Status: CONTEST!

Lost Without You


I'm a runaway. I've been like this for two years, and I'm not sure if it's just because I'm unlucky, or if I was lucky to be able to run away from my horrid father. He beats me; I have no friends and if I did they'd abandon me like my mother; and I have been ignored by everyone I've asked for help from.

I sighed as I turned another unknown street corner. My brown hair swaying in the slight summer breeze. It's around 4 in the morning. I've been walking the entire day, and now my feet were getting tired. The next corner was towards a small opening of only grass. I walked over to it, and slowly sunk to the ground. The pain eased away as I rested my body.

The next morning was harsh, and even more tiring. I woke up to see the clouds moving along the light blue sky. Another sigh escaped my lips as I remembered that I was still an unloved child. After sitting up quickly I quickly felt a pain in the back of my head.

"Ow!" I screamed, turning around to see my attacker. his blond hair was hanging over his brown eyes, and I felt my heart flutter.
"I'm sorry, are you alright?" He asked, and I nodded.
"Yea, I'm fine. Just be careful next time." I mumbled, stood up, and started walking to the next field. This took about one day to find, and the next probably would take one or two days.
"Wait, aren't you mad? Or at least going to yell at me about hitting your 'precious head of gorgeous hair'?" He asked, and I shrugged.
"I'm mad at you, but I'm not a freaking prep. They worry about their hair while I worry about the next day of my life." I turned around and started walking again, "bye."
"Yea, bye." He yelled back.

"The train to New York City will not be here for another two days." The lady on the intercom announced, and I groaned. Great, now I wasn't going to take the one day trip to New York City. I'd have to stay in Coldtown for those few days.

Walking back to the park where I slept, I flopped onto the ground, and sighed. My time is being wasted here. Why did I have to stay here for two days instead of leaving right away? After sitting for about ten minutes, I noticed the boy from before was running up to me.

"Hey, why are you here again?" He asked my sulking form.
"The train I was going to take to New York City isn't going to be here for another two days, and I have to leave today." I told him, not knowing why. Since I'm a runaway I don't stay in a town more than two days.
"Well, why don't you go home for the night? You'd have to have family in this town somewhere in order to be here. Nobody knows about this chunk of land." He laughed, and I felt myself smile slightly.
"I don't have family here. They all live in New York." I lied. He nodded slowly.
"Then come over to my place for the night. You can stay while waiting for the train. It'll be fun, too."
"You don't mind?" I ask him.
"Nope, I don't. Now, I'm just going to worn you, you might not want to eat the tupper-ware filled with noodles. You'll get really picked on by my cousin, Alex, if you eat his noodles. Come on, I'll take you." He grabbed my hand, and we ran to his house.

As he opened the door and walked in I noticed that it was clean and tidy. Except when a boy ran in noodles in one hand, cell in the other. He was texting someone, and when he looked up he smiled.
"So, Jack, you brought a girl home? This is the third one this year. What's up, sweaty?" He asked, and I wondered who this person was.
"Um, that's my cousin Alex. I forgot to tell you I'm Jack. What's your name?" Jack asked, and I smiled.
"Milli; my last name isn't important. Thanks for letting me stay here for the night." I smiled, and turned towards the rest of the house. My mouth dropped slightly. The living room was huge, and had an entire game room attached. The kitchen was half the size, and it was attached to a dining room. The table and chairs made out of oak. It had a winding staircase leading upstairs.

After staring at the huge house I noticed that someone's hand was waving in front of my face.
"What?" I asked, jumping back.
"You were staring at our house for about 4 minutes. What's up with that?" Alex laughed, and I felt my cheeks burning up.
"Oh, sorry." I looked down, and then Jack was pulling me up the stairs.
"Here, I'll show you the guest room where you'll be staying for the night. Hope you don't mind blue." He laughed, and I had to smile at the thought of a blue room. My old room, 2 years ago, was basically white. A horrible plain color.
"It's actually a color I'd rather see." I mumbled, and then the door to the guest room was opened. It felt like angels were singing as the light shone on the beautiful room. There was a king sized bed with a canopy, a oak dresser, a master bath with a deep soak tub, and a small desk with a computer on it.
"You like it? You'll be able to email your family on the computer if you want. Well, I'm going to get dinner started, if you want you can take a bath. You don't have any clothes with you so I'll give you some of my skinny jeans and a tee of mine." He walked out with a wave, and I heard Alex laughing at Jack.

The bath was wonderful, and all my tensed muscles had finally relaxed. After wrapping a blue (surprising) towel around me, I slowly walked into the guest room to see the clothes lying on the bed. Skinny jeans, and a tee that read 'music=pie.' I smiled at the words. When I finished pulling on the shirt Alex walked in with a bowl.
"It's noodles. Want some?" He asked, eating some of his own noodles.
"Sure, why not? Thanks." I went to grab the bowl and he screamed. "What?!"
"You can't just grab at the bowl. You have to say 'thank you my good sir' so that I know that you actually will eat these noodles that I wasted my time on to give to you." He stared at me intensely, not blinking once.
"Thank you my good sir for the noodles." I told him, smiling, then grabbed for the noodles again. This time he handed them to me.
"You are very welcome, Milli." And then we walked down to eat with Jack. Soon I'd have to leave them, and they'd have to deal with that.
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Hope you like the first chapter! It'll have maybe... two or three!
Please comment! THANKS!

ps- this is for a contest!