Married To A Beast

Chapter Five



When Rosette reached the pin, Dante was already inside, standing between a boy about the age of 12 and a really pissed off bull.

“Acrisio, I need you to slowly walk to Beato.”

Rosette watched, her stomach feeling as if it was in her throat as the boy did as Dante instructed.

Once Beato was able to pull Acrisio out Dante bagan to back up, only to stop when the bull mock charged.

Once the animal calmed down a little Dante moved again, but this time Maschio made a real pass, rushing up to Dante.

What happened next made Rosette’s skin break out in goose bumps.

Just before the bull collided, Dante gave out a frightening roar. The sound forced the bull to turn away, giving Dante the time he needed to escape the pin.

Walking over to Acrisio, Dante spoke to the boy, “You know better then to antagonize Maschio, Acrisio. Why were you in his pin?”

The boy looked down, “I didn’t mean too, sir! Honest! I was just taking a short cut home cuz tomorrow’s mother’s birthday and I bought her this really pretty ring of flowers that she could wear on her head, but the wing blew it into Maschio’s pin. He was asleep so I though I could get it, but then he woke up and he stomped all over it.”

Everyone looked to see a few flower petals scattered around the pin.

“And then I saw Beato and called for him, and, well, you know the rest.”

Dante sighed, “You still know better then to go into his cage. What do you think your punishment should be?”

Acrisio’s shoulders slumped, “I don’t know, perhaps I should have to do more chores and have less allowance.”

Dante placed his big hand on the boy’s shoulder, “How about you tell your mother exactly what you did and allow her to choose your punishment.”

Acrisio sniffled, wiping his nose with his arm, “But what about her present? What will I do tomorrow when I have nothing to give her?”

Rosette cleared her throat, “I know how to make the flowered crowns, if you wish for me to show you?”

The boy’s eye lit up, “Really? But I need it tomorrow, how is she going to get it?”

Rosette thought for a moment, “Why don’t you bring her to meet with me? That way you both will know how to make them.”

At Dante’s nod, Acrisio ran and threw his arms around Rosette, “Thank you so much!”
“It’s no problem, but you must promise me something.”

He looked up at her, “Anything.”

“You will listen to the rules that your mother and the other adults have set, they are only there to keep you safe.”

Acrisio nodded, “I swear, I’ll always follow my rules.”

“Good, now go on home, your mother’s probably worried.”

As the boy dashed away Rosette turned to see Dante’s slightly shocked face, “That was a good way to lecture him on following the rules, now he’ll think of you whenever he breaks a rule.”

Rosette smiled, “That was the point.”


“There is no reason to argue with me, Dante. You will be eating dinner with us.” Rosette said calmly as she dragged Dante to the table, her small hand twisted into the sleeve of his shirt.

“Rosette, I do not want to eat, I have things to do.” He replied on a sigh

“And I do not care what things you need to do. You will be dining with us.”

The entered the room, Rosette shoving Dante into a chair as Nocoletta and Beato entered.
“Oh, I didn’t know you were joining us tonight.” Nicoletta said smiling.

“I did not know either, until I was pushed into this chair.” Dante gave Rosette a look, which she ignored.

“Do not be so upset, it will ruin your appetite.” Rosette plopped a plate of food in front of Dante.

Everyone sat, the first few minutes filled with awkward silence as they ate.

Well, um, how was your day, Rosette?” Nicoletta asked

“I had a lovely stroll through the garden, then witnessed Dante take on a bull by himself, met a charming boy and tomorrow I will be making flowered crowns with him and his mother for her birthday.” Rosette twirled the long pasta around her fork.

“That sounds nice, you must be talking about little Acrisio. Beato told me about that just before we entered to eat.”

Another silence stretched, Dante not touching his plate before he slammed his chair back and stormed out of the room

“Well,” Rosette sighed, “That went better then I had hoped.”

Nicoletta and Beato stared at her.
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Here's the next chapter!

Hope you love it!!

Thank you so much for the banner, Little Smurf!