Sweet Soda


Sodapop Curtis is one of the main characters The Outsiders. Sodapop is the sentimental character, as to say he may be as tough as nails, but he still bawls like a baby and cares about your opinion. Soda may be childish but he also is understanding and extremely affectionate. S.E. Hinton describes Soda as an easygoing, fun-loving, good-looking Greaser. He loves to fight and is a high school drop-out as well. Besides being so different, he is really popular with the girls, Greaser and Soc alike. I don’t blame them either, with a face like his, who could resist? But sadly enough, his heart is taken by Sandy, his girlfriend, the gang – Steve, Two-bit, Johnny-cake, and Dally-, and last but not least, his brothers.
Even Ponyboy agrees Sodapop is too popular for his own good. He says, “I had walked down to the DX station to get a bottle of pop and to see Steve and Sodapop because they’ll always buy me a couple of bottles and let me help work on the cars. I don’t like going on weekend because then there is usually a bunch of girls down there, flirting with Soda- all kinds of girls, Soc too.” So this proves my point that Sodapop is one handsome doll that girls swoon over. Not that it was even doubted. Although most of his fan girls know that he’s taken that doesn’t discourage them. The Gang also respects and like him. That’s another reason Ponyboy hasn’t been hurt for back talking or getting smart, because he’s Soda’s kid brother. He can be so sweet and can make anyone grin! But even though he’s so popular he can be awfully childish…
Oh, boy is Sodapop Curtis childish!! He is so childish and hyperactive that he can’t sit still through one movie!! Soda may look good and mature on the outside, but on the inside he is exactly like a five-year old. He has a sweet-tooth and is very optimistic. Soda thinks there is nothing wrong with crying, or being happy all the time. He know he’s tough and that what counts!!! For example, the time he was pumped up before the rumble. “Yeah!!!” screamed Soda as he too did a flying somersault off the steps. He flipped up to walk on his hands and then did a no-hands cartwheel, across the yard to beat Darry’s performance.” Even though he’s so childish, he’s still too cute for his own good.
Whilst he is childish and popular, he is also easygoing. Soda may sometimes say ‘No,’ but if he knows it’ll make you happy, he’ll most definitely say ‘Yes!’ Ponyboy notices this as well, but then so has everyone else. “He’s always happy-go-lucky and grinning, while Darry’s hard and firm and hardly ever grins at all.” Soda is really easygoing because he goes along with everything. He’ll go with the flow, and try not to ruffle any feathers on the way because he’s just like that. Sodapop mostly spends his time happy, and trying to please you. Besides the point that I’ve proven yet again, Soda is also lovable and affectionate, and so easy to befriend.
Speaking of being affectionate, you know who is? Sodapop Curtis!! Like the time Ponyboy was in the hospital and Soda was a little over excited. “I leaped up and ran for the door, but it was already open and Soda had me in a bear hug and was swinging me around.” He’s always like this hugging people and showing his feelings when they’re happy at least. Soda may be a little annoying at times but he always means what he says, and says what he means. Soda also displays affection for his girlfriend Sandy, because he loves her and wants to marry her. I wish there were more people like Sodapop who want the best for everyone. I bet if he got to know you, he’d probably end up loving you, too.
Lastly, Sodapop is everything that I have described and more. He is a Greaser with character and limitations. Although he might have not finished high school, he’s smart; street smart that is. Soda is a great role model and someone you might grow to admire because who else is like him? None that’s who! He’s one of a kind and that is why I wrote this essay about Sodapop Curtis. He may be imperfect but that’s what makes him Sweet Soda!!
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not a darn story!!