Cemetary Gates

Rain Fallen From Her Blue Sky Eyes.

Chapter 10

I stretched out above the solid floor. My neck and back cracked a few times as I moved. I winced as I rubbed the back of my neck. I was insanely sore. Groaning, I stood fully resting my hands on my back as I walked up the stairs. My stairs creaked as I took heavy steps and the sound just annoyed me.

When I saw my face in the mirror I nearly screamed. My eyes were puffy and bloodshot and the irises were so dull, as If I cried the color out of my eyes. There were dried tear tracks on my swollen cheeks and my nose was beyond stuffed. I reached out and touched my ugly reflection then my actual face.

This was not who I really was. I turned on the sink and washed my face with some of that grapefruit smelling stuff, and I looked again. I felt and looked a bit replenished, but my eyes were lacking. I sighed and left the bathroom shutting the lights off. I peeled off my old clothes and replaced them with a shirt with the ninja turtles on it, and black sweatpants. I pulled the tie out of my hair and shook it. My eyes darted over to the cemetery, and I walked over to stare out my window. My eyes locked on Zacky’s plot and I smiled.

He’s all I basically had left.

I grabbed a purple hoodie and slipped on sneakers and ran eagerly out of my house to my backyard. By now I was an expert at fence jumping so I hopped over it with ease. I walked over to the familiar marble slab and I sat next to it, leaning my back on it. My vision sharpened and my transparent irises settled on Zacky as he walked into my line of sight.

“Hey Zacky.” I said my mouth curling up a bit.

“What no embarrassing nicknames yet?” He said flashing a smile at me but I barely returned it. He noticed and sat down next to me.

“Hey sugar what’s wrong?” He asked quietly. My heart fluttered when he called me sugar, I loved when he did that. I saw care and concern deep in his swirling jade eyes.

“Long story.” I mumbled

“Well I’ve got more than enough time. And I want to listen.”

“Sarah hates me. Because I went out with Brian. We just went to hang out, and at lunch Brian asked me out and naturally I said yes. Later yesterday when I got home, Sarah was gone because the previous night she stayed over. I called her to tell her how it went because I figured she would want to know. As soon as she found out that we are technically now dating, she flipped out. She called me worthless and told me I was nothing. She said If I wasn’t good enough for you, what the fuck makes me think I’m good enough for Brian… and she’s right. She’s right Zacky.” I choked, staring into his burning eyes.

(Zacky PoV)

She looked into my eyes searching for something. She won’t find what she’s looking for. I couldn’t believe that bitch had the nerve to say that to my Ana. Whoa, Vengeance back up. She isn’t yours, she’s Brian’s. The very thought of Ana being in Brian’s arms cause large amounts of jealousy to charge within me. But it was the pain that threw me off. Why did I feel so hurt, so betrayed? Was it because that lucky bastard got everything he wanted? He’s already a better guitarist and surfer then me and I’ll be damned if-


Where was all this coming from? I blinked a few times with these insane thoughts running through my head

It’s because you like her.

I do not…we are great friends. It doesn’t mean I like her, maybe in a protective way. Like a sibling.

Do I smell incest?

Piss off. Who are you anyways?

I’m your conscience jackass

Yeah whatever. I realized I still haven’t answered Ana. She still looked at me expecting an answer, her clear eyes swimming in sadness. All you could see was the dark ring around her iris and a tinge of blue around the center. They were begging for an answer, but I couldn’t give one. It tore my heart to make this mistake.

I stood up and I walked away from her. I didn’t look back…I couldn’t.


I searched for an answer in his eyes. They flashed many different emotions. Sadness, anger, betrayal, pain, jealously and impending regret. I was about to open my mouth but he closed his eyes and shook his head. He stood up and I followed him, confused by his actions, but I stumbled and ended up on my knees on the dirt above his grave. I looked up through the hair covering my face and saw his retreat. The way he walked, with his broad shoulders low and his hands in his pockets was so graceful and devastating at the same time, but he was walking away from me.

He hates me…

“Zacky?” I called out after him choking on my sobs.

“Let Brian fix it.” He threw over his shoulder not even looking back as he faded from my sight leaving me cold and alone. More tears filled my eyes and fell onto the dirt soaking through, but soon you couldn’t tell where they once were.

It started to rain.

I watched as the waves crashed to shore. The ocean tossed and churned as the light shimmering on the surface sparkled. I watched Brian on his surfboard gliding smoothly on the water. They had called to ask if I wanted to go to the beach. I didn’t want to say no, I had to get over my heartbreak somehow.

I said it; Zacky leaving me left me heartbroken I don’t even know why.

“Yeah baby, ride those waves!” Jimmy yelled to Brian with a sassy attitude. Bri started laughing hysterically and nearly fell off of his board.

“You know how to make a sexual reference out of anything don’t you?” I said and he peered down at me suggestively tipping his sunglasses on his nose. I started to giggle and jimmy smiled radiantly, like making me laugh was his goal. I think they all knew I had a terrible week because i had told them about Sarah. The thing is, my situation with her didn’t nearly affect me as badly as it did with Zach.

Brian came to shore holding his board and he had water droplets falling from his hair and trickling down his body. He shook his head dramatically and we all flipped him off.

“Hey Ana.” He said lowering himself to kiss me. I connected my lips to his soft, wet ones.

“Hi, Bree.” I got accustomed to calling him Bree. He didn’t like Bri Bri, because he thought it was too cute of a name for a beast of a man such as himself. Please…I’ve got a list of convoluted nicknames up my sleeve. I think my list for matt is the best though. I saw the happy couple of Matt and Valary together on the sand and I got up and scooted in between them.

“I hope I’m not interrupting or anything. Hey Val!” I said teasingly.

“Hi sweetie! How are you feeling, did you get to talk to Sarah?” She asked. I still haven’t spoken to her in a week and a half.
You also haven’t spoken to Zacky either.

My conscience reminded.

“I don’t want to anymore. She’s got it too bad for Bree to listen to me.” I said glancing over at Brian momentarily.

“Oh and thanks for stealing my wife.” I riled my eyes at matt and Val snorted.

“Matt you selfish bastard! SHARE!” I yelled and Val turned pink laughing.

“Well you could have said hi first.” He pouted, sticking out his pierced lower lip. I smiled a wickedly sweet smile.

“Oh hi Matty moo moo.” I cooed and Val couldn’t contain herself. She burst out laughing and I followed suit.

“I gotta give you props though. I haven’t heard that one yet.” He said and I high fived him. Val looked behind me and her eyes widened but she was too late to warn me when Brian grabbed me and tackled me into the sand.

“Ah! Brian stop!” I giggled as he pinned me down under him and he kissed my nose and I curled my face up at the contact.

“You don’t want me to kiss you?” he pouted and I smiled. Brian was really cute with me. He made me so much happier with all that’s been happening. I had told him about Sarah and he said she was a bitch anyways. I kept the Zacky thing to myself with him as well. But I noticed that he was constantly on a mission to make, and keep me happy, and I loved that.

“Of course I do Bri-Pie.” I said using another nickname he disliked. Oh yes this is my weapon against these men.

“I don’t like those nicknames…I’m not cute…I’m sexy.” He said the last part with a glint in his eyes before he got off me.

“If you are sexy and you know it clap your hands?” Jimmy cheered and everyone clapped twice, but Johnny kept clapping.

“I think that about covers half of my sexiness.” He said wiggling his eyes brows and Jimmy threw a beach ball at him and started at war. I looked at Brian.

“Hey, why did you clap?” I asked with fake innocence and he started to tickle me.

“Ah! Ha-ha- Brian- ha-ha -stop!” I got out between my laughter.

“That’s not what you say when Synyster Gates is on top of you.” He said with cockiness. Jeez he was too much like Zack sometimes.

“Perv.” I said pushing him off and sitting up for myself.

“You like it.” He said slipping on his sunglasses and looking ahead at the ocean. It’s been great hanging out with these guys for a week and a half. I’ve gotten really close to them all even though I had lost Sarah, I had gained a family. But I’m terribly missing him. He won’t even talk to me, I haven’t seen him in weeks, and I think he finally realized he was wasting his time. The way he just up and walked away, like I wasn’t worth it.

That’s because you aren’t I heard Sarah’s voice scream inn my head. Speak of the bitch I saw Sarah and three of her whore friends I never really liked. When she was around them she acted completely different. I guess it’s permanent now. One of her friends saw us and her eyes widened.

“Oh Em Gee!” She squealed pointing over at us. Sarah saw me and glared but soon she had her eyes fixed on Syn.

“Hey Brian?” He looked at me sipping a Capri Sun.

“Well first I want some of that! And Sarah is here.” I mumbled the last part. He looked over in her direction as they were coming towards us. I looked really nervous and I was about to cry.

“Hey babe, its okay. I’ll handle it. Just don’t be scared sweetie.” He said kissing me quickly.

“Hey Syn.” Sarah said with her friends looking down at us. She was smiling at Brian, but glaring at me with her eyes. They flickered down to where our hands were interlocked.

“Hello Ladies what can I do for ya?” He asked in a friendly tone flashing a fake smile. He obviously had practice. They giggled and one twirled a finger in her hair.

“Um, could you sign our swim suits?” The brunette asked. The girls smiled hopefully and Brian looked at me.

“Can I?” He asked and I found it sweet that he would ask me.

“Oh yeah go ahead. I don’t really care its part of being Synyster Gates. It’s cute that you asked me first though.” He grinned and pecked my lips before he stood up and signed each of their swimsuits, and the girls hugged him and he returned the notion nicely. But when Sarah hugged him, his body went rigid, as if he didn’t want to touch her. They scampered away and I realized that Sarah did this just to get at me. She wanted to take him from me so bad. He sat back down next to me.

“Hey Brian I think I'm ready to leave now.” I said. He took off his sunglasses revealing his lovely eyes to me.

“It isn’t because you are mad at me right?” He asked, honestly saddened by the thought of me being angry with him.

“No I’m tired, I need a nap.” I replied smiling.

“Oh wait babe, we are going drinking tomorrow night and I want to know if you will attend.” He asked batting his eyelashes.

“You sure have a way with words. I’ll go.” I said kissing his button nose.

“Hey guys it was fun, but Brian’s taking me home now.” I said after standing up and pulling on my shorts and his hoodie.

“Home? And by that do you mean naughty activities that Jimmy might like to partake in?” Rev inquired raising an eye brow.

“No Jim.” I said laughing.

“Oh okay!” He says looking down but looked back up with another smirk.

“Can I tape it?” He asked

“No Jimmy we aren’t gonna do that.” I said smirking ad Brian who looked scared.

“Looks like Gates aint gettin’ NONE!” Johnny laughed his chance to finally get back at Brian.

“Shut the fuck up short shit.” Brian said.

“Hey! Call me a short shit or whatever! I’m getting laid tonight!” He said laughing harder and all of us laughed as well. Brian on the other hand thought none of this was funny. When he saw me laughing, I laughed harder at the look of ultimate betrayal on his face.

“You choose the short shit over me?! Fine you guys joined the fuckin dark side. He said eyeing them mockingly. Val walked up to me and gave me a hug.

“Bye sweetie! Ill talk to you soon! Its great having you around, its helping us heal.” She said with a heartfelt look in her eyes. I hugged her back and said my goodbyes to Jimmy, Johnny and Matty Moo, jeez I love calling him that.

We walked back to the car hand in hand, but was he serious about the ‘not getting any’ fiasco? Oh god I knew it was the only reason!
Calm down, just ask him

We both sat down in the car and I looked over at him. He had a completely happy look on his face until he saw mine.

“Brian did you really mean that back there?” I asked quietly avoiding eye contact. With him. He looked a little confused before he realized what I was talking about.

“Of course not Ana. You mean much more to me than that sweetie.” He said grabbing my hand and looking into my eye softly. He leaned over the console and placed a light kiss on my lips.

“Okay.” I giggled and kept my hand on his as he drove. I was looking out of the window and as the scenery flew by, in the reflection of the mirror I saw a familiar face with piercing green eyes.

Ana… The hollow voice hissed before his face blew away like dust off of a book. My voice caught in my throat and I choked on my spit.

“Baby, you okay?” Brian asked as I tried to focus and recompose myself. I ran a shaky hand through my hair.

“Yeah I’m fine.” I lied. I was far from okay, Zacky was haunting me… We pulled up at my house and I leaned over and kissed him and he instantly kissed back.

“Bye Analeigh.” He sang and I rolled my eyes.

“Bye Bree.” I said closing his door and giving him one last smile before walking up my driveway and entering the house. I turned around to close and lock the door and when I turned around I screamed.

There was a mangled looking Zack standing across from me. His hair was caked with dirt, his eyes glowing green inside of his rotting sockets. His piercings were barely in their place as they hung from the rotting flesh. His clean suit was now torn exposing his skeleton with skin and blood adorning it. There was a bullet wound, that bled slowly from his chest where his heart should be. A part of his jaw was visible, but the snarl was still evident on his face. He stood shoulders squared, in an intimidating stance.

Tears sprung to my eyes as unintelligent noise escaped my throat. I took a step forward and he disappeared, leaving a few traces of dirt where he once stood.

Why is he haunting me?

This isn’t the Zacky I know and love. It can’t be, I just want him back. No I need him back, I needed my best friend. Funny 5 years ago I wouldn’t even dare spit that out. I have had dreams and nightmares including him for a few days. They started off as just missing him, but they escalated in to full out horrifying.

I heard someone breathe out sinisterly before cold hands placed themselves on my shoulders and the icy sensation spread through my body and I froze in place. I dropped my bag as my fingers unclenched, and my vision faded to black.

There was darkness surrounding me.
I saw a white misty being float in front of me and I turned my head to follow its movement. It seemed to linger as it moved like smoke like a freshly extinguished candle through the dark atmosphere. I realized as it took form that the smoky object was a man, a ghost.

Suddenly, more began to appear in the void, and it wasn’t so dark anymore as white luminous figures took shape. They all wore confused faces, like they didn’t know where they belong, but it definitely wasn’t here. One of them caught my eye however. I could recognize those ghostly greens anywhere. I rushed through the crowd to get to him; I seemed to be moving in slow motion as I reached out for him.

“Zacky!” I called over and over again but I couldn’t hear myself, but he did and looked up at me. I stumbled and landed on my hands and knees again in front of him, my impact making a ripple in the floor. He got down on one knee and held my face as he looked into my eyes. His face was etched with sadness, worry and fear.

“Zacky what is this?” I ask, hearing myself in a soft voice, but even then it seemed to echo.

“Ana, this is Afterlife…”

I blinked and I was back in my living room. I looked around at my surroundings and my breathing started to increase. I had to get out of here. My eyes darted at my familiar scene. I need to escape. I slowly backed up to the front door, feeling behind me for the doorknob.

Once I grabbed it, I whipped the door open and ran out of it. I ran as fast as I could away from my own house, away from Zacky. All I could hear were my quick feet against the pavement and my blood rushing in my ears. I looked straight ahead and blinked.

I saw Zacky standing there in his spiritual manifestation, and when I blinked again he was gone. I stopped running, and let my tears fall shamelessly. I fell to my knees and my fists hit the pavement, bruising them.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” I screamed over and over again at the spot he was just in, in a raw panicked tone. I stared at that spot until I finally broke down. I sat with my knees curled up on top of my body on the curb and let the tears stain my face. Everything got so cold, and I felt like I was freezing to death. My head spun, and fatigue hit me like a truck. I took in one last icy breath, but I didn’t breathe it out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Update! I got back into the story and i decided to update!
I even asked myself the question of why Zacky decides to pull the string on her mental state...
* Oh by the way, my new story is called Dark Passion Play. I changed the name because i realized just how rediculous it was.=D*
