he was stripping now. I watched him slip off his shirt, he jogged back in here. Tossing me his shirt. “Hold that thanks.” He said with a wink before jogging back out to his board.

He pulled out his pack of smokes, digging one out. He brought it to his lips. . . hm his lips. . . I found myself biting my lip, realizing what I was doing I stopped quickly.

I shook my head but folded his shirt, setting it on my lap. I went back to watching him. “No, nothings wrong.” I said softly.

I heard Billy sigh and knew he was shaking his head. He could tell when I was lying and lying badly.
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