A Werewolf Story, Falling Stars

Hazel reveals and spills

Mari's POV

I sat down on the coach, arms folded, I was in a really bad mood.

Shapefune was saying good-bye to the others, I didn't even bother.

They finally left, I relaxed and just sat there, but this time, my arms were just beside me, and I had my eyes closed.

I felt the coach shift as Shapefune sat next to me.

"Mari, are you sure you're alright?" he just said, I could hear the worry in his voice.

"I'm fine" I said, but not angrily like he probably expected, but calmly.

"Are you sure about that?" He said, I broke down again.

"No" I said quietly, my mind was starting to go nuts, I could literally feel my common sense fading away, along with my self control and memories.

He just sat there, not knowing what to say at my third breakdown, if I had anymore breakdowns I was probably going to go insane.

Finally, he actually did something, he pulled me into a hug, supposedly to calm me down.

I smiled a little smile behind his back.

What? Shocked that I was faking? Shocked that I would use Shapefune like this? Well I wanted to go, so this was my way of doing so.

Okay, so not your ideal date at the movies or at a fancy restaurant, but still, it was good to get out.

When I told Shapefune where I wanted to go, he looked at me strangely but still cooperated.

He had to carry me bridle style because we had to fly because it was so far, I felt a little weird about it, but meh.

We were almost at the rest stop when he started to loose his strength and I started slipping.

"Shapefune?" I just said, I could feel myself slipping.

"Sorry, can't..... hold on...... much longer" he said, trying to keep hold of me, I then started to fall.

"Oh, crap!" I said, meaning to be under my breath but somehow it was loud.

I was now hanging on by a hand, he was refusing to let go, so was I, but I then thought of something.

I tried to throw my arms around his neck, and when I did that I held on like if I did I would lose him.

I had my eyes scrunched shut after that, even when he landed I still had them shut tight, it was only when he convinced me that we were alive and on the ground that I opened them, and let go of Shapefune's neck.

We sat down to eat something, it was only then he questioned me.

"Is the real reason you want to go to my parents house because you want to be part of the investigation as well?"

I just froze.


"I don't trust some of them" I said.

He just looked at me.


"When Hailey said that thing, you know, about forgetting about finding Elysse, she sighed, just like when we were kids and she wanted something that I was using or something, she would ask if she could have a turn or something, if you said no, she would sigh and say she would have to go then or do something else that was boring, then you would HAVE to give it to her, but sometimes she used it in reverse too,"

I looked directly into his deep blue eyes, blue met grey.

"I think Hailey wants Elysse gone for good, and also has a part to play in her disappearance"

Shapefune just looked at my guilty face, I turned away.

"I- I can understand if you want to just leave me here, or take my back" I said.

"I think you may be onto something Mari"

I looked up, shocked.


"I think you may be onto something" he repeated, I just looked at him, gobsmacked.


"Everyone knows what happened on the night of Elysse's birthday, Hailey kissed Edward, we all know, and even if she didn't it would still be obvious that she likes him"

"I know that Hailey has something to do with it," I said, just trying to figure something out.

"but the thing is, why? Why would she have something to do with Elysse Disappearing? I thought they were friends or something"

"They could've been, before we barged into they're lives" Shapefune said.

"Elysse liked Edward before they even met face to face, it was obvious when she spoke of him when she was telling us that he was coming, Hailey only saw him the next day, she might've fallen head over heals for him, and probably because of that couldn't see properly, so she assumed that Edward was extremely attracted to her instead of Elysse, but by the time that she realized that he didn't like her like that, the damage was done, Edward's heart was owned by Elysse, and only god knows how Hailey responded when she found out, if only someone saw what she was planning, then we would have a lead!" Shapefune said, taking a massive bite out of a cookie that just crumbled.

"Ahem" said a tiny little voice that I could only just hear.

"What the hell was that?" I said, looking around, Shapefune obviously heard it too, but he couldn't see it either.

"Erm, up in the tree" it said, we looked in different trees, but it kept shouting "No, to your left!! Your other left!!"

But in the end, it just flew over to the tree that we were looking in and stood on the closest branch.

It was a fairie, she had brownish blonde hair, pale skin (Um..... duh!) and hazel eyes, he hair looked wild and had bits of leaves all through it, she wore a flower petal dress that was yellow, I didn't know who it was but Shapefune did.

"Hazel?" he just said, looking at her in disbelief.

"Thats right, it is I, Hazel the woodland fairie!" She said loudly.

"Did you see what Hailey was planning?" I just blurted out.

"Why of COARSE I did, but it made me really sick, you know, cause it was so evil and I can't believe she even DID such a thing, you know? She always looked like such a good girl and I never would've THOUGHT that she would-"

"Can you just tell us what her plan was?" I said tiredly, Shapefune rolled his eyes.

"Oh, sorry about that, certainly, I'll tell you, she was planning on bringing her to the dragons cave and letting the dragon engulf he in its fiery breathe and kill her, its awful right? I saw the whole thing too, she certainly did disappear, and that lucky pendant of hers, it was all that was left, and that horrible little Werewolf TOOK it!" she exclaimed, I froze again, my curiosity turned to anger.

"She did WHAT?!" I said, thinking of how smug Hailey had looked when she spread the word that Elysse was gone, she had her hand in her pocket the whole time......

And the whole time Elysse was dead, gone forever.

"So let me get this strait, she killed her, she killed Elysse, because of Edward she killed Elysse!" I shouted, Shapefune just put his arms around me, I instantly calmed down.

"Mari, I hope you realize the seriousness of what Hailey has done" Hazel said.

"Oh I realize the seriousness of it all right" I said.

"Oh, by the way, Elysse, might not be dead" Hazel talked on, "The atmosphere didn't feel right, it just felt like something had been lost, but not as in dead, more like memory, sight, touch, smell, hearing, that sort of thing"

"So there's a chance she's still alive" Shapefune stated.

"Exactamondo!" Hazel said, jumping into the air, wings working to keep her in the air.

"We should get there right away!" I said, really exited.

"Yes, we should, but we need to rest a little more Mari, we don't want a repeat of what happened before" Shapefune said, I shuddered at the thought of almost falling to my death.
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