A Werewolf Story, Return of the Werewolves

All starting on Mari's Birthday, Thomas comes back with Amity and takes over the house, making the House of the Doomed a very miserable place to live, well, at least the name now suits right?

Wrong, Mari, Shapefune, Edward, Hailey and Elysse make a plan to leave, but where do they go? And what happens when Hailey goes to the dark side without anyone but Elysse knowing?

Okay, so the original theme song was Chinese by Lily Allen, but I changed it even though I said I wouldn't, but I know know it doesn't fit, so heres the new one! Theme song: That Day by Natalie Imbrugila!!! To get this I just put my ipod on shuffle until I got an actually GOOD song.
  1. Birthday horrors
    Mair's birthday! Yay! ....... or not......
  2. Run!
    "What do we do now?" "Now we run"
  3. Gelrom Yenect
    Mari meets the dark side of her relations, another Werewolf pack that abandoned the name Moon and created another, Yenect.
  4. What does it look like Edward?
    Elysse gets sick and Edward tries to help
  5. Serina
    Hailey finds an immortal girl who looks 14 called Serina
  6. Curiosity didn't kill the cat a humans car did
    Mari's dream becomes reality
  7. Yay, he's mine!
    Shapefune FINALLY asks Mari out.
  8. parents home AGAIN?
    They finally decide where to go
  9. Maritha and her interviewing ways
    Maritha tries to find about about Elysse, and succeeds
  10. Sick
    Elysse is even more sick than before
  11. Three becomes two
    Kaity leaves the sister, also the first mention of the master of this world is mentioned, and guess who it is? I'll give you a clue, its me!
  12. the Greenfyre?
    Elysse meets Greenfyre
  13. Lets explain al little about the last chapter shall we?
    This is why Mari wasn't outside with Sara
  14. Birthday surprise? I hate you.
    Elysse gets a surprise birthday party but doesn't want it to happen
  15. Elysse and Edward's depression
    Elysse and Edward get depressed after what happened on her birthday
  16. Operation get Angel and Mortal born together
    The plan is set into action
  17. Admitting it
    Elysse finally admits how she feels about Edward
  18. Greenfyre visits
    I come to warn everyone!
  19. Warning
    I finally get to warn them!
  20. Vampire taken
    Lauri takes Thomas away to Gelrom
  21. Blinded by greed, blinded by fire
    We finally see Hailey's dark side as she takes Elysse's sight away forever
  22. "Werewolves took him"
    Amity finally gets to the others to try and get help from them
  23. Serina and Gelrom
    A series of events leads to a death of a much loved person in the group
  24. The locket
    Edward finds the secret behind Serina's locket
  25. E, B and I
    Ebi is blind and has no memory of her past