Can I Hold You?


I put the final things in my bag and head into the living room where Lisea and Adie are. The reason we're all here is because the guys are bound to get back from touring any minute now.

"I can't take this." I say anxiously as I go up to the window yet again.
"Stop pacing," Adie says aggravated, "You're making me twitchy."
"I can't believe we're out of weed," Lisea mumbles, "I could really go for a hit right about now."

"The guys probably have some," I mumble as I sit back down.
"D'you hear that!" Adie exclaims as she runs up to the window. I see a smile spread across her face and I run for the door, grabbing my bag on the way out.

It's a mad dash down the stairs for us three sex deprived young women. Just as our feet hit the pavement the touring van parks and the three rockers step out.
"Mike!" I yell happily as I run across the street to meet him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses me passionately. "I fucking missed you."

"I missed you too." He says as he cranes his neck down to kiss me again.
"I got a surprise for you."
"I really? I can I have it?"
"I have to take you there," I say grabbing his hand. "Hey Billie, Tre!" I call as we go up to Mike's pick-up.

"So it's a far surprise." Mike says as he gets into the passenger's side. "Couldn't I drive?"
"No, because then I'd have to tell you where we're going." He rolls his eyes.
"Would this have anything to do with making love to me until my man parts are sore?" he says quoting me.
"Maybe." I smirk as I start down the street.
"Is it the hospital again?" I laugh.
"No, definitely not."
"Jesus Anastasia where are we going?" he asks irritated as I start to head out of Oakland.
"Oh full names," I smirk. "Well Michael, we'll be there in about fifteen minutes."
"I don't like this secretness," He pouts. "Couples shouldn't keep secrets, unless it's about nudey mags."
"Well maybe I'm taking you to a nudey magazine convention."
"There's no such thing. Tre even checked." I can't help but burst out laughing.

We finally get to our destination and I park the truck.
"Where are we?" Mike asks getting out. "A hotel?" I nod mischievously as I pull out a can of whip cream from my bag. "Holy shit, whip cream too?"
"And cherries." I smirk, "Amongst other things."
"Did I mention I love you?"
"Love you too Mike," I say holding up a hotel room key. He takes it from me and practically pulls me inside.


The guys had three weeks off before they went back to touring, we were on our second week. The guys had gone out somewhere, Adie was at work, Lisea disappeared about fifteen minutes ago. I have the apartment to myself, so I take this opportunity to take a nice long shower and actually blow dry my hair completely. As I step out of the washroom Mike steps through the door with Tre by his side.

"Hey babe," I say smirking. Tre heads straight for the bedroom, he had earphones from his walkman plugged into his ear.

"Hey," He says coming up to me and putting his hands on my hips. We stand there kissing for a while before we make our way to the couch and turn on the TV. I rest my head on his chest as MTV blares the top ten music videos of the month.
"Ana, I gotta go to the washroom." I remove my head from his chest and he goes to the far end of the apartment.

"Ana!" he calls, "Since when do we have a garbage can in the washroom?!"
"Since Adie put it there last month." I laugh, remembering how Adie got pissed during her 'time of month' when she had to go across the whole apartment to dispose of her 'lady products.' Mike comes back into the living room silent.

"What's wrong?" I ask after about a minute and a half of silence.
"Do you maybe have something to tell me?" he asks staring into my eyes, "Something important?"

"Umm, you snore when you sleep on your left side," I say laughing.
"You do know I love you no matter what, right?"
"Mike, what's gotten into you?" I ask bewildered. "I love you and I know you love me."
"I found the pregnancy test."
"Pregnancy test?" I furrow my eyebrows, "What the hell are you talking about?"
"In the bathroom trash, it was positive," He gibbers, "And on the day I got back we went all out, didn't even use a condom."
"Mike, it's not my test," I say looking him straight in the eye. "Besides, it would be physically impossible for me to get pregnant that week."
"Okay," He says calming down, "Then whose test is it?"

Just then a distraught looking Lisea comes through the door. "Is Tre back yet?"
"Yeah, he's in his room," Mike says pointing to the correct door.
"Thanks." She says as she hurries off into the room.
"Well that answers our question," I say quietly.

"What!" we hear Tre yell in disbelief, "How could this happen!"
"I believe you were there too!" Lisea retorts.
"Maybe we should leave," Mike says slowly.
"Good idea," I grab his hand and we head out the door in a rush.

"Coffee?" Mike asks as we head down the stairs.
"Sure, you got money, because I left mine back upstairs." He shoves his hands in his pocket.
"So did I." We both look up the flight of stairs.
"You know what the park is nice too," I say not wanting to go back into the apartment.
"Yeah." Mike says laughing as we head out.

We go to the abandoned park and walk around for a while. The park is only at use at night for horny teenagers and for getting wasted. We sit atop the graffiti coloured jungle gym for a while.

"So what do you think is going to happen with Tre and Lisea?" I ask as I let my legs dangle loosely.

"They're going to calm down over the next two hours, maybe have make up sex or something." Mike says calmly, I laugh. "Then they're going to try to have a serious talk about the baby and stuff and then Tre's going to do something drastic to prove his love."

"Ahh, I see," I say nodding. "Friggin scary though."
"Yeah, I don't think I'll be able to get hard for a week," Mike says looking at his crotch.
"Quit being so dramatic."
"Fine, for the rest of the day," He says laughing, "Even then, I won't be getting hard unless I'm alone or there's a condom handy."
"Good plan."