Status: Haitus



It all started when the five spirits were born into the world. Each held an element of the world, and together could control everything.

First was Fyra, she was born with the element of Fire and has the gift of Love.

Second was Kiranth, She was born with the element of Water and given the gift of art.

Third was Lyrana and Wilos was forth. Lyrana and Wilos were twins, and were soul mates. Lyrana was born with the element of Earth and gifted the power of animals, to create and to control. Wilos was born with the element of Air and the gift of weather.

The last was Mage. She was born with the element of spirit and the gift of time.

The world of Hatrae all started through those five beings.

The world of Hatrae had the beings that hold magic and in Hatrae some species are: Wodahs, Vampires, werewolfs and many other beings living in it.
Hatrae isn’t always good. There are evil ones lurking around and will do anything to gain power.


There were five known countries in the continent Jugara the main continent of Hatrae; People say that there was one for each spirit. The countries were the named: Wohdahs Land, Allurnas Grounds, Mage, Corinth, and Drak-Mare.

Wodahs Land was for Wilos. Mage was for Mage. Corinth was for Kiranth. Drak-Mare was for Fyra. Allurna’s Grounds was the country for Lyrana. No one knew why it was named Allurna, for Lyrana never knew any Allurna… Or did she?

There were legends spoken, saying that Allurna was the spirit of secrets. Allurna was not as powerful as the five main spirits, but she was just as important as the five. The legends say that Allurna was Lyrana and Wilos’s daughter, and that Allurna had been murdered.

No one knew the truth.

The truth was soon to be uncovered, and no one can uncover secrets of the past alone…
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, if none of that made sense, to make it a bit more understandable read this…(and if it did make sense, you don’t have to read this)

There are five magical elements: Water, Fire, Earth, Air and Spirit.

There are five people who hold the elements and have some special skills of their own. Basically Hatrae was a land of magic created by the five elements. There were five people born with the power to control the five elements, no one else in Hatrae could, so they were basically celebrities and the people named the countries dedicated to them. The beings who lived in hatrae can sometimes have an affinty for an element but not as strong as Fyra, Kiranth,Wilos,Lyrana or Mage.

After that time, there were legends made that Hatreians told everyone. And then there are people who are going to uncover the truth. You'll learn more as the story goes on.

And if that didn’t make sense I’m very sorry that you do not understand. I’ll try to make it more understandable if someone asks me to.