A Werewolf Story, Return of the Werewolves

Operation get Angel and Mortal born together

Elysse's POV

I tried to find Greenfyre again.

It was harder than I remembered, I had to walk through a lot of thorns, but like I said before, I couldn't feel any pain, so I continued.

But in the end I found the place I was looking for.

I walked in.

The Greenfyre was glowing just as it was last time, but the eye was closed, it looked like it had brown eye shadow on.

I walked over to a wall, it had all these pictures on them, in between the wall was a line, on top was two symbols, I couldn't understand them, they looked Japanese.

I looked at each side carefully, on one side were paintings of wars and people standing up to others, but one person was just standing, watching, it looked like it was waiting for something to happen, its hand was crossing over to the other side of the line.

It looked foreign compared to the others, more like the other side which was the same but more peaceful.

I looked closely at the foreign person, it looked like a girl.

Her hand was being held by another person on the other side, it was also a girl.

I looked at the details, the one on the left had wavy sort of hair that looked blonde, she was surrounded by green and silver, the other was a different story.

It had long black hair, they put the eye brows on her, they were curled, like Mari's.

I heard a yawn.

"Elysse, why are you here?" asked Greenfyre, the eye was now looking at me.

"Because I want you to do something for me" I said normally.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to put my heart back together, I don't want to feel like this anymore" I said, I could feel the tears building up.

"Why would I do that now?" it said calmly.

"Why? So I don't have to avoid everyone anymore! Whoever I talk to will think I'm not well again if I start to talk and start to cry for no reason!" Tears started to fall down my face.

"Heart break? I can't fix that, only the person who caused it can fix it, or the person whom has the heart that is broken in the first place"

"Come on, please?" I said.

"I already told you, I can't, only Edward-"

"It might not be Edward" I said quickly.

"I know it is, I see all" Greenfyre boomed.

I started to cry a bit more, so I think it took pity on me.

"Look, I said I can't fix it, but it doesn't mean I can't help you fix it"

A Green hoofed creature with large ears and small dark eyes came out of the fire, it trotted over to me.

It was the size of a middle sized dog, it had three red stripes on its back with a pair of bent looking fairie wings.

"Hello little..... thingy, how are you?"

"Its a Greenfyre creature, it will keep you company and help you with your broken heart, you can name it"


It jumped up and down.

"Its Missy, isn't it! Thats what your name will be, Missy"


Me and my newly found friend Missy walked back, I could hear its thoughts, they were really excited and fast, like a puppies.

This is what I managed to pick up:

"I've got a new friend! I'm so excited!"

"Why does she just keep walking through the thorns?"

"I can't wait to get home!"

and finally.....


I finally told her to just shut up, not thinking that these were her thoughts, not what she was saying.

She just continued walking.

I was thinking why would Greenfyre think that this would make me feel better? This is driving me nuts!

I walked inside, I only just realized it wasn't when I usually came back in when Mari and Serina ran over to me.

"Elysse! Where so glad to see you-whatthehellisthat!?!?" that was Mari.

"Oh, this is Missy, my apparent new friend" I said without any feeling.

"Hiya Missy!" said Mari, she bent down and petted it, it looked like it was ENJOYING it.

Then it gave off this weird noise.

"Thats right, I'm Mari, I'm a Werewolf, and for some reason I can understand you"

Then she got up and grabbed my arm and pulled me along behind her.

"What are you doing?" I asked, again with no feeling.

"I'm taking you to meet someone"

"Um.... who?"

She just looked at me.

"You'll see" she just said.

They both had the biggest smiles on their faces.

Edward's POV

I was sitting in my room, I had a guitar in my hands, I was trying to write a song, but I couldn't for some reason, not about her.

Shapefune came to the door and just came in.

"I thought I told you to KNOCK before you enter?"

"Knock knock" he said as he knocked on the wall.

"What do you want anyway?" I just said.

"Come with me, and bring your guitar" he said.


"You'll see" he said simply, I just followed.

He brought me to the attic, I had no idea why he wanted me here, but I followed anyway.

He led my up into the attic, then closed the door behind me.

I looked around, and I saw a thin figure in the corner.


She was sitting down, holding her legs, she buried her face into them.

"Els, whats wrong?" I said gently.

"I-I-I saw you, and Hailey..."

I just froze and went more paler than I already was.

Elysse's POV

"You saw Hailey kiss me didn't you?"

I nodded my head in response.


"Keep.... away.... from me" I said, I was sobbing now.

He still sat next to me.

"What... don't you.... get.... about.. me saying.... keep away.... from.... me"

"I get that your upset"


"And you don't really want me to keep away"

I kept not looking at him, he tried to put his arm around my shoulders, I just shoved it off.



We sat there for what felt like eternity, when he spoke again.

"Look, Els, what happened that night-"

"I don't want to know"

"Yeah, but I'm going to tell you"


"I will dare"

"Fine, fire away"

"What happened was I was going to bed, but then a certain partial Werewolf came up and kissed me, but I didn't kiss back, I was trying to push her off me, she's not the one I like"

"Who do you like?"

"Well, she has very beautiful eyes, her skin isn't what you would usually see around here, and her face is the most interesting thing I think of at night"

"Is it Serina, cause I can understand if it is..."

"No, its not her, but your close"

I had lifted my face up from my legs to look at him.

"Who then?"

He looked at me then just said "your eyes are red from all that crying"

I shrugged.

"Who is it then?" I asked again.

"You know that it was really depressing to see you walk around like a zombie-"

"Edward, your avoiding my question"

He just looked into my eyes, his Green eyes sparkled, reminding me of the Greenfyre.



"You" he said real quietly.