Status: In progress...... sort of.

Forget Me Not, I'll Try

Dear god, please make sure my mother doesn't kill me.


We all just sat there, waiting for doom.

We never did go to that concert, so that sucked.

"Nerida, I'm so sorry" said Will for the millionth time.

"Don't say sorry, it was mychoice, I CHOSE to go, I should really be saying sorry to you"


"For taking up your offer and making you keep saying sorry"

We sat there for another hour when my Mum walked in and started yelling at me.

Some of it I couldn't understand, but I caught a few words such as disobedient, forgetful, wagging, weirdo and that was pretty much it.

Then she took me home and sent me to my room.

I was up there for half an hour, when Will came to the window and held up a laptop.

I got what he was saying and took out my laptop.

Over the years, my Mum gave me pressents to try and get me to make friends, it never worked though, so I just was getting prezzies for no apparent reason.

He wrote on a piece of paper then showed it to me.

It said 'go onto twitter'. I did.

it turns out I now had a few followers, I checked who they were.

They were Will, Zac, Travis and Xavier.

They were also on.

'Hi Nerida' wrote Will.

'We've gotta talk about 2moro' wrote Travis, god, what do they want NOW.