Status: Hiatus

Angels in Waiting of the Afterlife

I can't think of how to describe this story but by saying it's dedicated to the life and memory of two people, James Owen Sullivan AKA The Rev, and my aunt Alice who died 5 years ago, also at a young age. They were both heroes to me, and I will never forget anything they taught me about myself. The song is by Tammy Cochran and it's called "Angels in Waiting." she wrote it to talk about the premature deaths of her two brothers, and how she vowed to let them live on through her.

Lyrics to this song can be found here. Angels in Waiting Lyrics

this is going to be a really hard story for me to write because it's so personal to me, but it's something I feel I must do, so I'm doing it...I'm making it a final goodbye to Jimmy, and also to the one person from my childhood I could count on..Alice. ILY both, may you rest in piece, and party the Afterlife away.