Status: I'm back and update will happen.

Say Goodbye to the Light, Say Hello to the Night


Rueben and I decided to stay in our room until we where called. It is not wise to wonder when called by the council. We still have 12 hours before we will be called. An hour before we are called we have to change our clothes. When one goes to meet the council one must wear the right clothes. The head female of the group is to wear a long red dress with a black cloak while the others wear a long black dress with a red cloak. The head male is to wear a black suit with a red cloak and the others are to wear black suites with a black cloak.

All clothes are placed in the cupboards. It is not the first time we’ve been summoned. The first time was when we first started school. Rueben was having trouble with some bullies. When they wouldn’t stop he attacked them. Luckily he didn’t kill any of them. ‘Willow, Reuben are you here’ Grace called
‘Yes Grace’ I said
‘Father wants you dressed and in his room now’ Grace said
‘We’ll be there soon’ I said
‘Hurry’ Grace said

Grace ran down the hall while I ran for the cupboard. I managed to get changed quite fast. As soon as Rueben was dressed we headed down the hall. Rueben and I walked to father’s room. “Father you wanted us” I said
“Yes my children” James said “Your mother and I fear the worse”
“What’s going on” Rueben asked
“There are only two reasons why we would be called upon” James said
“And they are” Bronx asked
“One of us has slipped up and shown our self’s or one of us killed a human” Gloria said
“The only thing that happened was with Willow and the pig but we managed to pass that one off with out triggering anything” Grace said
“Also we never kill humans we feed on them only a little” Asher said
“I know we have been very good at hiding who we really are” James said “Something’s just not right”

James started pacing. He was deep in thought we have know that for years when James is pacing his brain is racing we all say. We all just stood and watched James who started muttering. We all sat in complete silence while James walks back and forth back and forth back and forth. “Do we have to stay or can we go” I asked
“Youse can go” Gloria said

We all started to walk out when we all smelt a human.
“That smells divine” Grace said
“Where’s the human” Asher whispered
“Burbridge family” a girl said
“Yes” I said
“There ready for you” she said
“Thank you we’ll be there soon” Bronx said

I turned and opened the door to father’s room.
“They are ready for us” I said
“Well let’s not keep them waiting” Father said

James and Gloria joined us in the hall as we made our way to the Grand Hall. We walked in parents first followed by Grace and Bronx, then Maria and Asher, then me and Rueben. We stood in the Grand Hall waiting for the Council. The Council consists on 4 members. They are as follows. Balfour is head Vampire his kind of like the king of the Vampire world. Lilybet is Balfour’s wife and she is like queen of the Vampires. Then there is Balfour’s right hand man Cormac is also his son. And Lilybet’s daughter is Tierney. They have ruled the vampire world for over a thousand years. Balfour enters the main hall with his wife followed by there children. We all bowed down waiting to be welcomed.
“My dear friends please stand” Balfour said
“Yes sir” Father said
“Oh please call me Balfour” Balfour smiled
“Yes Balfour” father said
“Now my friends I take it you know by now why I have called you hear” Balfour smiled
“No we are unaware of why you called us” Mother said
“Human why where they not informed” Balfour yelled
“Sorry sir I thought you wanted to tell them” she said
“Be gone with you” Balfour boomed
“Yes sir” the human said running away
“I’m sorry about the humans in competence now were was I ah yes I have summoned you to work for me” Balfour smiled
“Work here I’d rather eat dead people” Asher snarled
“What my son means is why” Father asked
“Well it seems there have been a few rogues and not just vampires” Cormac said
“And what is that to do with us” mother said
“We need a family you can blend in almost anywhere to take these pests out” Tierney said
“What are the rules” father asked
“There are none except don’t get your self’s caught and report to us once a week” Balfour said
“Will do when do we start” father asked
“Right now” Balfour smiled
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Sorry about the wait I've been busy with my other stories.