A Werewolf Story, Return of the Werewolves

Greenfyre visits

Greenfyre's POV (I'M Greenfyre, so I've basically put myself into my own story kind of):

I just sat there, as always, I was watching a very happy Elysse sitting down with a very happy looking Edward who was trying to make up lyrics as he went.

I sighed, I tried to see what else was happening, I flicked through picture after picture of different things, until I saw something that interested me.

I saw a girl with black hair and a black dress similar to Elysse's.

She continued to walk the long distance, not looking tired or anything.

Suddenly a young boy ran though her, her particals shimmered before they came back together.

"A Ghost, how interesting" I muttered as I stopped looking at the strange picture.

I thought that I must tell them, but how?

Then, I had an idea.

My flame started to shimmer, I regained my human form.

I had on mirror around the pyre I usually sat on.

I had silver eyes, my hair had gone light pink, I was wearing a t-shirt with a butterfly on it and a pair of leggings, I had skate shoes, I looked amazing, but this was my soul not how I actually looked when I was human.

I decided to leave a note for my caretaker.


Dear Maritha,

So sorry to leave, must go with Savior friends, be back sometime.... maybe.

Love Greenfyre

P.S; When I get back stock up on white chocolate, really love that stuff.


I left the note under some ashes so it was still partially visible.

I crept out of my cave, and up to the house.

"Oh, hello!" said a voice from the back door.

It was girl who had puffy blonde hair and charcoal black eyes, her eyebrows were curled up at the ends, she was watching me with interest.

"Who are you?"

I decided not to use my real name, but a name I had always liked.

"Um..... Katherine, but everyone calls me Kat, or they use to anyway" I muttered the last part to myself, but I knew she would hear me.

"Can I come in?"

"Uh, yeah, sure" she said, there was something fishy about her.

"Whats your name?"

"Hailey... are you mortal?" she asked me.

"I'm, uh, an Elf, yeah, and Elf"

"Ummmmm.... okay!" she said.

'what have you gotten yourself into Shiralos' I thought using the name that meant Greenfyre in ancient Moonish (it gets boring just calling your self Greenfyre in the same language) as Hailey took me further inside.