Married To A Beast

Chapter One


Rosette gently ran the brush through Fedele’s mane. The stallion watched as his mistress stepped closer, rising on her toes to reach the top of his head.

“There now, all clean. Are you ready for a run?”

Laughing when the horse began to prance, Rosette jumped onto his bare back. Taking a moment to rearrange her skirt she decided that riding side saddle would be complicated without the saddle and swung one leg over, riding like a man would.

Kicking the stallion into action, Rosette wrung her hands into his mane. Flying over the land, Rosette felt free.

They rode past her families vineyards, the horse pounding into the earth.

They both needed this freedom from the cages they were forced into.

After a few minutes Rosette turned Fedele around, heading back to the house.

Macaria and Gisella would be home soon and she still needed to cook dinner.

Bringing the horse to a stop, Rosette jumped off and cooled down Fedele.

Allowing her friend to graze in the pin, she entered the Italian styled cottage.

Going to the kitchen and gathering the food, Rosette began to make fettuccini, placing it onto the table just as Macaia and Gisella entered the house.

“Oh, you wouldn’t believe the day I just had!” Gisella said as she left her shopping bags at the door, “You, Rosette, are lucky you do not have to go out. I mean, you never have men fighting for your attention at the house.”

“I’m sure Rosette will never have to worry about such trivial things as that, my dear, for why would the men flock to someone as plain as her?” Macaria spoke, “Oh, and be a good girl and fetch our things? We wish to have them in our rooms before we finish eating. And do no break anything!” She hissed as Rosette bent to gather the bags, “And another thing, I do not want my new clothes to be ruined by your touch, so just leave them in their bags.”

Rosette began the tiring task of carrying all their bags to the respective rooms, being careful not to touch or break anything as the other two sat down to eat their dinner.

Sighing, Rosette once again wondered what her father had been thinking when he left her under Macaria’s care.
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Okay, I WILL write the sequel to Slave, but this story wouldn't leave me alone. So just deal with me as I write two stories at once... I'm pretty sure I will at least update one story each day, hopefully both.

Now, this is in Italy and I have no knowledge of Italian, even though I took a class and got a 'c', so give me some slack. This chapter is just a filler of sorts so you can see how Macaria and Gisella act.

Let me know what you think!

Oh! And I have characters up so go check 'em out!