

The sun was just over the horizon when I heard the front door open. I lay back on the roof sighing. I knew it would be any minute my mother would stumble her way up the stairs and into my room. I heard her familiar drunken footsteps on the creaky stairs.

I closed my eyes just as the pounding on my door began.

“Annie… Annie…” her voice slurred.

God did I hate that nick name… I quickly came back through the window landing as quiet as possible. I grabbed my emergency bag from under my bed and started to stuff it with everything I could. I was almost finished when I heard a gunshot. I snapped my head towards the door and saw there was a hole next to my lock.

“Damn it, I missed, open up Annie if you didn’t notice honey mommy brought home a new toy.”

I zipped up my bag as fast as I could; the fear was finally setting in my adrenaline going nuts as I opened my window. I threw my bag out and watch it hit the room and slide slowly to a stop. I swung one leg over and was about to leave whit another shot rang. I stood in horror as I watched my door open. I suddenly snapped out of my trance and started to leave once again… the last thing I remember was falling back through the window finally feeling at peace.

Flying it felt as if I was flying…

I was on a cloud, yeah a cold cloud and oddly hard cold cloud.

Floating we were floating, on the cold hard cloud…
While on the cloud I heard what I guessed to be an angel. I mean I’m in heaven the only

other people up here is well no one just angels and god. So the angel, his voice was velvety soft it enveloped me in odd warmth, and took me over. His voice filled the sky and made me
feel alive ironic right? He was telling me I wasn’t allowed to die, that’s weird since I’m
already dead. Maybe he was talking to someone else.

Days, I could only be in here days, well that’s what books say. That the place where clouds are just the passing faze, it’s where you wait. This is so not how I imagined it. The voice was still there. He never seemed to stop talking but after awhile I couldn’t understand what he was saying.

Suddenly his voice stopped, and I felt dead.
As if nothing mattered but his voice…

What seemed to be hours later my cloud started to disinigrate, and I began to be pulled, yanked of my dissolving cloud. So I screamed I did the one thing I thought to do and
screamed and screamed….
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Hey so I've had this in my head and i had to put it down.... tell me if you like it or not!
Dorry lee♥