White Doors

Tan Dress

“Sam, I don’t want to wait here!”
I said pushing some of my hair back down at the bottom of Emily’s stairs.
“Yazhi, Please just stay here.”
My half brother Sam said then bent down and kissed his lover.
When he looked back at me he came over and kissed my forehead then left out the door.
“Come on Yazhi I’m not that bad am I?”
Emily asked knowing she was not the reason why I wanted to not be here.
I hugged her.
“No I just don’t like being here. It makes me worry about them.”
I said she kissed my head.
“I know but it’s what they have to do sweetie.”
She told me. Then guided me to the kitchen.
“You want to make some cookies?”
She asked I nodded and we got started.

“did you see that leech!?”
I hear Paul yell happily. I jumped out of my bed I had at Emily’s and then pulled on PJ bottoms and brushed my hair, then ran downstairs.
I yelled jumping into his arm. He chuckled and hugged me back.
He then put me down. I looked around and saw Paul, Jacob, Jared, Quil, and Embry.
I blushed when I saw Embry. I don’t know why but I hide into Sam’s chest. I looked down at myself.
I then started to blush. I ran over to Emily. She hugged me.
I am afraid that I was quite shy.
“I like your slippers.”
Embry said walking up to me.
I looked back at him and smiled.
“why don’t you go get dressed?”
Emily said with a laugh in her voice I just nodded and ran up.
I felt Embry’s eyes on me as I went up.

I had my hair down in it’s normal waves.
I smiled this was a little much for me to be showing but I was going to go to the mall today.
I pulled my boot on then ran down stairs again I had a big smile on my face.
I ran over to Emily’s kitchen taking a muffin.
“You going out Yazhi?”
Sam asked me with worry in his voice.
I nodded biting into the muffin a little holding it with both my hands.
“With who?”
He asked me I looked over at Embry and blushed.
“With Kim.”
I told him he nodded being okay with it. I mean it was Jared’s Imprint.
“Kim did not tell me about it.”
Jared said eating the over half of his muffin he seemed worried.
Then the next thing I knew Kim walked in.
“babe, are you going to the mall?”
Jared asked her kind of sad like, she nodded and smiled at him taking a hold of his hands.
I smiled and blushed thinking that one day that could be me and Embry.

Sure me and Embry are not together.
But I know I am his imprint, my brother gave it away.
He pushed Embry into a tree and said if he hurt me he was going to rip his head off.
Embry just never asked me, and I was to shy to ask him.
Everything I think of him I blush.
He is so handsome and I am well plan.
I looked over at him and found him looking at me.
I gasped a little and looked down.
Kim kissed Jared and he kissed back he smiled at her and she smiled back.
“Man I am so lucky I don’t have a imprint. I don’t know how you guys stay with one girl.”
Paul says kicking his feet back onto the table eating a muffin.
“Paul I don’t know how you go out with so many girls.”
Quil said kind of pissed he had to say something about his imprint.
“Aw well the sex is great so that’s how. But none of you pups would know about that”
Paul said cocky I just looked down.
That was something I never really try to think of and thinking about well I could only think about it with Embry.
Quil looked like he was going to jump Paul, Jacob seem annoyed and I could feel Embry’s eyes on me.

“Paul stop picking on them. It will bite you in the butt.”
Emily said he chuckled and rolled his eyes.
“Well Yazhi you ready to go?”
Kim asked me getting annoyed with Paul rude behavior.
I nodded I pulled my jacket on and when I went to the door with Kim Jared and Embry popped up.
They looked at each other and smiled.
“Um could we go?”
Embry asked with a shy smile, I just looked down and word hard not to blushed.
Kim nodded and waited for Jared who ran up and grabbed her arm kissing her hand.
I just smiled shyly at Embry then bite my lip.
Why was I so shy? I love Embry.
We are Soul mates after all.
At that very moment I thought about grabbing his hand and holding it in mine.
I just could not find it in me to do so.

When we got to the mall a hour and a half later Kim and Jared ran off.
I believe they did this so Embry and I would be alone.
We were walking around it was crowded so we were a little close.
He smiled at me and I smiled back biting my lip more then likely a little more flirty then what I meant.
“You look great.”
He said not knowing if it was alright to say I blushed and whispered a ‘thank you’.
“You want to get a ice cream?”
He asked me with a big happy smile on his face I bite my lip and nodded fast.
He smiled grabbing my hand and pulling me over to the ice cream stand.
“two cookies and cream.”
He said I looked at him in aw how did he know I liked cookies’n cream.
He picked up both and gave me my bowl and grabbed my hand pulling me over to a table in the food court.
I said taking a bite of ice cream he smiled and almost had the ice cream gone.
I giggled he had a little bit of ice cream on his check, he looked at me worried.
I leaned forward and wiped it off with a napkin.
He blushed then thanked me, I smiled for once I was the one not blushing.
I asked my voice soft and uncertain, he looked up at me waiting for me to finish but I never got to.
“Hey babe.”
I looked over and saw some guy he was blonde and had blue eyes and looked like a football player.
“How about you dump this wannabe, and hang out with a real man.”
He said closing in on me, I wanted me to leave Embry and me alone.
I just shock my head.
“Come on you don’t want to hurt my feelings.”
He said making fun of my shy and childish response.
“She said no jerk!”
Embry said pushing the guy away from me. I exhaled.
“I don’t believe I-”
He stopped when he looked at how Tall and buff Embry was.
He was much taller then the guy and Embry could slam this guy into a wall easy.
The guy was just going to walk away, his friend try to get him to fight Embry but he must have liked life.
I could tell Embry was going to not just drop this.
He walked up and turn the guy to look at him.
“Tell her your sorry!”
He said pissed, my heart melted I got up and put a hand on Embry’s that was on the guys shoulder.
“Come on Embry.”
I said sweetly he shock his head he wanted the jerk to say sorry but I was happy.
I knew Embry cared and that’s all I wanted.
“Embry please.”
I said he looked down at me when our eyes met I could feel the pull Mr. Black had talked about in the old stories a blush came to my face but I did not look away, I liked it.
He nodded pulling away from the guy who was trying to found out what just happen.
I held his hand as we walked he smiled at me making my blush visible on my tan skin.
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