‹ Prequel: One Day at a Time
Status: The sequel of awesomeness :D


Say goodbye to all my fears (Nick's POV)

Nick’s POV

“Since when do you get all sweaty and nervous before a date?” Kevin asked as he nudged me in the shoulder. I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, buttoning my shirt.

“I’m not all sweaty and nervous,” I claimed and then wiped the sweat drops that were forming on my forehead. Crap, he’s right. So, I lied. “There’s always been sweat on my forehead. You’ve known me my whole life, and you’ve never noticed that before?”

Kevin shrugged his shoulders and laughed to himself at my comeback. It was bad; I knew that. I finished buttoning up my shirt and slipped a blazer over it, pushing the sleeves up to my elbows. It was an outfit I’d worn time and time again, but with a new blazer and new shirt. I was a little nervous and thought going out and buying a better version of an old outfit would make me feel better. Ultimately, it just made me feel like a girl.

I did a last look-over and grabbed my wallet, key, and phone. I stopped in the kitchen to find my mom to tell her I was leaving.

“I’m leaving, mom,” I told her as she was preparing dinner for the rest of the family.

“Okay, sweetie. Have fun and try not to be home too late. Your father wants to go over the set list for the summer tour early tomorrow.”

“No problem,” I replied and kissed my mom’s cheek. I went out to my car and started driving towards Alexa’s place, where Jenn said she would be.

I pulled into the parking lot and turned off the car, waiting for the time to go up. It was only six minutes until eight and I didn’t want to seem too eager if I went up before eight or at exactly eight. But I didn’t want to seem like a jerk for showing up late. I continued to sit in the car until I heard my phone go off with a text message. It read:

I can see your car from my window. You’re so obvious. Come up in a few…she’s just about ready.

It was from Alexa. I smiled and I looked out the car window up to Alexa’s window. She was waving at me to come up in five minutes. I laughed to myself and waved back while nodding my head. Five minutes. That could seem like a lifetime.

I watched the minute hand on my watch tick by slowly and I was starting to get more anxious with each second. As I was about to get out of the car, another text message rang through. Alexa…again.

I said 5 min. Nick. Hurry you butt up! lol

I answered back, I’m coming! Relax! haha, and I started my way out of my car and up to Alexa’s apartment.

I tugged at my blazer to straighten it out and the door suddenly opened before I could knock on it. Alexa was standing behind it.

“Well, it’s about time,” she said sarcastically to me and opened the door more for me to come in. “Give her a minute; she’s freaking out worse than I did when I went out with your brother.”

Really? So I’m not as nervous as I thought I was, now.

“Seriously?” I asked. “She’s nervous about this?”

“Hell yeah. You should’ve seen her this morning before class. We ended up not going; it was pretty bad,” she made a disgusted face and stopped. “But she’s better now, I promise. Or, at least, she’s doing okay.”

She closed the door behind her and pointed to the couch for me to take a seat. I walked over to the couch and sat down, waiting for Jenn to come out. Alexa raised a finger to me to wait a minute and she walked into what looked like a bathroom or bedroom. A few minutes later, Alexa emerged from the room she was in with Jenn right behind her. She looked absolutely breathtaking.

“Jenn,” I said and stood up quickly. “You look amazing.”

Her cheeks blushed slightly and she smiled.

“You’re looking pretty good, too,” she replied. And, at this point, her face went pale and I thought that would’ve been it. “Uh, excuse me just a sec?”

She walked back into the room she came from and Alexa shook her head, laughing quietly to herself.

“Give her a break, huh? She’s not used to actual dating. She was more of the I’ll-just-get-drunk-and-grind-on-you-like-we’re-together type of person. That is, until she met you.”

Until she met me. I let the words repeat themselves in my mind a few times before I saw Jenn reappear in the living room with more color to her face.

“Ready?” She asked and looked timidly at me. I nodded my head and followed her out the door. Before I could leave, Alexa grabbed hold of my arm.

“He’ll be down in a sec,” Alexa yelled out to Jenn, who waved back as she continued outside. I looked at her with fear in my eyes. She’s was about an inch or two taller than I was, and it seemed a little intimidating. “Listen; from future sister-in-law to future brother-in-law, that girl is like my sister and, not that I’m gonna say you’re gonna screw something up, but just…don’t do anything to upset her. Avoid subjects that include her family unless she brings it up first.”

I didn’t realize I was going to get a pep talk, but I could see how much Alexa truly cared for Jenn. I kept nodding my head in agreement, knowing that nodding my head probably wouldn’t make her happy; she wanted verbal agreement.

“I need for you to say that you promise to be nice,” she pointed at me. “Nicholas Jerry Jonas, do you promise to stay in line and not upset my best friend, who is, Jenn?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I smirked at her and she made a face that lightly crinkled her forehead. “Alexa, relax. You know me. I’m a man a stature and quite the gentleman.” I puffed my chest out to seem manlier. Alexa slapped my chest and stuck a finger in my face.

“I’m just warning you, Jonas.”

“Seriously, Alexa. Take a chill pill,” I said and kissed her cheek, and she suddenly seemed less hostile. As I was leaving, I turned around and said, “Future Mrs. Jonas, I’ll have her home before midnight,” and smuggled a laugh.

I saw her stern face break and she laughed, too. She waved to me and I smiled at her before closing the door behind me. I walked down to my car and saw Jenn waiting uneasily next to the passenger door.

“Did she give you ‘The Talk’?” Jenn asked as I rounded the car and opened the door for her.

“Oh, does she do that often?” I laughed.

“Oh, god, no. But she always threatens to, though.”

“Hah, so I guess I was the lucky guy, huh?”

She giggled and nodded her head in agreement. I closed the door and walked slowly around to my side.

“Okay, Nick, tonight will go by smoothly and it’ll be fine. Relax,” I said to myself and shook my head. “And now you sound crazy for talking to yourself. Keep it together, man!”

I breathed in and got into the car. Tonight was going to go smoothly and it’ll be fine.
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New chapter and sorry that the date didn't happen yet. Like I've said before, there's only so much detail I can fit in three pages of Microsoft Word...date is the next chapter for sure :] Most likely through Jenn's POV. Enjoy peeps! :]
P.S. you're all awesome for reading. If you read this author's note, comment and tell me some ideas you might like to see in this story. I might be thinking about a third one...?