Golden Morning, Copper Night.

Golden Morning, Copper Night.

She sat in the coffee shop. In her corner booth. Waiting. She fumbled with sugar packets, ripping them open and pouring them into her coffee. Like every other day. She heard the bell on the door give a heralding ring and she immediately looked up. He was here to clock in for his nine o’clock shift. The morning sunshine flooded in with him. She smiled as she watched him catch his breath. He smiled at the fact he had made it on time. Like every other day. She drained the coffee in one hot, quick gulp. She let the sugar crystals coagulate as they went down her throat. She wrinkled her nose at the heat. She took the expo marker from her purse and uncapped it. It had the sweet alcohol smell she had grown fond of. She took her porcelain cup and began scribbling the usual drawl at the bottom.

Cambiar Park. 10 o’clock.

She laid the cup on her petite saucer, before heading out.

She sat on the swing set. Her hair delicately pinned back, allowing the cool air of the night to hit the back of her neck. She looked down at the golden dress she had borrowed too long ago from a friend too estrange. After almost three months of waiting for the coffee shop boy, it was still her favorite. She twirled around in the swing and thought about leaving. It was 10:30 and it didn’t look like a promising night (not that she would know one if she saw one). Something inside of her said to wait it out.

She first hears the ruffle of woodchips and immediately thinks it’s the rebellious teenagers that come here at night to smoke their flavored cigarettes. She looks toward the noise. He’s there. He’s standing in a pair of worn denim jeans with a look on his face that isn’t happy or sad, more embarrassed. But their eyes meet for the first time and his faces revolutionizes into a wide smile.

“What took you so long?” she says with a warm tone to her voice. She had planned this line for three long months.

He shrugged, still smiling, “I didn’t think you’d be so persistent. My sincerest apologies.”

She bites her lip and crosses over to his spot on the playground. She looks up into the face that's been burned in her brain for so long, “Well, you’re worth the wait."
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Sorry it took so long. Had alot of trouble cutting it down to this word count! Hopefully, it was "worth the wait." TeeHee.