‹ Prequel: One Day at a Time
Status: The sequel of awesomeness :D


It's all because you're by my side (Joe's POV)

Joe's POV

Nick leaned over to me and nudged me in the arm.

“Dude, are you gonna tell them yet? Can’t hold it in forever.”

“You sound like Alexa,” I whispered back. “I’m gonna say it, just give me a sec.”

Nick shrugged his shoulders and jumped back into a conversation like it was nothing. I couldn’t understand what I was so nervous about. I’ve sang in front of millions of fans all around the world, and yet I can’t even stand up in front of my family to announce mine and Alexa’s engagement. Even though Kevin and Nick were the only ones in my family that knew, it felt like everyone else was watching me and waiting for me to say something. Alexa caught me off guard when tapped my knee and I shook nervously.

“Seriously, are you okay? She stared at me as if I looked like I was going to get sick. “Nervous?”

“Just a little,” I breathed.

“Oh, it’s okay. We’ll do this together,” she smiled.

Finally, I felt a little more at ease now that I wasn’t doing this alone. She’s amazing; just the way she can make things seem so easy and not as scary as it seems. But just as I was getting enough courage to stand up, I heard the front door open and my cousin’s Veronica and Maddy waltzed in with some guy following behind them.

“Hey!” Veronica exclaimed excitedly and made her rounds with hugs, as did Maddy. The guy that was with them seemed to not want to be here.

“Oh, everyone,” Maddy looped her arm with the guy. “This is my boyfriend, David; David, this is the family.”

The hugs and hand shakes started up, and David smiled his way through everyone’s greetings. I gave him a stern hand shake and patted his back.

“Don’t worry,” I said to him before Alexa could greet him. “We get really excited to see each other, and that’s about it.”

A relieved smile came across his face.

“Thanks man. I’m David, which you --- already know that.”

“Yeah,” I laughed. “I’m Joe.”

He nodded his head and continued to be greeted by everyone else, and then sat between Veronica and Maddy. I can’t do it now. Too many people. I could only imagine how awkward this would feel for David. Shoot; it’s awkward fot me. I felt a hand rub my arm, and looked to my left to see Alexa giving me a face that was telling me to stand up and say something. That only thing I could do was stare at her with fear in my eyes. Seriously, what was wrong with me? Crap; I’m using the word ‘serious.’ Okay, calm down, Joe.

I breathed in and nodded towards Alexa to stand up with me. She wrapped her arm around mine and cleared her throat, bringing everyone’s attention to us. Yeah, this is much more terrifying than being onstage.

“Um,” I cleared my throat. “Alexa and I have something to say.” Her smile couldn’t have been any bigger and I didn’t want to mess this up.

“What is it, hun?” My mom leaned a little over the table and asked.

“U-u-uh,” I stuttered. Really, Joe?

“We’ve got great news,” Alexa spoke for me and I nodded my head in agreement. “Wanna tell them?”

“Yeah,” I answered. “Uh, as you know, me and Alexa have been dating for about a year, and I asked her to marry me last night.”

A deafening silence feel over the dining room and it felt like my throat went dry and my lungs were tightening. Everyone’s eyes searched me for Alexa’s answer.

“And I said yes!” She pulled out her ring and slipped it on her left ring finger.

A feeling of relief ran over me as everyone stood from the table and came around to our side to congratulate us. Jenn already knew and, yet, she still jumped from the table and wrapped her arms around Alexa and then myself, and saying how happy she was for us. My mom was the first to run over to me before Jenn did.

“I’m so happy for you, honey,” she whispered in my ear with tightness in her voice. She pulled back and I could see her eyes holding back tears.

“Mom, really,” my face went slightly red.

“Oh, Joseph,” she wrapped her arms around me again. She pulled back a second time and smiled before turning around to hug Alexa. My dad came up to me after her and gave me a firm handshake before hugging me as well.

“I’m very happy for you, son. Your mom and I are very excited to have Alexa apart of our family.”

“Thanks, dad,” I smiled and he continued on to Alexa. Kevin and Nick were the next ones to come up to me and congratulate me…again.

“Congrats, man,” Kevin grabbed both Nick and I into a hug.

“Kev, let go,” Nick struggled to push him off of us.

“Sorry,” he let go. “Danielle is really excited about this. She wants to know if she can help with Alexa’s hair and stuff like that.”

“Yeah, definitely,” I agreed. “She’d probably love that.”

All this excitement seemed overwhelming. It was like when my brothers and I first get on stage when its pitch black and all you can really think about is the thousands of screaming fans saying your name over and over. It’s exhilarating, and that was how I was feeling right at that moment. Everyone was thrilled about our announcement, and it felt good.

Alexa walked over to me when everyone was done telling her how excited they were and such. She placed her hand in my and smiled.

“We’re getting married,” she whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you like this chapter because I had no clue how to write from Joe's POV. It was way more difficult. If you think this wasn't so terrible, let me know. I think I'm gonna do chapters through his POV a few times throughout the story. Enjoy :]