A Werewolf Story, Return of the Werewolves

Curiosity didn't kill the cat a humans car did

Mari's POV

As we were eating my catch of food, I had this extreme feeling of dread.

Shapefune just looked at me the whole while I was thinking about it.

"Mari, it was just a dream"

"I know, okay? But still, it was so real..."

"But it WAS a dream"

I just folded my arms.


"We better set off, this place isn't good for my mind apparently"

I got up and walked off very fast, so fast Shapefune had trouble keeping up.

"Mari, stop, or slow down, please!"

I grabbed his hand and still kept walking, now he was tripping over his own feet.

"Great, I'm being pulled along by a Werewolf that is mad at me for not taking her dream seriously"

"This isn't even the first time"

His face froze.


"Yes, I remember, just because as a human I didn't remember, as a Werewolf I can remember more clearly about my past, you didn't take me seriously when I said I had dreamed about you, and I got Shapefune jr"

"Shapefune jr?"

I kept walking, until.....

"I smell something"


"Something, disturbing...."

I looked through the trees.

I gasped.



He looked.


"This is where my dream took place, look, over there!"

Four bodies were lying in the dirt.

I ran over.


I kept running, the first body I ran to had brown hair with a few shines of blonde, her eyelashes were longer than an normal persons, her skin didn't give off that normal paleness of the average person, she had a feel of other worldliness, but I was used to it because I knew who she was, I could smell smoke.


Her eyes fluttered open and then closed.

"Are you okay?!"

A voice appeared in my head.

'Does it LOOK like I'm okay?'

"Okay, okay, sheesh! Just asking, what happened?"

'Okay, so we met up with Hailey and this girl called Serina that looks like me but has lighter hair, and these people in white cloaks appeared outta nowhere, and it made us suffer with the thing that harms us most, guess what they used on me, clue; it appears when theres a fire'


Her head nodded slightly.

"Your weakness is smoke"

She nodded again, a bit morelivelythis time.

"Wait here, please"

'Not like I can go anywhere anyway, just make sure I don't die, seriously, smoke can freakin kill me! Plus I've got a cold, that makes it worse'

"Shapefune, make sure that Elysse doesn't die"

He came over, he was white as a sheet.

"You're dream was real" he kept repeating over and over.

I moved over to the next body, it was on its stomach, and I found who that was too.

"Edward, oh my god!"

His face was covered in spiders the size of plates.

I have no fear of spiders so I took them all of one by one.

He had a spider bite on his neck.

"This is not good, Shapefune, how do you cure spider bites!"

"Get you're wand and use it to touch the spider bite, then just wish for it to go away and for the person to be fully healed"

I did that, and it worked.

"You'll be okay, okay? Just, remember to breathe, seriously, breathe"

Next one, Hailey.

I knew what made her tick so I knew her weakness.

Just as I thought, she had a needle in her arm, I ripped it out.

It smelled ofpoison, so I did the same as the spider bite.

I moved to the next, she looked very much like Elysse, so it was Serina.

She opened her eyes briefly like Elysse before closing them again.


It was a voice I hadn't heard before, it was strange, it had a slight accent that I knew was the accent of.....

"Was you're brother Norris Moon?"

She nodded.

"So your Serina de Moon?"

'Serina de Moon de Sorrows to be exact, I need to talk to Elysse, its very important, it involves her destiny as the saviour.....'

"Well, okay,what? Um, I'm just going to drag you over here"

I dragged her and the others to Shapefune, where he was still white.

"I can't see there dreams"

"Thats because their not asleep, their just really weak"

I noticed that Serina was wearing a very old fashioned black dress.

"Who's that?"

"Serina de Moon de Sorrows, Norris's little sister"

"Pretty little sister"

I just gave him a look.

"Lets just get them off the road"

Elysse's POV

It was hours before we were found.

'Edward, if I die before you, I just want you to know.....'


My eyes flew open before they closed again, but it was enough for me to know who had just said my name.


I sent out a distress dream for her to find me.

My mind let out its own sigh.

Mari asked what happened and stuff like that, and I felt her leave and someone else come, Shapefune.

The only person I wanted to be with at that moment was Edward.

My smoke filled lungs were fighting against death every second, and I was getting closer and closer and closer....

"Elysse? Wake up, please?"

I opened my eyes again, I saw Edward, he had a ragged look on his face, but I was just happy to see his face, it was dark.

He held my hand, my heart beat faster.

"You okay?"

I coughed, he chuckled.

"Okay, so I guess the smoke hasn't fully cleared up yet"

He lay down next to me, I noticed that we were surrounded by trees, I tried to sit up, Edward just made me lie down again.

"Rest, its going to be fine, just rest"

I turned on my side.

"You really care for me don't you?" I said in a hoarse voice.

He nodded.

"If something happened to you I wouldn't exactly blame it on me, some of the blame would be on you for getting into whatever the situation was in the first place"

I just frowned.


He smiled.

"Goodnight Els"


I went to sleep thinking, my first nickname, Els, cool.

But while I was sleeping, Serina was looking at me, with the weight of something heavy on her shoulders, trying to figure out how to tell me.

Serina's POV

I sat there, watching Elysse, not my niece, not my elder, but very distant relative, and I mean VERY distant, from another world even, thesavior, the savior of this world and hers.

Her face was peaceful, like an angels, and then there was an angel right next to her.

No angel knows why they are even sent out into the world, but its for a reason, so they can be a guardian angel for someone living, Edward had found his person.

I was trying to figure out how to tell her about her destiny, but nothing seemed to work.

"You have to tell her sometime"

I looked down on my shoulder, a tiny fairie was sitting there, she looked up, her hazel eyes full ofknowledge.

"Who are you?"

"Hazel, and you are?"

"Serina, what are you doing?"

"Watching over my favorite people, very curious about these other people that are around them though"

"Curiosity killed the cat"

"Curiosity didn't kill the cat, a humans car did"

I laughed a bit.

"So anyway, you have to tell her sometime,otherwiseshe might, you know....."

"Get killed without even knowing why? I know, I'm trying to think of a way, seriously! I am!"

"Right, well, when you figure out how to, tell her"

She flew off.

I sighed, I looked at her face again.

And to think that this sweet girl has to save millions of people, she didn't ask for this at all.

So I fell asleep a few minutes later.