Married To A Beast

Chapter Seven



Rosette cringed, a scream stuck in her throat, but nothing touched her she opened her eyes.
Dante had his hand around Duke Rossi’s neck, holding the man up off the ground. Rossi’s face was growing red and gurgle sounds were coming from his mouth as Dante roared.

“You will never come at my wife with the intent to harm her. The next time you do I will kill you, slowly and painfully.”

Rossi fell to the floor as Dante let him go, chocking on his new air supply.

“You will all leave now; none of you are welcome in my home.” Dante growled

Rosette felt sorry for Rossi, he might make her skin crawl, and she may not want to ever be around him again, but she never felt that aggression and fighting was the way to end things.

She placed a hand on Dante’s arm, calming him with her touch, “Perhaps we should get him a healer before they leave.”

Dante’s growling became louder, “He was going to hurt you, and you want to help him?”

“Yes,” she said, standing closer to him, “It’s the right thing to do, I don’t want him to go home and talk about how you left him to die.”

He flashed his fangs at the crowd around Rossi, “Fine, but know that it is Rosette who wants you healthy. You will all be gone by morning.”

Dante stormed off, Nicoletta hurrying after him, leaving Rosette with the duty of getting everyone settled.

“How could you?!” Macaria shouted, “How could you marry that monster?!”

“He is not a monster! And if you ever insult him again I will personally escort you over those mountains, Dante by my side!” Rosette promised

“You whore, I paid for you! You belong to me; you’re only allowed to be my whore!” Ercole screamed, stumbling to his feet when a mighty roar shook the earth.

The front door slammed open, a frightened Nicoletta behind a pissed off Dante. He charged down the steps, barely stopping whe Rosette stood in front of him, her hands against his chest.

“Move,” he grumbled lowly

“No, just let it go, he’s not worth it.”

“Move, now!”

Rosette turned to Rossi, “You should leave.”

“But I have not seen a healer yet!” he argued

Dante’s body tightened.

“Duke Rossi, you have about one minute to get out of Dante’s sight, fore that’s as long as I can hold him back!” Rosette shouted over her shoulder.

Rossi ran to his horse, jumped on, and faded out of sight. Dante was still growling, tiny roars emerging inbetween. Rosette leaned into him, laying her head on his chest to try to soothe his anger.

Dante looked to the rest of the people around him, “You all may leave as well. Now would be great.” He rumbled

“I do not feel comfortable with leaving any part of my family here with you.” Macariaspoke, making Dante growl louder

“Mother, I think we should leave.” Gisella said quietly

“That sounds like a plan, come, Rosette, let’s leave.”

“She’s not going with you.” Dante roared

“Yes, she is the reason why I am now without money, and she will come home and resume working in the vineyards.”

Dante roared another ground moving roar, “She will never have to work for anything again, especially for you. Now leave!”

“Not without my property!”

Dante broke free of Rosettes grasp and stepped in front of her, “You will leave with the same group that you came with and only those people. Rosette will never have to deal with you or anyone else for as long as she wishes.”

There was an animalistic glare in his eyes, one that scared Macaria and the rest of the group.

“Fine, but know that I will come back, and she will be under my care once again.”

Macaria turned and she and Gisella stepped onto their horses, leading the rest of the troupe away and into the mountains.

Dante turned and escaped into the house, not once looking at Rosette.


Rosette took a deep breath and knocked on Dante’s door.


Slowly turning the knob, Rosette opened the door and stepped in. His room was dark and empty, just a bed at the far corner. There was a windowed door that was slightly opened, the wind blowing through the room. Walking quietly, she slipped through the door and walked to the railing, looking over to see the small town at the bottom of the hill. She was just basking in the night when a voice growled behind her,

“What are you doing here? You’re not allowed in my personal rooms!”

Rosette turned to see an enraged Dante at the balcony entrance.

“I was just-“

“Get out! Now!”

“No! I just wanted to thank you for helping me out this evening, you didn’t have to get upset and yell at me!”

“I do not like people in my room!”

“Then perhaps you should have joined us all for dinner! Then I wouldn’t have come looking for you!”

“You should have just stayed away! I don’t want you here!”

“Fine!” She yelled, “I’ll just leave!”

“Good! Maybe you shouldn’t come back!” He roared

“Maybe I won’t!” Rosette stormed out, ran to her room, and started packing a bag of clothing.

Tears blurred her vision as she raced to the front door, ignoring Nicoletta’s worried calls.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I am dead tired, and this is what you get.

I'm really not sure about this chapter, but oh well, it adds to the story line...

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