Getting Places

The Leaving

Those were the words just echoing around me! This is all because mum wouldn't let me go to the party. All my friends are going to be there dancing and probably drinking but am i? Well thats a no.
Mum never lets me do anything, i mean just because she was a goodie all her life doesnt mean she has to make me like that. I don't knowwhy she even tries, I'm just goinig to sneak out anyway. She can be so stupid sometimes.
It does make me wonderhow mum ever met anyone if her life was as brilliant as shes making mine. I just want to run away sometimes but then mum would have nothing to do. It seems her live revolves around me, when shes not a work she always wants to be with me. It's so annoying! It makes me want to scream.
She came into my room about half ten to see if i wanted anything before bed but i just walked past her straight to the drinks cabinet. I pulled out a bottle of vodka and ran to the bathroom. I wondered what she would do about that. Theres nothing she can do but wait.
About half an hour after I'd locked the door i heard something rattle at it. I think it was just mum trying to jimmy it open. It was a usless attempt as i was lying back against the door.
I didnt actually drink the vodka it was just to see what mum would do. I could f guessed she couldnt handle it so she ran gran. She told her to come over, not like it helped.
When mum was answering the door i quickly ran to my bedroom in the attic. I love mum but she can take physcos sometimes. "Jemi," I heard gran calling from down stairs, i didnt want to go down but if i didnt she would come up. It's times like this i want a lock on my bedroom door.
I ran down the stairs and hugged gran as normal. Mum had told her what i'd done but gran wanted to hear my side of the story so i told her what happened even the bit about the party. I left out the bit about trying the vodka though. I told her about me taking it, not that i tried it.
So after this gran and mum must of sat up talking for hours. I fell asleep about an hour after they started.
When i woke up mum was asleep on the sofa so i decided to leave her be and get some breakfast. It was a non-uniform day at school so i put on my tightest skinny jeans and my new blue shirt. I curled my hair really nice and i thought i looked great.
Tony, my current boyfriend, turned up at the door so i shot out after putting a blanket over mum. Tony was wearing skinny jeans, converse and a cardigan with a tee under. He had his hair all curly too. I couldnt wait to get to school today, as it was the last day before the Christmas holidays. My birthday is on the 29th od December too, so i cant wait. Biffy Clyro is coming to my town and i cant wait, i really hope mum or Tony get me tickets. It is my life long dream.
So we walked into school and everyone was in their uniforms looking as dull as usual when i realised, I WASN'T. I grabbed the closest person and asked then what was going on and they said you only get non-uniform if you pay, and no-one wanted to pay. I thought this was really stupid but really i wasn't when the non-uniform charge was £5 and all i had was £2 so luckily Tony paid.
School went slow was normal but at 12 noon i was so happy to get home. I kissed Tony goodbye and went inside. I pulled on my cosy slippers and dressing gown and got comfy with a fire, hot cocoa and the t.v. Oh how i love winter,