Can I Hold You?

Liquid Dookie

Several punk scenes and several releases of 'Animal Mike' later I'm being dropped off at home.
"Nice of you to return." Chris says evilly as come through the door.
"Yeah, yeah dip wad." I mutter as I head up the stairs to dump my bag. On my way back downstairs I bump into my mother.
"Why did you just leave like that?"
"Well the whole road trip thing was spur of the moment." I say shrugging, "Besides I told Chris."
"Just don't do it again." My mother says coldly as she heads upstairs and I head down.

I wake up a week later to the sound of my alarm clock. Today is the start of a new semester at the community college. Mike is in my social science class, the rest of our courses are separate. Tre was apparently taking some courses too. I get ready and grab my school bag on my way out. Mike's pick-up is waiting in the driveway I head in.
"Gah took you long enough." Tre complains.
"Oh like you would totally hate being late for class." I tease as I lean over to kiss Mike.
"Why don't you ask him why he decided to take some courses so last minute?"
"Why Tre, please tell me." I say as Mike pulls out of the driveway.
"Because I want to learn!" Tre exclaims.
"And the fact the Lisea is going to there is mere coincidence." Mike says smugly.
"I uh well." Tre stutters, "Well is it coincidence you and Ana are going to the same community college."
"Psht, I took courses here before I even met Ana." Mike says rolling his eyes, "Remember when you went to that delightful clown college."
"You went to clown college." I snicker as Tre nods proudly.
"I quit though, to go on our last tour." He says sadly, "But oh well."

"Talking about that, Bill says we're going to start recording Liquid Dookie soon." Mike informs.
"That's what you're calling the album?"
"Yeah, it's awesome huh?" Tre says as he sticks his tongue out through his cheek as if to represent a blow job.
"Actually it's a bit of a turnoff." I say honestly. "Every time some one listens to it, they'll be reminded of a summer where they got dehydrated and ended up sitting on the toilet for two hours straight with the runs." Mike and Tre burst out laughing.
"I remember that summer, I was twelve, but there was no toilette, there was an oak." Tre says laughing hard.
"An oak? Were you camping?" I ask between laughing fits.
"Well not exactly." Tre says smirking. "Our house didn't have any electricity or plumbing and the outhouse was being occupied."
"Is he serious?"
"Yeah, actually he is, I've been there, it's horrible." Mike says laughing.
"It wasn't that bad." Tre protests as he crosses his arms.
"That must explain why you're so, shall I say, eccentric?"
"No, my siblings grew up there too and they're functioning members of society." He says proudly.
"Billie and I have a theory for why he is the way he is." Mike says getting nods of approval from Tre, "It includes him being dropped on his head repeatedly along with some food poisoning and lighter fluid."
"Alright then." I say more than amused.
"School is cool!" Tre screeches out the truck window as we reach the community college.