Status: Completed! Yipee!

Freedom Is The Choice Between Love And Duty

Seventh Chapter



Jakal moved slightly, placing me behind him.

“Oh, don’t be such a party pooper, Jakal. Let the girl join our fun.”

I peeked around Jakal and saw the man who kidnapped me earlier. His black hair was greasy with sweat, his clothes were torn and dirty, and he looked pissed.

Jakal stepped further in front of me.

“Put the gun down, John.”

Jakal knows the prick?

“No can do bro, I’ve got special orders from the ‘rents. Oh, and mom says ‘hi’.” John chuckled


“Jakal? What does he mean?” I asked

“So, you haven’t told her? Really, Jakal, what kind of boyfriend are you when you don’t even tell her who your parents are?”

Jakal growled, the sound scarier then anything I’ve ever heard

“I suppose I should inform her, since all you can do is make animal noises.” John bowed in my direction, “I am John Jackal, Jakal’s younger brother. Our parents are Dr.s Henry Cougar and Juliet Foosa, world renowned scientists.”

I didn’t recognize the names, “Who?”

John sighed, “You will meet them shortly.”

“She won’t go anywhere near them. I won’t allow it.” Jakal growled

“You have no say.” Before we could do anything John shot Jakal, the feathery end of the dart sticking out of Jakal’s chest. He instantly dropped, his eye lids lowering to shut everything out.

“Jakal – “ I couldn’t finish my sentence as I passed out, a feathered dart sticking out of my arm.


Jakal blinked his eyes, trying to remember last night.

He and Lily were talking, standing outside while she walked close to him.

Did they kiss?

No, surely he would have remembered something like that...

He sat straight up, realization hitting him.


Feeling the sheet move, Jakal looked to the other side of the bed and saw Lily shivering, trying to pull more heat to her.

Not wanting her to be cold, Jakal wraped her in his arms and laid his head on the pillow.

They were at the place where he grew up, in his old room.

He’d never wanted to see this place again after escaping.

Looks like that didn’t go so well.

Glancing towards the door he checked to see if his family had installed a door knob.

Nope, still the same smooth surface it had always been.

Holding Lily tighter when she crawled closer, Jakal contemplated his options.

He was either going to have to find a way to get Lily safely out of here, or face his past once and for all.

He really didn’t like the last option, but it seemed like the only plan that would work.

He knew from past experiences that escaping unnoticed had a 97percent chance of failure.

He wasn’t going to risk Lily that way.

Jakal felt her stir and watched as her eyes opened and her brow furrowed as she glanced around the room.

“Where are we?”

He sighed as she pulled out of his arms, “My old room. Sorry, Princess, but you’re about to meet my parents.”


I stared up at Jakal, wondering why that would be a bad thing.

Oh, wait; weren’t his parents the ones who ordered me kidnapped?

Okay, so that is a little bit awkward, but what if they just wanted to meet me?

Why does Jakal look so upset?

“I took an acting course in college once, I’m sure I can fool your parents.”

He looked at me funny.

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, you don’t seem pleased at the prospect of me meeting your parents. I suppose it has something to do with us not really getting along so I was just informing you that I could act like a loving girlfriend since they must assume we’re going out.”

A light seemed to die in his eyes, “I couldn’t care less what they assume about us, I don’t want you to pretend anything, especially acting like we’re together.”

For some reason the venom in his voice when he spoke made my chest ache, “Oh, then what’s the problem?”

“Look at the door, then tell me what you think.”

I looked at it, but it took me a few seconds to find what was odd.

“Where’s the door handle?”

Jakal sighed, “We’re not guests, we’re prisoners.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh! Talk about family problems.

Hope you love it!

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