Status: Completed! Yipee!

Freedom Is The Choice Between Love And Duty

Second Chapter


I hate my family, every single one of them.

“Lily, please try to understand.” My father pleaded

“Understand what? That you’re putting me under house arrest?!” I screamed

“Lily, we just want you to be safe.” Lord Adrian added

“I am safe! Nothing happened!” I argued back

Carmella placed her hand over her unborn child, “Really?” she asked, “Nothing happened? You didn’t jump out of that plane?”

I sighed, “I was perfectly safe, the parachute opened and I landed on the ground in one piece!”

“That’s not the point, Lils,” my brother jumped in, “You didn’t tell us, you ditched your guards, and you were missing for hours!”

I sighed, “Okay, first off, you would have told me that I couldn’t do it, secondly, find better guards, and thirdly, sky diving isn’t something I would care to rush!”

Adrian and my father sighed and Carmella gave me a small smile.

“Lily, I will not allow you to put yourself into any more danger. From now on you will have a guard permanently glued to your side.” Adrian stated calmly.

“Why? What makes you think this one will be any better than the others?”

Adrian’s smile made me a little nervous.

“Because he’s an old friend.”

“He? You haven’t let a male watch me since I was fourteen!”

Adrian sighed, “And I think that’s where I made the mistake. Never let a woman do a man’s jo- ow!”

Carmella had backhanded Adrian’s arm, painfully I might add.

“I was only joking! Jeez, woman, pull back next time.” Adrian was rubbing his arm.

I laughed at the two of them; even through the abuse you could see their love for each other.

Giving his wife one last stare Adrian turned to me, “You’ll meet him tomorrow when he gets here from the airport.” Adrian looked at Carmella,” Come on love, let’s put you and mommy to bed.”

Laughing at the way her husband had phrased his comment, Carmella and Adrian left the room, their loving laughter fading.

“Lily, you understand why I’m backing up Adrian, right?”

Sighing I looked at my father, “Not really, I mean, sure some of the things I do could seem reckless,” he snorted, “but it’s not like I’m in any real danger.”

Both of us were thinking of the time I was kidnapped, fourteen years ago.

Daddy sighed and kissed my fore head, “I’m going to bed as well, don’t be too hard on your brother, he just loves you.”

Sighing once more, I seem to be doing that a lot, I walked to my room, a plan for tomorrow already forming in my mind.


I laughed as I ran in the early morning. It was just reaching 5 o’clock and I had successfully snuck out of the house about an hour and a half ago.

Adrian wanted to give me a new jailer, well let’s just see how good this guy really is.

Plopping down on a rock, I silently congratulate myself. There is no way this new guard will be able to track me.

Looking out at the distance, I admire the view. There really is nothing like sitting at the top of the mountain and looking down at the wilderness below.

“Having fun, Princess?”

Jumping at the interruption, I turn to see a strange man behind me.

His blonde hair was slightly blowing in the morning breeze and his light, pale blue eyes glinted with amusement. He was shorter then Adrian, but still taller than my 5 foot 7 inches, which probably put him at around 6 feet. He was dressed in a casual black shirt with jeans and a blue jean jacket to match.

All-in-all he was a handsome man who wasn’t supposed to be here.

“Speechless? Don’t worry, you won’t be for long.” Then he proceeded to lift me over his shoulder and carry me down the mountain.


“Put me down right now!” I screamed as I slammed my fist into his back for the millionth time.

My hand really hurts, as well as my stomach that’s bouncing on his shoulder.

He just laughed, continuing to walk down my driveway, heading to my house.

I realized just who this guy was once I recognized where he was taking me. And the jerk didn’t even take the back way home! No, he walked right through town, me just screaming and bouncing away on his shoulder.

Did anyone help, you ask? No, not a damn one of those people decided to step in for me. Instead they all stood around gawking.

Those jerks, see if I back them up the next time tax season comes around.

Walking into my home as if he owned it, he dropped me down onto the floor in front of my family.

Jumping to my feet I immediately approach my brother.

“I demand that he be removed from this house!”

Adrian smiled, “Now Lily that would be rude.”

“Rude!” I screeched, “Rude is carting me around town like I was a sack of potatoes!”

Before anyone could say anymore, Carmella burst into laughter.

“Lily,” she had to stop to chuckle some more, “Listen to yourself. You’re the one who ran off; you had to know he was going to chase after you!”

“I didn’t think he’d actually find me!”

Daddy had to rub his hand over his mouth to keep himself from laughing, “Maybe you should let him introduce himself, since he apparently hasn’t done that yet.”

I turned to look at the man behind me.

He smirked, “Hello Princess, I’m Jakal, Jakal Coyote; it’s nice to meet you.”

Oh crap, I’m so screwed.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here's chapter two... I reall like this one, it shows you just what kind of a girl Lily grew into, a troublemaking daredevil!

I love it!

Let me know what ya think!