A Werewolf Story, Return of the Werewolves

Serina and Gelrom

Mari's POV

We had packed all our stuff into our backpacks and ran to find Thomas.

"Amity, why would they take a Vampire?!" asked Edward, he was obviously trying to get his mind of Elysse.

"I can answer that" I said.

"oh yeah? how!"

"They'll take anything that apparently comes into 'their' territory, they took me and Shapefune cause they blame all angels for the curse thingy and I'm part of another werewolf family, and just about all Werewolves hate Vampires, so why the hell not?"

"Oh, Mari? Why are we trying to save the thing that wanted us gone in the first place?!?!" screamed Hailey.

"Cause if we don't then we're just as bad as him.

We ran until we found the cave entrance.

"Lauri! Come out you ugly little bi-"

"Temper, temper" said Lauri, popping out of the hole head first.

Everyone but me, Shapefune and Amity were shocked at the resemblance.

"Your also making yourself look bad, we do look alike after all"

"But are personalities are completely different, wheres Thomas?" I said coldly.

"The Vampire, oh, he's about to be sacrificed"

"Lauri, is there anyway of stopping this WITHOUT having to hurt you?"


I went to punch her, but she twisted my arm to hard I gasped in pain, I then tried to kick her, she twisted my ankle so hard it almost broke.

For about the first time as a Werewolf I screamed.

"Ready to give up?" she said.



"Same" I said, using my free hand to grab her hair, I pulled it so hard the roots almost came out, she gave a scream of pain.

"Go go go!" I yelled at the others.

Everyone else went past Lauri, but Shapefune paused.

"What about you?"

"I'll hold her off, just go get that idiot Thomas" I said, keeping hold of her hair.


"Just GO!" I screeched at him.

He disappeared down the hole.

"Mari, how about we don't fight like little children, how about we fight like wolves?" said Lauri, she started to shudder, she was going to phase.

"Your on" I said, also starting to phase.

Serina's POV

We ran down past Lauri, Shapefune stopped, we all heard what they said.

"What about you?"

"I'll hold her off, just go get that idiot Thomas" she said said, always keeping hold of Lauri's hair.


"Just GO!" she screeched at him eventually, he ran to catch up to us as we ran further down the cave.

"What if we're too late? What if they've killed him already? what if-" Amity said, I slapped her, shocking her extremely because I could touch her.

"Get a hold of yourself woman!" I said, for about the first time sounding as if I actually was from this century.

"You-can-touch-me?" she said.

"I can turn into a ghost whenever I want, so OF COARSE I CAN TOUCH YOU!!!!" I yelled, then started running again.

We all followed Shapefune who remembered his way from when he was here last until we reached a giant chamber, in the middle a very ancient but young looking man who was about to cut Thomas in half with a sword.

It all happened so fast I have no idea what really happened.

All I know is Hailey ran up to him and took the sword, tossing it to Edward who tossed it too me, I had seen this sword before, it had been our fathers, he passed it down to us when we moved to earth, not knowing what it would become.

"Ah..... Serina, my dear, dear sister, how nice to see you after all this time" Gelrom said, I just held the sword, it was made of the lightest metal possible but somehow it had become heavier since I last held it.

"Ah, Gelrom, don't you EVER tire of causing destruction?"

Everyone just looked at me.

"I may be the sister to Norris Moon, but I am also sister to Gelrom Yenect, he changed his name from Moon because he hated us and how we always helped others, he set a curse on me to stay in the form of a 14 year old forever" I said, gripping the sword tighter, it began to glow white like the moon, it was feeding of my anger and so it grew heavier.

"Ah sister, you never forget anything now do you?" he said before starting to attack me, I just flung the sword, it hit him and he yelped in pain.

"I don't understand, it shouldn't be hurting me like this!!" said a voice I suddenly heard in my head, the sword is very strange, it lets you hear whatever your victims thinks at the time.

I hit him again.

"Serina! You will pay for this!" he thought again, I then attempted to stab him, but instead it didn't hurt him, he grabbed it with his hand, somehow it wasn't cutting hi like it had before, he pulled the sword out of my hand and suddenly he had it.

"I told you you would pay for that" he said aloud this time, smiling.

He then stabbed me in the heart.

Hailey attacked him from behind, pushing him into a cage and making sure he stayed there.

I just collapsed to the ground in pain.

Everything was in slow motion, everyone running to my side to see if there was anything they could do.

I had one thing I had to say to them.

"E-E-Elysse, savior, must, find, protect,"

"Serina?" said Edward, looking startled at what I was saying.

"E-E-Elysse, need, to, protect, save this world, many others, also in danger," I tried to finnish off why Elysse was important to find.

"We'll find her Serina, don't worry" Shapefune said calmly.

"Must, find her, important, take charm"

"What charm?" asked Amity, touching my arm gently, knowing I was about to die, so did Shapefune.

"Around, neck, take it, please, let me see it, in your grasp" I gasped out.

Amity felt for a chain around my neck, she found what she was looking for, a simple charm of a white moon, it was my locket.

"Take it, take it" I said, it wasn't much longer now.

Amity ripped the chain from my neck, but as soon as it left my skin it fell through her hand, Edward caught it.

"Thank-you, for letting me see, who Elysse, was destined, to join with" I said, my heart finally gave in, I closed my eyes, giving into to my own final dream.

I saw my mother and my father and all my friends from when I was aging naturally, I let them pull me into the spirit world, leaving Shapefune, Edward, Hailey and Amity and Mari who was still somewhere at the entrance of the cave with a dead corpse.