Status: Completed! Yipee!

Freedom Is The Choice Between Love And Duty

Eleventh Chapter



Jakal walked down the precinct steps, wondering what he was going to do now.

He hadn’t had the heart to actually kill his family, so instead he turned them into the justice system, they can figure out what to do with them.

Jumping into his SUV, Jakal pulled into traffic, heading to the little cabin in the woods.

It still smelled like her.

Shaking his head, he tried not to remember, because the memories only brought pain.

He preferred being numb.


“Where is he?”

Adrian sighed, “Lily, we’ve been through this. You will not go anywhere near Jakal.”

I growled, “It’s been six weeks! I’m perfectly fine!”

Adrian looked at me, “You died, for ten minutes we lost all hope. We’re lucky you’re alive, I’m not going to let you go to him just so he could kill you all over again.”

“He won’t hurt me! He didn’t kill me; it was whatever his parents did that made him into nothing, but a weapon!” I screamed

“I don’t care!” Adrian stood, his office desk between us, “I will not put you in any more danger. I want you to stay away from him.”


“That’s an order, Lily. If I hear about you going within even a thousand yards of him, I will lock you up.”

Adrain was no longer brother, but Lord.

I stormed out of his office, anger pulsing through my veins.

What my brother didn’t understand was that I needed Jakal.

Without him I’ll die, slowly, until there’s nothing left, but an empty shell.

I have to find him.

He at least needs to know that I don’t blame him.

That I love him.

But it doesn’t matter what Adrian says, because I have a plan.

Sighing, I sit in my room, waiting for everyone to go to sleep.

Once I was sure they were out, I climbed out my window, snuck passed the guards, why Adrian thought they could contain me I don’t know, and shifted, my lioness following her instinct, searching for Jakal.

I ran for a few hours, finding his scent in town and running till I reached the small safe house he had me in.

I shifted, changing in the clothes that I carried in my little side bag.

Walking to the front door, I silently turn the knob.

Why wouldn’t he lock it?

Shrugging, I crept through the house, not finding him anywhere.

I walk back to the front room, wondering where he could be.

Stepping outside, I lean against the front railing.

“You shouldn’t be here.” A gruff voice informed

Turning I see a shadow in the trees, “Jakal?”

“You need to go home.” The shadow moved back into the trees.

“Wait!” I stepped forward, squinting to see him, “Please, come into the light.”

He stayed invisible in the dark, “You shouldn’t have come, just leave.”

“No, not until you hear me out.” I walked closer, gaining on him.

He sighed, “I don’t want to hear you condemn me-“

I stopped him before he could say something I really wouldn’t like, my lips locked with his.

When I pulled back we stared at each other, our arms holding us close.

“Lily, we can’t-“

“Stop! I don’t want you to tell me what we can and can’t do. I hear enough from Adrian.”

“Your brother’s right,” he sighed, “You should stay away from me.”

I push away from him so I could see his face, “Why?”

“Why?” he exploded, “Damn it, Lily, I killed you! You died because of me!”

“No! I died because of some stupid experiment you parents forced on you! You didn’t kill me!”

Jakal growled, “You don’t understand. I have no idea what they did to me and I can’t risk me losing my mind again and hurting you.”

“You won’t!” I screamed, holding his arms tightly

“How do you know?” He jerked away from me, “How do you know it won’t happen again? How do you know I won’t hurt you, Lily?”

“I don’t,” I said quietly, “but I have faith that we can get through it together, we can do anything, as long as we’re together.”

“What makes you think it’ll work?” he whispered, desperation in his eyes.

I smiled, taking his hand in mine, “Because you love me.”

“Lily I don’t-“

“Do not lie to me! I deserve better then that.”

He nodded, “You do, you deserve so much better then me.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, “I never want to hear you quote your that woman, do you understand? She will not be a part of us!”

He took a deep breath, “Lily, please try to understand.”

“Oh,” I smirked at him, “I understand. You want to be the hero, sacrifice your love for the greater good. Well guess what, this isn’t a fair tale, it isn’t some made up story where the good always defeats the bad. This is real life, and in real life you don’t always get a say in what happens.”

He gave a little smile, “Lily, your brother will never-“

“I don’t care about my brother! He is not a part of our relationship. Adrian can go play with himself for all I care.” I huffed

We stared at each other, “I love you, Jakal.” I whispered

His eyes glowed with a new emotion, but he was still apprehensive, “Lily, you don’t-“

“Say it, say you don’t love me and I’ll walk away right now. Tell me while you look in my eyes.” I challenged

He watched my face, looking for what, I don’t know, but he seemed to have found it because he wrapped me in his arms. We held each other tightly, both of us wanting to remember this moment.

“I still don’t think this is a good idea.”

I smiled, “I don’t care, this feels right.”

I felt him take a deep breath, his heart beating like a drum, “I love you, Princess, more then you’ll ever know.”

I smiled, “I love you too, Jakal.”

Freedom may be the choice between love and duty, but no one ever specified that I had to choose just one.
♠ ♠ ♠
Want to know what's weird?

I ended this story at Eleven Chapters......

And, when you don't include the prologue, I ended Slave at eleven chapters.......

I so didn't mean to do that....

Anyways, this is the end, hope the chapter ends the story well!

"Comments make the ending of a story so much better" - Rex