Status: I'm back and update will happen.

Say Goodbye to the Light, Say Hello to the Night


Chapter 2

James picked up the boy and the three of us ran back to the castle. Once we where safe behind the castle walls, we took the boy to my room.
‘Willow stay with the boy until he wakes’ James said
‘Yes sir’ I said
‘Good child’ James smiled

James took off back to get the others I would guess. I sat and watch the boy on the bed. I could no longer smell his blood. He had stopped shaking, breathing shallow he was on the abyss of death. I sat and watched has his heart beat slowed and disappeared. The poor boy went limp and pail. There was a glassed over look in his eyes that got replaced by a more alive one. He took a sharp breath, sitting straight up on my bed.
‘You must not rush your self’ I smiled
‘Who are you?’ he asked
‘I am Willow and this is my home’ I said
‘What am I doing here?’ He asked
‘Waiting’ I said
‘For what’ he asked
‘Not what who’ I asked ‘We are waiting for my family to come home’ I said
‘Your not going to kill me are you’ he said
‘How can I kill something that is already dead’ I smiled
‘Willow stop leading the poor boy on’ Bronx appeared in the door way
‘What am I suppose to do’ I asked
‘Father wants us in the dinning hall’ He said
‘Okay’ I said
‘He told me to make sure you get there’ he said
‘Yes Bronx, you stay here I’ll be back’ I said to the boy

I walked down the hall followed by Bronx. How I remember everyone’s names so fast I do not know but I guess it come with being a vampire. Bronx rushed ahead to get the door for me. I walked into the dinning hall and took a seat.
‘Has the boy woken’ James asked
‘Yes, he woke up not long ago’ I said
‘Well I guess we should bring him down here and I can tell both of you at the same time’ James said
‘Tell us what’ I asked
‘Just go get the boy’ James said

I got up from the table and went back to my room. The boy was still sitting on my bed. ‘Come you are wanted in the dinning hall’ I said. The boy stood up and fell down. I quickly grabbed him. ‘Can you not stand on your own’ I laughed. He stood up and started towards the door. I lead him back to the dinning hall taking my spot at the table. ‘Son your seat is there next to Bronx’ James said
‘Father what you had to tell us’ I asked
‘What is your name son’ James said completely ignoring me
‘I’m Rueben’ he said
‘Rueben first thing should know is you’re a vampire’ James said
‘Impossible things like that don’t exist’ He said
‘Everyone’ James said

We drew out our fangs, before drawing them back in. Rueben’s face held a look of fear. ‘Do you believe now’ Bronx said
‘You mean I’m one of you’
‘Yes welcome to the family’ James smiled ‘We’ll go around the table everyone saying there names’
‘Willow’ I said
‘Nice to meet you all’ Rueben said
‘Father what you had to tell us’ I said
‘Ah yes Asher and my self will be taking you two out into the grounds to see what your special powers are’ James smiled
‘You mean we all have a power’ I said
‘Yes I told you about Grace’s mind thing’ James said
‘And the others’ I asked
‘Maria can move objects with her mind, Gloria can control feelings, I can control fire, Bronx controls water and Asher controls earth’ James said
‘Come on out to the grounds’ Asher said

Rueben and I followed Asher and James out into the grounds. James stood in the middle of the grounds. ‘Now Rueben you first’ James said
‘How do I work my powers’ Rueben asked
‘Think of any power can and try to use it’ James said

Rueben started up at the sky and thought. Soon a heavy gust blew threw the trees. ‘I did it’ he smiled
‘You control the wind’ James said
‘Now you Willow’ Asher said

Not know where to start I thought of all the powers and how to use them. I decided on using them all at once. The wind started to blow, I could hear the others thought, I looked at Asher who was angry and he turns happy at me saying so. I moved the heavy bolder next to us and many other things. All at once it stopped. ‘Amazing’ James clapped
‘What’s amazing’ I asked
‘You seem to be able to learn the others powers’ James smiled
‘Really’ I said
‘Yes it’s rather amazing not once in my 300 years have I seen a vampire like you’ James smiled
‘Thank you father’ I said
‘Now one more thing’ James said ‘Rueben Willow knows this but you don’t, she is to be your beloved’
‘I don’t know her’ he said
‘You better get to know each other you will be sharing a room’ James said
‘Yes father’ I said
‘Now go the sun soon shall rise we must not be seen in the light’ James said
“Yes father’ we both said


Glen Elder, Kansas

‘Willow get up or you’ll miss your first day of school’ Gloria called
‘In a minute mom’ I called back
‘Now missy’ Gloria called

I rolled out of bed and over to the mirror. The sight staring back at me was horrifying. I grabbed the brush and started to brush my mangled black hair. I decided to go with a butterfly braid to today. Once my hair was brushed, I went to find something to wear. I found my short black ruffled skirt, black and white stripped tights, Iron Maiden band T-shirt and my black converse laid out on my bed. I slipped into the outfit before heading for my accessories.

I decided on my spiked bracelet, Skull bracelet, Skull earrings, and spiked collar and on one arm I had a pink and black chequered sock I cut to go on my hand. I ran down stairs and grabbed my bag and a small bottle of blood before heading out the door. ‘Morning babe’ Rueben said
‘Morning’ I smiled

I took Rueben’s hand in mine and walked of to school. We reached the school gate and parted ways.
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Here's the next chapter. So what do we think so far?

A butterfly hair Braid is like this more or less