A Werewolf Story, Falling Stars

Mari blows her top

Mari's POV

Shapefune got everyone to the library, from where I was hiding I could see everything, Hailey was wet all over, Edward looked damp but his clothes were dry, Amity was trying not to laugh, Thomas just had his usual gloomy look, Shapefune just looked like he was still trying to come to terms with what I was now, human......



I started to breathe heavily as they all looked at Shapefune.

Then, I started to talk from where I was hiding "Um, guys, you know the wishing star thingy from last night?"

"Um, yeah....." Hailey went, then Thomas just snapped and said "Get to the point"

"My wish, um, sorta came true" I finnished off, then got out of my hiding place and stood in front of them, I had been hiding from the top of a bookcase where there was a slight hole in the wall, big enough for me to fit in.

Everyone just stared, well, everyone besides Shapefune and Thomas, Thomas just had a face of...... actually I have no idea what he was feeling at that moment.

"Mari, HOW THE HELL COULD YOU?!?!?!" Shouted Hailey, she ran over and started to shake me, if I was a Werewolf it would have just been gentle, but I was human so it was very violent, but for some reason I could stand it, maybe because I lived on the streets for so long? I don't know, but I know that if she shook me with more strength than that I could get hurt, possibly killed.

I kinda then understood why others saw Werewolves as dangerous, because if we're not careful we actually are.

"Stop that!" Shapefune said, trying to pull Hailey away, put not really succeeding.

"Hailey, seriously, stop, she may be strong, but not strong enough to be able to handle what you're doing for long, just stop!" That was Edward, she stopped only for him, pfft, figures.

"How could you?" She just finished off.

"I'm so sick of having to be the problem in this group, when I'm a Werewolf I cause trouble, when I'm a human, I can't protect myself apparently, when I was a Werewolf I was so sick of having to be careful all the time, if I was to hard I could break someone's arm, if I was out of control I could harm someone, whatever I did I could always harm someone, and I was sick of it, when I'm human at least I can only harm one person....... me, so get off my back Hailey" I said really low and dangerously, everyone just looked at me, shocked by what they had just heard me say.

What am I? The cute bubbly one? Never having a care in the world? Gullible enough to believe what anyone says to me is true?


I think that was the first time anyone had ever seen me so worked up, except for Shapefune who had already seen a similar breakdown like that before.

Hailey just looked around at everyone, I saw the corners of her lips turn up like a smile, but it looked....... kinda evil.

"Well, I guess thats the end of trying to find Elysse......" said Hailey, she sighed a sigh that I recognized to be the fake sigh that she used when we were little to get her way.

**PAST (narrators POV)**

Mari sat on one of the only swings in the abandoned park, Snuffy (her direct cousin) was on the other swing, they were around about the same age, and if Snuffy wasn't already a Werewolf you would still be able to tell that they were related.

Snuffy had black hair just like Mari but she kept it short and simple, she had no fringe, she had very pale skin and had a heart shaped face, she was thin and small, her eyes were black and her eyebrows looked quite ordinary on first glance, but if you looked more closely you'd notice that they were arched up more that they should, giving off the image that she was very bubbly and cheerful, Hailey stood next to the creaky swing set.

"Mari, are you almost done, I'd like to have a turn soon" Hailey said, she was always good at speaking, so she was always a very sly negotiator.

"But I onwy just gowt own" Mari said, she was still trying to speak normally.

Hailey sighed and said "Well I guess I'll have to go then....." she turned as if to leave when Mari said "Wait!" and got the swing to stop, Hailey smiled an evil smile and turned around, instantly having an innocent face.

"You cawn have the swing now" Mari said, holding the chain still, Hailey rushed over, sat on the swing and started to swing.

"Thanks a bunch Mari, you can play in the sand pit now" she said casually, Mari was shocked, but didn't show it, she started to go over to the sandpit.
**end (Now back to Mari's POV)**

"We can't just give up!" Edward said, pulling me out of my flashback.

"But we can't do anything, Mari can't smell anymore, and is probably hopeless when it comes do directions-"

"I don't take kindly to people who insult me right in front of me" I growled.

"And besides, you can still smell, so can Thomas, so problem solved " I said.

Thomas just looked angry as usual and said "And what if I don't want to cooperate?"

"Well then, you probably wouldn't be able to have some of my chocolate cookies......" I said casually, everyone just looked confused, Shapefune shrugged and just said "They're the best I've ever tasted"

I felt myself go red when he said that.

Thomas twitched, then after a minute he said that he would help if he could get some chocolate cookies.

Next thing I know I'm in the kitchen cooking chocolate cookies while everyone was packing, they planned on leaving me behind because apparently it was too 'dangerous' for me to go, Shapefune said that he was also going to stay behind, so I had my plan to go ready, getting to go on our first date, location?

Only the last known place Elysse was seen, the backyard of Maritha's house.
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I updated ASAP, okay? Please comment!