Status: In progress...... sort of.

Forget Me Not, I'll Try

Policemen again

Okay, so this is about two weeks later from last time, I could do everything properly again, but no-one could figure out why I was learning so quick or why I seemed smarter than before.

I knew why, it was because I could finally remember things, I never don't pay attention so I remembered everything.

It turns out I have a very photographic memory.

A while ago my mother came in, shouting how dare you have a tuma in your brain or something like that and five nurses had to drag her out of there.

So for about the rest of that afternoon I had to tell the police how I was abused as a kid.

Will came in the next day with his hand behind his back.

"Did you tell the police on me?" I asked first up.

"I take it that they were here then?" he said cooly.

"Yes they were, chances are me and my brothers will be taken away from home because my mother may go to prison and dad is never home, so just tell me did you tell the police?" I asked nicely and as calmly as possible.

"Maybe, maybe not, but if you are taken from home trust me, you wouldn't be going very far, if that happens my mum wants you- and your brothers- to stay at our house, we have heaps of spare rooms"

"Uh huh, sure she does, and she gave you permission to X-ray my skull and let me take Swine flu injections"

He just looked at me surprised.

"I have a photographic memory without 'it' in my head" I said, I remembered the whole room, the flash of the X-ray machine, even the doctors face.

I even remembered when Will climbed the ladder and told me to come down to his bike which I actually thought was a quad bike but instead it was just a normal one.

"Is that so?" he said.


"Here you are" he said taking his hand from his back, he had a large bouquet of flowers.

"They're beautiful" Is all I managed to say as he put them in the empty vase that was always next to my bed.

"Knew you would like them" he said while smiling.

"You know I still think you look weird when you smile" I said.

"Well I still think you look like an elf, elf girl"

"I thought I asked you not to call me that" I replied, starting to laugh.

"Fine then" He said, sitting down on the chair that was always next to my bed.

Soon enough Zac came as well, then Dave and finally Travis.

Xavier didn't bother.

"Why isn't Xavier here?" both me and Will asked at the same time.

"Xavier doesn't really bother when it comes to elfy" said Travis.

"I just told Will not to call me elf girl, don't think that you're getting away with it!" I said.

"Sorry then" Travis said, then looked over at the bouquet.

So we spent the rest of that day just talking randomly.
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Fresh from text edit! This hasn't even gone onto quizilla yet!