‹ Prequel: Second Heartbeat
Sequel: Girl I Know

Shattered By Broken Dreams

Chapter 7

Present day

“I didn’t pay for medical school just for you to quit half way through” Johnny said calmly as he spoke to his daughter.

“I don’t want to be a doctor, you want me to be a doctor”

“Just what do you intend to do for money? Because if you quit school, you wont get a dime from me” he warned.

“I’ll get a job, Jeeze you act like I cant take care of myself.”

“Can you Jonnie? Can you pay rent and all the bills? Do you even know how to be a responsible adult?”

She rolled her eyes before answering. “For the last 23 years, I have done everything your way. I got perfect grades, I never went out, I didn’t have boyfriends, and hell I didn’t even have a drink until my 21st birthday. I’m sick of being perfect, sick of being what you want me to be and sick of living my life in a bubble because you are afraid I’ll die and leave you just like mom did!”

Johnny didn’t respond, but the hurt that was written all over his face was plain for her to see. He simply turned and walked out of the room.

“He only wants what’s best for you”

She turned to face the voice. “Uncle Matty, I just want to have a life of my own.”

He walked over to the couch and sat down. “You know Jonnie, it’s hard for a father to watch his daughter grow up right before his eyes. Because as a father, we only want what we feel is best for them. If it were up to us, we would keep all the girls under lock and key for the rest of your lives. It’s not because we want to hurt you, it’s because we love you”

She sighed. “You know, you used to be my favorite Uncle.”

He stood up and smirked. “Yep, until I brought Seven home and you hit me in the face with a basket ball.”

“Can’t you talk to him? Please?” she begged.

He shook his head. “I am a father with a little girl of my own who when I blinked went from five to twenty one. So, I know how he feels and I really can’t interfere. Sorry, sweetheart.”

“And you wonder why you used to be my favorite uncle” she joked.


“In here, Lyric”

Lyric walked into the living room to find his father. “My car broke down again and I have a show in two hours, can I borrow yours?”

“Yeah, but you better bring it back in one piece. Wait here, I’ll get the keys”

Matt walked out of the living room and went upstairs to get his car keys.

“Well, if it isn’t miss goodie two shoes” Lyric directed his comment at Jonnie.

“Fuck you, jerk” Jonnie said.

“ooooh little girl uses curse words, I bet your daddy isn’t going to be happy about that!”

She folded her arms across her chest. “Must you antagonize me every time you come over here?”

He looked up at the ceiling and rubbed his chin. “Hmm let me think about that….yep”

“you’re a jerk”

“Wow, two jerks in less than five minutes. I must be special” He grinned.

“God, you make me sick”

“Do I?” he said and walked closer to her. So close that there was only enough space between then for a piece of paper to slide through. “Do I make you sick now, Jonnie?” he whispered, but she didn’t answer. “Little girl, isn’t it about time you grew up? Don’t you want to know what it feels like to be bad, just once” he said inching his face closer to hers.

“Get away from me” she said.

“Honey, if you really didn’t want to be this close to me, you would have stepped back. Now admit it, you like me just a little bit. Why don’t you drive your dear old daddy crazy and come and see me play tonight and if you’re lucky, maybe I’ll drive you crazy after the show”

She shoved him away from her and tried to move around him, but he stepped in front of her. “Oh that’s right, I forgot. Dr. Seward is too good for us musician folk. You’re the fucking jerk, Jonnie. Not me” now, it was him who moved away.

When Matt came back into the room he handed Lyric the keys. “Call me, if you’ve had to much to drink. Do not get in my car if you have had more than two beers. Or I’ll kill you myself.” He warned his son. If there was any one rule that Matt was adamant about when it came to his son, it was that he didn’t drink and drive.

“Ok, I get it.” Lyric said.

“Have a good show. I gotta go, I promised your mother a date night.” Matt walked out of the room and left his son alone with Jonnie once again.

“See you at the show virgin” he winked and walked out the door.

Jonnie clenched her fists in anger. “Fucking Asshole!” she yelled loud enough for him to hear her as he walked through the front door.