Can I Hold You?


"Hello, is Ella there?" I mutter through the receiver.
"Yes she is hold on." Her mother says in the most pleasant voice which turns to a raspy yell, "Ella! Phone!"
"Hello." Ella says out of breath.
"Hey Ella, do you want to go for lunch?"
"Lunch? Since when do we go for lunch?"
"Uh, yesterday I stopped off at this diner and the food smelt good." I say quickly.
"I'm broke." Ella mutters.
"S'okay, I got my paycheck yesterday so I'll pay."
"Fine, I'll meet you at your place in a bit." She says hanging up the phone.

I could tell she's still pissed about how I chose the Shane crew instead of her yesterday, but it doesn't matter. I don't plan on seeing Shane again, I'm pretty sure he got that vibe yesterday.

Ella gets to my house around 12:30.
"Chris, we're borrowing your car for a bit." I call out to my brother.
"What? No! I need it."
"But we need to go somewhere."
"I'll drive you, I'm just about to leave." He mutters. The three of us pile into my brother's tiny car.
"Where do you need to go?"
"Diner on Indie Street." I mutter.
"What? Why?" he asks in disbelief.
"Just drive there." I mutter. The drive takes about five minutes.
"Thanks for the lift." Ella says casually.
"Yeah, yeah." My brother mutters as he drives away.

"This place doesn't smell that good." Ella mutters as we step inside. I don't answer because I see the back of the box guy's head at the grill.
"Let's just get a table." I say moving towards a bench. A waitress comes up to us with a pad of paper and a pen.
"What'll it be?"
"Hamburger and a coke." I say casually.
"Smoke meat sandwich and a coke." Ella mutters.
"Alright, it'll be ready in a bit." The waitress says walking over to the brown haired guy who turns around. He sees me and fumbles with his spatula which falls to the floor.
"Real smooth Mike." A guy with dark curly hair mutters.
"Shut-up." The guy says.
"They expect us to eat food that was flipped with floor spatula?" Ella hisses.
"It's extra protein." I mutter.

"So what was with you yesterday?" Ella asks.
"Forget about it, I broke up with Shane." I mutter as the waitress comes up to us with our drinks.
"Why'd you go out with him in the first place?"
"I don't know." I say taking a sip from my soda.
"Whatever." She mutters.
"Here you go ladies, hamburger for you and a smoke meat sandwich for you."
"Thanks." We say simultaneously.
"You like that chef guy don't you?" she hisses at me.
"That's why you wanted to come here today."
"Don't be ridiculous." I say quietly.
"Then why do you keep glancing at him, even after we've gotten our food."
"Are you going to ask him out or just sit here pathetically?"
"Sit here pathetically." I mutter.

"Listen up everyone!" the guy with curly brown hair says stepping up onto the counter. "My buddy Mike and myself are in a band called Green Day and we'll be playing tonight at Gilman Street, you're all invited!"
"Billie, get off the counter." The one who must be Mike hisses.
"Just doing you a favor." Billie says as he climbs off the counter.

"Let me guess we're going to an amateur concert tonight aren't we?" Ella whispers rolling her eyes.
"Well yeah." I mutter.
"Alright, sounds fun." She says laughing.
"Oh so that's your angle pretending you're pissed about everything."
"Well yeah. I get funnier reactions from you this way."