Status: active


Felt Like Destroying Something Beautiful

The worst feeling in the world is knowing that a loved one is dying and that you can do nothing about it. What’s even worse is also knowing that you could have done something if only you had known sooner. Thus being the case, Evander wasn’t happy.

He stormed through the halls at a brisk pace and with fury radiating off of him. Every sane person in the Hold knew that something was amiss when the entire atmosphere changed completely, from one of hurried preparation to dark fury. Workers and servants hurried out of Evander’s way with many bowing their heads in recognition. However, the quick and scared greetings were completely ignored.

He was too angry to acknowledge anyone in the crowd as he angrily searched for Serien. The long and twisted halls were doing nothing to lighten his mood either because they only meant that his journey would take a bit longer.

After he’d pulled himself up from the ground he’d continued to stare at Amunet as if willing her to remember who he was but to no avail. The girl just couldn’t bring herself to understand who he was. Evander could see in her eyes the internal struggle that she was having as she tried to pull an image up in her head of who he was, but she was drawing a complete blank. Evander just seemed to drown in his own misery as he relived their short conversation.

”Do I know you?” her confused face seemed to be trying to bring up a picture that just wasn’t making a connection.

“My name is Evander. Will you allow me to stand up now?”

“Why are you here?”

He’d wanted so bad to tell her that he was there for her. That he was there because she needed him. That he loved her with all his heart and soul. But it would only have confused her further, and there was no need to cause unnecessary waves just yet. He didn’t know what she did know yet, and that was vital information.

“I’m here to answer a call from Serien.”

Her soft face relaxed slightly. There weren’t many people who would know Serien’s name off of the top of their heads. She backed away slightly and gave Evander room to stand up as she went to calm the horse.

“The Mistress is very busy right now. She’s preparing for something… what I don’t know. She refuses to tell me anything. I wouldn’t bother her right now though.”

Her smooth voice was music to his ears. Over the centuries she’d retained a bit of her native accent, but it was normally dominated by a soft combination of the English and Gaelic accents. He struggled to hold himself together as he remembered her first trying to perfect each of the accents, but only came up with a weird mixture of everything that she knew. It had been a great day.

“I believe that she may make time for me today Amunet.”

“How do you know my name Mister Evander?”

He choked. That was it. She didn’t know who he was at all. Nothing was coming to her and it was beyond painful for Evander. He absentmindedly played with the thin gold band on his finger trying to convince himself that everything would be just fine.

“Serien has mentioned you a couple of times. She failed to express many things though. Would you be so kind as to fill in the details?”

She gave him a flattered smirk.

“Are you flirting with me Mister Evander?”

“Just Evander and that depends.”

“On what… Evander?”

“If you’re finding it agreeable.”

She smiled and let a dust of pink adorn her naturally tanned skin while looking at him with amusement.

“I’m finding it quite agreeable Evander. What would you like to kn…,” she’d started but was quickly interrupted by a man’s voice calling after her.

“Amunet! There you are. Serien has been throwing a fit looking for you. Do you know the trouble that you’d be in if she’d caught outside unsupervised?” He asked in a scolding and accusatory manner.Evander didn’t like him.

He grabbed onto her arm which severely angered Evander, and the man soon found himself on the wrong side of his glare.

“Oh. I didn’t see you there. May I ask who you are monsieur?” thesoon-to-be-dead man asked looking at Evander with wary and suspicious eyes darting back and forth between Amunet and himself.

“My name is Evander, and I’d suggest that you let unhand the young lady.”

The man quickly caught onto the hostile nature of Evander’s “request” and fired back with a glare of his own. Luckily Amunet quickly caught onto the atmosphere and stopped anything before it went from a deadly stare down contest to throwing a couple of punches and likely landing one of themmeaning him in the infirmary.She always was good at catching things like that.

“Okay… Adam. I’m sorry that I’ve worried you so, but I think that it would be better for us if we headed inside now,” she reasoned as she softly tugged him away.

They glared at each other for a few minutes before Amunet’s insistence paid off.

“You’re right. Serien will be angry if one of us doesn’t show in the next couple of minutes,” the man explained as he pulled Amunet into a kiss.

Amunet looked completely aghast. Evander was fuming. She looked back at him with a horror filled expression and a bit of an apology added in there. Too bad Evander was too busy glaring holes in the back of the man’s head, which he hadn’t even gotten the name of.

Which is what lead Evander to his storm through the halls of the Southern Hold just waiting for someone to cause a problem for him. Fortunately for the people around him, they all quickly jumped out of his way as soon as they noticed the fumes basically shooting from his ears.

Doors found themselves being shoved open and likely cracking at the force that they hit the wall.

“Serien!” he shouted.

A young woman came striding in quickly with an annoyed look on her face as she approached Evander. Her short red hair framed her pure white face softly but gave her a superior air.

“I’m right her Evander. You needn’t go stomping around like a stubborn child any longer. You know that you did not have to try and break all of the doors in the keep. We are attempting to clean the place and make it presentable for Emris. You’re making it that much harder for the already over worked servants. Now what on earth has you destroying everything in your path?”

"Oh I just so happened to run into this guy outside who was kissing Amunet."

She stopped with a pale look on her face.

"Oh. I'm dearly sorry Evander. I told them that you were coming soon and that they needed to back off from her for a while..."

"What do you mean back off from her for a while Serien?! She's not available! Why the fuck are there people near her?!" he practically screamed in Serien's face.

"Well Evander. She doesn't have a clue what all is happening and no one has elaborated on the subject to them."

"What are you talking about Serien?! She's not available! I thought that that was made entirely clear when I was last here that she wasn't to be "bothered" as you're so skillfully putting it."

"I'm sorry Evander but..."

"But?! But nothing Serien! She's my wife!"

"And you've been gone for 300 years Evander. What did you expect?" she snapped.

"I'd expect my wife that I love, and that I know loves me would remain faithful to me!"

"She can't remember you Evander. She can't remember anything up until three months after you left."

"I don't care! I would have thought that you of all people would at least inform her that she is not only betrothed but wed as well."

"I was going to Evander."

"Then what happened Serien, because as far as I can tell she's out there with another man who just kissed her and she nothing to stop it or get away from him afterwards."

"She probably did more than you're thinking. She doesn't particularly like being touched."

"You didn't answer the question."

"She started having tremors. She fell into a coma and when she woke up, everytime someone would try to tell her something that happened to her in the past she would start blacking out and having seizures."

"What?" he asked stricken with fear. "Why didn't you call me when all of this started?"

"Because she had asked me not to beforehand Evander."


"She didn't want to worry you, so after you left she told me not to call unless things were urgent."

"Well don't you think that seizures and blackouts are grounds for urgency Serien?!"

"I do. She didn't. She wouldn't even let the doctor look at her Evander. What do you think that she would have said if it was you?"

"Well obviously she wouldn't have remembered me anyway!" he yelled as he backed away from Serien holding his head in his hand and fighting back tears.

Serien approached him carefully laying a hand on his shoulder soothingly.

"I'm sorry Evander. I wish that things would have turned out differently."

"Why are they're men after her?"

"She's an attractive girl Evander, and she seems to be unaccompanied. It's only normal," she explained as she rolled her eyes.

"I know that she's attractive. She's gorgeous."

Evander looked out the window fleetingly only to see Amunet walking away from the man earlier with an It wants her back, so just enjoy the time that she has left."

"No... Nature just decided to destroy something beautiful..." he said as he glanced up at her from the distance and held his wedding ring in his hand watching as the sun gleamed off of it tauntingly.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm back!!
I am soo terribly sorry to everyone for the wait. I don't have an excuse and I can only hope that you will forgive me.
Here is the next installment.
Thank the new layout and banner for this chapter because they both inspired me to start writing this again. I found the picture and I just knew that it had to go with this.
Thank you sooo soooo much again everyone.
I can't guarantee that this will have frequent updates, but I am going to try my absolute best.
And now this is getting long so I'm going to stop. Thanks again. XD!!

Oh!! one more thing!!
Chapter title credit: Felt Like Destroying Something Beautiful by Friday Night Fever