Watch Over Me.

Chapter 4

“What?” Jonathon asked looking at me.

“I know…it sounds completely crazy! It thought I was crazy when I heard it too…but apparently my dad sent her down her to help me move on from his death.” I said looking over at him hoping he would believe me.

“Your…dad…sent a guardian angel to…help you move on?” he asked looking at me. I simply nodded. “Then where is she?” he asked raising an eyebrow at me. I turned and looked at Annie who was smiling at Him.

“If he wants to see me he has to believe.” She said.

“Does he not?” I asked and she shook her head.

“He thinks it’s a joke. I can see it in his eyes.” She said and sat down on my bed.

“You don’t believe me.” I said looking at him.

“How can i? it is impossible for a ‘Guardian Angel’ to be here with you and watch over you to move on! That’s insane, and you might want to talk to your mom about this.” He said.

“No! Please don’t tell!” I said running over as he started to leave.

“Then prove it.” He said.

“Come on Annie, how do I make him believe?” I asked.

“Hmmm...Tell him I can hear what he is thinking.” She said smiling as she sat up on her elbows.

“She can hear what you’re thinking…what’s he thinking?” I asked

“He thinks that Madeline is beautiful.” She said smirking.

“IS that really what your thinking about right now?” I asked.

“What?” he asked

“That Madeline is beautiful?” I asked

“How did you know that!?” he asked stepping forward.

“Annie told me.” I said “Now do you believe me?”

Jonathan had gone white and was starring at me. “Okay…say there was a guardian angel…where is she right now?” he asked.

“On the bed.” I said turning as he looked over my shoulder. I stepped aside as his eyes widened.

“Hello pretty boy.” Annie said smiling and waving her fingers in his direction.
Jonathon stared in disbelief and stepped forward.

“Are you series!?” he said pointing at her. And I nodded. “This is…”

“Amazing? Fantastic? So great you want to run over and kiss me?” Annie intercepted.

“No…” Jonathon said.

“Humph.” Annie said crossing her arms and looking out the window.

“So, she is here for you?” he asked and I nodded “For how long?” he asked. We looked at Annie and she looked up at us.

“Till you move on, and can go to your fathers grave…I assume…it depends when he calls me back.” She said looking at her nails.

“He?” Jonathan asked.

“Yeah…as in the big man up stairs that runs this operation.” She said. “Him or your dad. When ever he says I’m done.” She said.

I nodded and glanced at Jonathan. This will be weird.
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So? is anybody reading and enjoying?? cause i wanna know.