Status: Completed! Yipee!

Freedom Is The Choice Between Love And Duty

First Chapter


I sat in the front row as I watched my brother repeat the words my father was saying.

“I swear to uphold my oath and to keep the well being of all my followers foremost in my mind.” Adrian repeated proudly.

Letting a happy smile touch my lips I reach over and clasp my sister-in-laws hand.

Carmella was silently crying happy tears, the child in her belly the cause for her overactive emotions.

As the ceremony wound to an end I studied my father. He was glowing with pride as his son became the new Lord of Quasar. These last few years had been hard on him as he tried to shuffle his duties to Adrian, but now that it’s done, I could see a child-like look on his face that was never there before.

Standing with the rest of the audience, I approach my brother, the new Lord, and wrap my arms around him.

“Congrats, bro, I’m so glad it’s not me.” I say into his suit

Giving a small laugh he held me tighter.

Stepping back I let him envelope his wife, placing his hand on the small bump under her shirt.

Turning I walk to my father, twining my arm with his.

“So how does it feel, oh father of mine, to be just another face in the crowd?”

He chuckled, “It feels good, my shoulders are lighter. I just hope Adrian can handle it all.” He said, looking at his son.

“Oh, don’t worry! You taught him everything you knew. Plus he has Carmella, she’ll keep him in line and sane.”

Smiling he look at me, “You’re right, as always. Come, let’s go get something to eat, I can finally eat without feeling guilty.”

Laughing I let my father escort me to the dining tables.

I love my family.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, just a filler so you can know what's going on, I'll post characters so you can tell the difference in the age of Lily.

Let me know what you think!