A Werewolf Story, Return of the Werewolves

The locket

Edward's POV

Serina had died, right there, in front of us, we all felt sadness as we saw her pass on, she was the oldest out of all of us, but then we were reminded that Thomas was still on the sacrifice table so Shapefune and I went to release him.

Thomas took Serina's body as we made our way out, we had to be quick though, because all the other Werewolves would be rushing to help their master trapped in the cage.

We got to the entrance to find a grey wolf and a red wolf fighting, Shapefune apparently knew who at least one of them was, so he helped it with the other one.

When the red wolf was completely battered it turned into Lauri, the grey one turned into Mari.

"Shapefune! You shouldn't have helped me! I almost had her!" Mari complained, Thomas just laughed despite the fact he had a dead body over his shoulder.

"I love to see a Werewolf complain, especially to the one who pretty much saved them, pride rules every clan" he said, still laughing.

"What was that Vampire?" Mari just said coldly.

"Nothing Werewolf" Thomas replied, Mari spied Serina over his shoulder, her nose twitched then a look of horror spread across her face.

"Who killed Serina?" she said.

We all just looked in different places, avoiding her question.

"Answer me!" she yelled.

"Gelrom Yenect" Shapefune said quietly.

"What....." Mari began, then started to shout out that if she ever came across Gelrom she would tear him to shreds and kill him yada yada yada.

Shapefune eventually had to calm her down so we could talk about a funeral for Serina and a plan to find Elysse.

The funeral took place the next day back at our parents house, we all paid our last respects.

I sat on the roof afterwards, just thinking of how Serina died, she had said something about Elysse and savior.

I looked at the moon locket she had made us take, I wondered why she had given it to us.

I tried to open it, it wouldn't open until I threw it to the ground in frustration.

"Hello to whoever opens this locket" said an image that suddenly popped out of the locket, it looked like a hologram, and it was Serina.

"I have to tell you about the savior, who I have discovered to be a girl called Elysse Bellatrix Imors"

"Savior?" I just said, kind of surprised at this turn of events.

"She needs to be protected, for one day in the future she has to get rid of the dark one, a man who plagues all the worlds with his evil, he has torn many families apart already, including Mari, they are the reason she was separated from her own mother, help stop more lives being destroyed, please, I beg of you" then, the image disappeared and the locket was just a plain normal locket again.

I picked it up, just looking at it.

Serina knew why Elysse was important, and why she belonged in this world even though she was born in another.

I just walked back downstairs.