A Werewolf Story, Return of the Werewolves

Blinded by greed, blinded by fire

Hazel's POV

I watched in utter disgust as I saw her plotting into the night.

"I could just ditch her in the woods, but she can fly so that won't be any use" she muttered under her breath, this was about the one hundredth plan she had thought of and dismissed because of something that could go wrong.

Then, while she was drawing without thinkingon her piece of paper that was laid out in front of her, she looked down at it, a horrible grin spread across her face.

I couldn't see the paper, but I already had a feeling of what she was thinking.

I watched her plotting, horrified by what I was hearing with my own ears.

Hailey's POV

I worked all night on my plan, in the morning, I walked up to Elysse.

"Hey Elysse, want to go for a walk in the garden, it kinda creeps me out" I said, making sure that I sounded like I was telling the truth.

"Um, sure, why not" she said.

Good thing I filled up on luck this morning I thought as I led her out the door and into the garden.

She started to look unsure.

I had forgotten.


She was starting to guess my plan, but I didn't care, as soon as she was out of the way the better.

Remember what the dark one said......

"If you help me your services will be paid for in any way you wish...."

"I wish for Edward to love me instead of the mortal born Elysse...."

"I can do that, but you have to get rid of the mortal born...."

"I'll do it, but I may need help to do so, she has great powers which I cannot compete against..."

"You will feel a slight pain in your ear for a moment...."

"Wait, what?"

Screaming in agony, I became what I am now.....

I led her to a cave I had found, and I knew what it contained.

I took almost all of her luck and gave it to myself, I'm not completely heartless.

I used some of the new gift the dark one had given me, calling out the creature that was within.

I could feel Elysse trying to look into my mind, see what I was doing, but she could hear nothing, I was blocking her.

"What are you doing?" she hissed at me, she had been inspecting the caves edges to try and guess what was inside, her eyes were filled with confusion, madness, and finally, fear.

"I know whats in that cave, the edges tell all, so does the burned grass, why have you brought me to a dragons lair?"

I smiled at her, she recoiled.

A giant, black dragon ran out of the cave.

"Hope you enjoy the sight of Nightsclaw, for it will be the last thing you will ever see"

I signaled the dragon to breathe its fire on her.

The last thing I saw of Elysse at the time was her blue eyes, looking at me in rage, in them was shouting a message.

If you think that this will be the end of me, you are wrong, as wrong as the dark one was that I wouldn't survive an hour in this world.....

After that, she seemed to have disappeared, burned by the fire and left as ashes.

All that was left was her pendant of a heart with a four leafed clover trapped inside.

It is surrounded by luck, that is true, but even this one lucky charm could not save you from your fate

I took it as a kind of winning trophy, though I don't know why, I would not be able to show anyone but the dark one and his fellow servants, none of my family would accept me ever if I told them what I did and why I did it.

I took it despite this miner set back.

I walked back to the house, preparing my story to tell the others, little knowing, or even caring that a singed girl in a black dress was crawling away, her sightless eyes forever still.