Status: In progress...... sort of.

Forget Me Not, I'll Try

The Silence of Zelda Argall

"So, Zelda, whats your favorite... anything?" I asked the little adorable girl sitting next to me (what? she IS adorable!).

"Books" she replied in her wispy little voice.

"What kind of books?"

"All kinds"

"Even those really thick non-fiction books that no-one EVER reads?"


"Okay then..."

I give her credit, Zelda knows how to avoid the pitfalls of conversation (I've always wanted to say that!).

For the rest of the lesson, I held, er, most of the conversation.

She hardly ever talked, and when she did talk it was either just one word or a really complicated sentence.

"Um... have you decided what we're doing yet?"




'Yay! The bell!' I was thinking, everyone was leaving as fast as they could to lunch, everyone except...



"Hey, Zelda, do you even have friends?"

"..." she didn't answer.

"Do you wanna eat lunch with me?"


Okay, your probably wondering WHY I asked her that, well...


It just REALLY pisses me off!

Anyway, unhold it.

She slightly nodded her head and stood up.

"Alright, lets go!" I said, raising my arm in the air and pulling Zelda out of the classroom and to the gangs eating area.

"Hi Nerida! Um..." Dave was saying, looking at Zelda.

"Who the hell is she?"

"This, my dear brunette haired friend, is Zelda Argall" I said, holding Zelda's shoulders and putting her in front of me as if I was using her as a shield.

"Trav! We got another hottie here!"

"I'm gonna pretend I never heard that" I said slowly, immediately changing my tone of voice.

"Wow, for someone who wears glasses, she's hot!" Trav said, appearing out of no-where.

"I said, I'm gonna PRETEND I never heard that" I repeated.

"Sorry" Trav dragged out, still looking at Zelda with googly eyes.

Dragging Zelda to the other side of the table, I dropped my bag down next to the pathetic excuse for a wall (P.E.F.W for short) and made her sit down.

"Nerida, why did you bring a random here?" Xavier said, also appearing out of no-where.

"HOLY! Don't SCARE me like that! God!" I said, hitting his arm and sitting down in a huff.

"You didn't answer my question."

"She's not a random, her name is Zelda Agall!" I said, then grabbed Zelda again, making her turn her head towards Xavier.

"Isn't she a cutie?"

"Isn't that in a way harassment? And how come she's here?"

"I brought her here?"

"You mean you kidnapped her"

"I don't kidnap people! I even asked her if she wanted to eat with us"

"What did she say?" he said in an exasperated voice.

"Duh, yes, otherwise she wouldn't be sitting here!" I said, still holding Zelda's head.


"WHY THE HELL IS EVERYONE DOING THAT?!?!" I shouted out in shock.

"She is kinda cute..." Zack said, I gave him a glare and he added "But not as cute as you!"

"Thank you" was all I said as I made sure Zelda was sitting normally again.

So that was basically how lunch went, everyone tried to have a decent conversation with Zelda but all epically failed.

By the end of lunch I think Zelda had talked to more people in one day than she had in her entire life.
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It is now... 8:21PM, and I am done! Yay! Enjoy, if you please...