Status: In Progress.


Untouchable like a distant diamond sky, Mmmm

“Taylor, I need you to take the girls to the concert. I have to fly out and meet Keith.” My older sister Demetria said.

“Why can’t one of the boys take them? I don’t want to go to some stupid concert.” I replied though the door.

“Because, the girls want you to go with them, besides it won’t be that bad. All you have to do is take them to a 2-ish hour concert and meet the band with them.”

“Meet the band?” I questioned.

“Yes, meet the band. Please do this for me Lore. I promise I will buy you that record you want.”

“Fine, but I expect that record to be on my desk by the end of the week, Dems. I’m not kidding.” I said and stood up to get ready.


“Aunt V, can I buy a shirt and a program?” Adelaide asked.

“Sure, I guess.”

“Can I took, Aunt V. Please, please, please!” Amadora asked as well.

“Of course, you both can. But hurry up and choose because we need to be backstage to meet the band soon. That is unless you girls changed your mind.” I said.

“We didn’t and you have to get a shirt too Aunt V! You have too!” The said together.

“That will be $75.00 ma’am.” The guy at the stand told me. I put it on my credit card. Stupid expensive band shirts.


“If you will follow me, I will take you to the room.” A man said and I took the girls hands and followed him. This is what happens when your parents are multibillionaires. You get to meet famous people…even when you don’t want to.

We got to the room and the man opened the door. Both Adelaide and Amadora ran to inside.

“Thank you.” I told the man.

“Not a problem, you might want to go in though. So you can meet the boys before they have to go into lockdown.” He replied.

“Oh, I didn’t want to. My nieces are the fans, not me. I just got the pleasure of bringing them to the concert.” I replied. “I’m Taylor.”

“Rob, but most people call me Big Rob.” He replied sticking his hand out for me to shake. I took it.

“Well it was a pleasure to meet you Rob.” I said. “I better get in there before the girls do and harm to the band.” I said and walked into the room.

“Finally!” Adelaide said. “And that is our Aunt Verona. She didn’t want to come but Mommy made her bring us.”

All three of the boys in the room laughed at Adelaide’s comment.

“Well it’s nice to meet you Verona, even if you don’t want to be here.” One of the boys said, shaking my hand. “I’m Kevin, the oldest.”

“And I’m Joe; it’s nice to meet you Verona.” This one gave me a hug.

“And I’m Nick, the youngest.” The last one said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Verona.”

“Likewise, I’m sure.” I replied.

“So your name’s Verona like the city?” Joe asked.

“Yes. Like Verona, Italy.” I replied. “And I hate it, call me Taylor.”

“Well then Taylor,” Kevin said. “What do you think about our music? Adelaide said you didn’t want to come, why is that?”

“I didn’t want to come because; I don’t like to spend my free time hanging around teeny-boppers. And I’ve never heard your music, sorry.”

“Well then, you can sit with Danielle and Frankie in the front. We want you to have a great seat to see the show if you’ve never heard our music then Taylor.” Joe said sitting down beside Kevin. “Right Nick?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“Boys, Lockdown.”

“Well it was nice to meet you all. Enjoy the show.” Kevin said.

“And have fun, Taylor.” Joe added.

Both walked out into the hall way.

“Enjoy the show, Verona.” Nick said quietly as he followed his brothers.
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